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help in dns please.

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 12:19 am
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help in dns please.

Post by Arnold_X-P »

This works very well tcl

the detail is that only seeks dns nicknames that are in the same channel where is the bot ..
[16:28] <@yhomar> !nickdns MollyRingwald
[16:28] <@sedition> MollyRingwald is not on #Beni.
it is possible to extend its search, to general
and if the nickname is not in line. that the bot says
nick does not present in the IRC or rex does not exist this nick.

the detail this one in the line 196, 201 and 203
this is a big tcl, and it is necessary to correct those two details already mentioned previously.. thanks

Code: Select all

### Dns.tcl                    ###
### Version 2.5                ###
### By Wcc                     ###
###        ###
### ###
### EFnet #|DAWG|Tcl           ###

### Copyright © 2000 - 2002 |DAWG| Scripting Group. All rights reserved. ###

## This script preforms dns lookup from the channel or the partyline. ##

## DCC ## .dns <host/ip> (Can be changed.)                           ##
######### Preforms a dns lookup on the specified host or ip address. ##
## PUB ## !nickdns <nick> (Can be changed.)                          ##
######### Preforms a dns lookup on the specified nick's hostname or  ##
######### ip address.                                                ##
######### ---------------------------------------------------------- ##
######### !dns <host/ip> (Can be changed.)                           ##
######### Preforms a dns lookup on the specified host or ip address. ##

## Just load the script, edit the settings, and rehash. ##

# Set the required flag to use the dns commands here. #

set dns_setting(flag) "+o"

# Set the dcc command here. #

set dns_setting(dcc_c) "dns"

# Set the pub dns command here. #

set dns_setting(pub_c) "!dns"

# Set the pub nickdns command here. #

set dns_setting(pubn_c) "!nickdns"

# Enable use of bold in DCC chat? #

set dns_setting(bold) 1

# Prefix "DNS:" in DCC chat messages? #

set dns_setting(DNS:) 1

# Code begins here #

if {![string match 1.6.* $version]} { putlog "\002DNS:\002 \002WARNING:\002 This script is intended to run on eggdrop 1.6.x or later." }
if {[info tclversion] < 8.2} { putlog "\002DNS:\002 \002WARNING:\002 This script is intended to run on Tcl Version 8.2 or later." }

bind pub $dns_setting(flag) $dns_setting(pub_c) dns_pub
bind pub $dns_setting(flag) $dns_setting(pubn_c) dns_nick_pub
bind dcc $dns_setting(flag) $dns_setting(dcc_c) dns_dcc

proc dns_dopre {} {
	if {!$::dns_setting(DNS:)} { return "" }
	if {!$::dns_setting(bold)} { return "DNS: " }
	return "\002DNS:\002 "
proc dns_dcc {hand idx text} {
	if {[scan $text "%s" address] != 1} { putdcc $idx "[dns_dopre]Usage: .dns <host/ip>" ; return }
	dnslookup [split $address] dns_output_dcc $idx [split $address]
proc dns_pub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	if {[scan $text "%s" address] != 1} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Usage: !dns <host/ip>" ; return }
	dnslookup [split $address] dns_output_pub $chan [split $address]
proc dns_nick_pub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	if {[scan $text "%s" rnick] != 1} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Usage: !nickdns <nick>" ; return }
	if {![onchan $rnick $chan]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$rnick is not on $chan." ; return }
	set tl [lindex [split [getchanhost $rnick] @] 1] 
	dnslookup $tl dns_output_pub $chan $tl $rnick
proc dns_output_pub {ip host status chan addr {rnick ""}} {
	if {!$status} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[expr {($rnick != "")?"$rnick's host \($addr\)":"$addr"}] could not be resolved." ; return }
	set iphost [expr {([string match $ip $addr])?$ip:$host}]
	putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[expr {($rnick != "")?"$rnick's host \($iphost\)":"$iphost"}] has been resolved to [expr {([string match $ip $addr])?$host:$ip}]."
proc dns_output_dcc {ip host status idx addr} {
	if {![valididx $idx]} { return }
	if {!$status} { putdcc $idx "[dns_dopre]Could not resolve $addr." ; return }
	putdcc $idx "[dns_dopre][expr {([string match $ip $addr])?$ip:$host}] has been resolved to [expr {([string match $ip $addr])?$host:$ip}]."
putlog "\002DNS:\002 Dns.tcl 2.5 by Wcc is loaded."
.:an ideal world:.
my programming place /server
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