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Post by Sanzen »

I am using the google.tcl that uses the feeling lucky part of google. For some reason it is pulling the first link from and I am not sure as to why. There is nothing in the code to suggest why it would pull from unless I am missing something.

Code: Select all

#google.tcl v0.31 - Using the "I'm feeling lucky" button this script returns the best result based on the string you input. Also can return image and regional results. This script is future proof. (Default public commands are !google, !image and !googleuk).
#based on scripts by aNa|0Gue

set google(ver) "0.31"

#Simulate a browser, ie: Mozilla
set google(agent) "MSIE 6.0"

#google search trigger
set google(g_cmd) "!google"

#google uk search trigger
set google(guk_cmd) "!googleuk"

#google image search trigger
set google(gi_cmd) "!image"

#google prefix
set google(prefix) "* Google:"

package require http

bind pub - $google(g_cmd) pub:google
bind pub - $google(guk_cmd) pub:googleuk
bind pub - $google(gi_cmd) pub:image

proc google:go { url arg } {
	global google
	regsub -all " " $arg "+" query
	set lookup "$url$query"
  set token [http::config -useragent $google(agent)]
	set token [http::geturl $lookup]
	puts stderr ""
	upvar #0 $token state
	set max 0
	foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
		if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
			set newurl [string trim $value]
			regsub -all "btnI=&" $url "" url
			if {[regexp {imgres} $newurl]} { set newurl "http://[string range $newurl [expr [string first = $newurl]+1] [expr [string first & $newurl]-1]]" }
			return "$newurl More: $url$query"

proc pub:google { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
	global google
	if {[llength $arg]==0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Usage: $google(g_cmd) <string>" }
	set url ""
	set output [google:go $url $arg]
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$nick, $google(prefix) $output"

proc pub:googleuk { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
	global google
	set arg "$arg&meta=cr%3DcountryUK%7CcountryGB"
	if {[llength $arg]==0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Usage: $google(guk_cmd) <string>" }
	set url ""
	set output [google:go $url $arg]
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$nick, $google(prefix) $output"

proc pub:image { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
	global google
	if {[llength $arg]==0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Usage: $google(gi_cmd) <string>" }
	set url ""
	set output [google:go $url $arg]
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$nick, $google(prefix) $output"

putlog "google.tcl $google(ver) loaded" ... ad&id=1711

4 samples of what happens:

Code: Select all

<Sanzen> !google testing
<fubar> Sanzen, * Google: More:
<Sanzen> !google Eggdrop
<fubar> Sanzen, * Google: More:
<Sanzen> !google OnePieceBay
<fubar> Sanzen, * Google: More:
<Sanzen> !google abs
<fubar> Sanzen, * Google: More:

edit: I wonder if it could be pulling from because that is where my server ism thoughts on that?
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

it's due to the google:go procedure.

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   foreach {name value} $state(meta) { 
      if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} { 
         set newurl [string trim $value] 
         regsub -all "btnI=&" $url "" url 
         if {[regexp {imgres} $newurl]} { set newurl "http://[string range $newurl [expr [string first = $newurl]+1] [expr [string first & $newurl]-1]]" } 
         return "$newurl More: $url$query" 
That's why the examples show that output format, with 'More:'

Your server is using its local google node, you'd have to either edit out the regex for ^location, or add an if statement to change the URL if string match "**" to replace with *

Someone will no doubt have a better script, as there are many for google, you may have to try other's, or hope someone can edit yours, or if you can edit it.
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Post by CP1832 »

Since the google API is no longer working, this script seems a great alternative. Does anyone know how to show the end result URL instead of the google URL? For instance, instead of ... fuaJbQgsgE
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