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statspublic problem !

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statspublic problem !

Post by xbox-kult »

Hallo / Hello,

habe ein Problem bei dem script statspublic.tcl alles soweit eingericht und auch die die befehle per +cmd zugelassen.

Wenn ich jetzt ein befehl testen möchte bekomme ich folgenes in der Partyline:

[22:04] Tcl error [stats_stat]: invalid command name "*pub:!stat"

habe ich irgendwas vergessen oder was könnte der fehler sein !


Hallo / Hello,

a problem with script statspublic.tcl everything has so far in court and also those instructs by +cmd certified.

If I an instruction to now test would like get I folgenes in the party LINE:

[22:04] Tcl error [stats_stat]: invalid command name "*pub:!stat"

I forgot something or which the error could be!

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Post by xbox-kult »


ok habe das stats-puplic datei mal einen ferund gesendet und er sagt das script kann so garnicht richtig laufen / bzw läuft es so garnicht ausser das nur fehler kommen schade dadurch das mein egg ja schon installiert ist kann ich ja nachträglich keine mod einbauen...

.....oder geht da doch noch was ?

evnetuell kann sich ja nochmal jemand das stats-puplic.tcl anschauen und funktionstüchtig machen weil so würde ich das script gut finden.

täusche ich mich was die benutzbarkeit angeht würde ich mich über die korrekte installations aneitung freuene bzw was geändert oder zugefügt werden muss

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Post by YooHoo »

sorry, I don't speak german, but it seems that the procedure stats_stat is erroring, so why don't you copy/paste that proc here so we can see it
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Post by xbox-kult »

OK ! ;-)


ok has stats puplic file times one ferund sent and it says script can run correctly/and/or does not run in such a way it so not except only error comes unfortunate by it the mine egg is already installed can I later none mod insert…

…. or goes there nevertheless still which?

evnetuell again someone can stats puplic.tcl look at itself and make functional because I in such a way to find script good.

I deceive which the usability concern myself became I me over the correct installation aneitung freuene and/or which must be changed or caused


Code: Select all

#################### stats-public.tcl ############################
## Ein schönes TCL was dazu dient um das Stats.mod über
## Channelbefehle zu steuern.
## Diese Befehle stehen allen Moderatoren und Operatoren
## zu verfügung.
## Settings:
## Statistik Befehle
## ein: !stats +cmd <top10|ttop10|top20|ttop20|stat|tstat|place|tplace|all>
## aus: !stats -cmd <top10|ttop10|top20|ttop20|stat|tstat|place|tplace|all>
## User ausschließen von der Channel-Statistik
## ein: !stats +user <nick>
## aus: !stats -user <nick>
## User zurücksetzen (resetuser)
## reset: !stats reset <nick>
## viel spaß damit
## ©2002-2003 by  BlackDeath
################### stats-public.tcl ##############################

catch "unbind pub - !top10 *pub:!top10"
catch "unbind pub - !ttop10 *pub:!ttop10"
catch "unbind pub - !top20 *pub:!top20"
catch "unbind pub - !ttop20 *pub:!ttop20"
catch "unbind pub - !stat *pub:!stat"
catch "unbind pub - !tstat *pub:!tstat"
catch "unbind pub - !place *pub:!place"
catch "unbind pub - !tplace *pub:!tplace"
catch "unbind pub - !wordstats *pub:!wordstats"
catch "unbind pub - !topwords *pub:!topwords"

bind pub - !top10 stats_top10
bind pub - !ttop10 stats_ttop10
bind pub - !top20 stats_top20
bind pub - !ttop20 stats_ttop20
bind pub - !stat stats_stat
bind pub - !tstat stats_tstat
bind pub - !place stats_place
bind pub - !tplace stats_tplace
bind pub - !wordstats stats_wordstats
bind pub - !topwords stats_topwords

proc stats_top10 {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "top10" $chan]} {
*pub:!top10 $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_ttop10 {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "ttop10" $chan]} {
*pub:!ttop10 $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_top20 {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "top20" $chan]} {
*pub:!top20 $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_ttop20 {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "ttop20" $chan]} {
*pub:!ttop20 $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_stat {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "stat" $chan]} {
*pub:!stat $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_tstat {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "tstat" $chan]} {
*pub:!tstat $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_place {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "place" $chan]} {
*pub:!place $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_tplace {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "tplace" $chan]} {
*pub:!tplace $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_wordstats {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "wordstats" $chan]} {
*pub:!wordstats $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

proc stats_topwords {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {[stats_cmd "topwords" $chan]} {
*pub:!topwords $nick $uhost $hand $chan $rest

set stats_commands {top10 ttop10 top20 ttop20 stat tstat place tplace wordstats topwords}

proc stats_cmd {cmd chan} {
global stats_cmd
stats_cmd_load $chan
set cmd [string tolower $cmd]
if {[info exists stats_cmd($chan,$cmd)]} {
return $stats_cmd($chan,$cmd)
} else {
return true

proc stats_cmd_load {chan} {
global stats_cmd
global stats_commands
if {[info exists stats_cmd($chan,-loaded-)]} { return }
set filename [string tolower $chan]
set filename "statscom.cmd"
catch {
set f [open $filename r]
while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {
set switch [string range $line 0 0]
set cmd [string tolower [string range $line 1 end]]
set idx [lsearch $stats_commands $cmd]
if {$idx >= 0} {
switch -- $switch {
"+" {set stats_cmd($chan,$cmd) true}
"-" {set stats_cmd($chan,$cmd) false}
close $f
} resp
set stats_cmd($chan,-loaded-) ""

proc stats_cmd_save {chan} {
global stats_cmd
global stats_commands
set filename [string tolower $chan]
set filename "statscom.cmd"
catch {
set f [open $filename w]
foreach cmd [split $stats_commands] {
set cmd [string tolower $cmd]
set opt "+"
if {[info exists stats_cmd($chan,$cmd)]} {
if {$stats_cmd($chan,$cmd)} {
set opt "+"
} else {
set opt "-"
puts $f "${opt}${cmd}"
close $f

bind pub - !stats stats_switch
bind bot - "stats-user" stats_bot_user

proc stats_schattr {nick user opt} {
if {$opt} {
set opt "+list"
set opt_str "ein"
} else {
set opt "-list"
set opt_str "aus"

catch {
set dcclist [dcclist TELNET]
set dcc [lindex $dcclist 0]
set xtra [lindex $dcc 4]
set port [lindex $xtra 1]
set idx [connect localhost $port]
set hdl [idx2hand $idx]
catch { *dcc:schattr $hdl $idx "$user $opt" } result
after 1
killdcc $idx
if {$result != "0"} {
return $result
} result
if {$result == ""} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Anzeigen der Statistiken für Benutzer $user in allen Räumen ${opt_str}geschaltet"
putlog "modpub.tcl: $nick changes $user to $opt"
} else {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Fehler beim Umschalten des Statistiken: $result"

proc stats_switch_cmd {nick chan cmd opt} {
global stats_cmd
global stats_commands
stats_cmd_load $chan
if {$opt} {
set opt_str "ein"
} else {
set opt_str "aus"
if {[string tolower $cmd] == "all"} {
foreach cmd [split $stats_commands] {
set cmd [string tolower $cmd ]
set stats_cmd($chan,$cmd) $opt

puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Alle Befehle im Raum $chan ${opt_str}geschaltet"
stats_cmd_save $chan

set cmd [string tolower $cmd]
set idx [lsearch $stats_commands $cmd]
if {$idx == -1} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Falscher Befehl \"$cmd\""

set stats_cmd($chan,$cmd) $opt
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Der Befehl \"$cmd\" im Raum $chan ${opt_str}geschaltet"
stats_cmd_save $chan

proc stats_bot_user {from command arg} {
# what are the parameters
set cmd [split $arg]
set nick [lindex $cmd 0]
set user [lindex $cmd 1]
set opt [lindex $cmd 2]
# do the work
stats_schattr $nick $user $opt

proc stats_switch_user {nick user opt} {
# inform other bots
# do it yourselt, too
stats_schattr $nick $user $opt
return 0

proc stats_reset_user {nick chan opt} {
resetuser $opt $chan
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Statistiken des Benutzers $opt wurden im Raum $chan zurückgesetzt"

proc stats_switch {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
if {![isvoice $nick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan]} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :Dieser Befehl ist nur für Moderatoren"
return 0

set lrest [split $rest]
set cmd [lindex $lrest 0]
set arg [lindex $lrest 1]
switch -exact -- $cmd {
+cmd { stats_switch_cmd $nick $chan $arg true }
-cmd { stats_switch_cmd $nick $chan $arg false }
reset { stats_reset_user $nick $chan $arg }
+user { stats_switch_user $nick $arg true }
-user { stats_switch_user $nick $arg false }

putlog "stats-public.tcl by BlackDeath loaded..."
The script download on here !
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Post by Alchera »

Oh dear, an online language translator used here. :lol:
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by nml375 »

It would seem this script depends on some other stats-script, and simply operates as a public interface. The reason it fails, is most likely that you hav'nt loaded the script/module it depends on (and no, I do not know which script/module that would be, or where you can get it).
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Post by Alchera »

Adds public commands that display statistics from stats.mod. Script is in German.
I took a "punt" and searched the Tcl Archives. :lol:

xbox-kult: laden stats.mod
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by xbox-kult »


thx for a dl link ;-) i know this mod....

Can I install additional mod with my eggdrop ?

I have a moment statistic.tcl on channel with my eggdrop. The statistic.tcl I rewrote into German and the expenditure differently arranged as with stats.mod; -)

Now I would like only the time bring with script statistic.tcl which it under the names to the down load give here

sliding keyboard shelf in the moment !

<xbox-kult> windows64bit hat geschrieben: 37 Wörter mit 170 Buchstaben in 28 Zeilen und 0 smilie
hat geschrieben = written
Wörter = words
Buchstaben = letters
Zeilen = lines
smilie = smilies
I can install the mod when the eggdrop just exists ?


sorry my english is not so good ;-) but give my best with sprachtools and to own words
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Post by YooHoo »

xbox-kult wrote:Can I install additional mod with my eggdrop ?
The answer to this is yes, install the module, carefully and correctly, and don't forget to recompile your eggdrop.
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stats-public error

Post by Fahad »

( Tcl error [stats_top10]: invalid command name "*pub:!top10" )
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