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IP scanning.

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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IP scanning.

Post by Bart »

Code: Select all

bind pub - !s scan

package require http

proc scan {nick host hand chan text} {
set scanconnect [::http::geturl "$text&rem=scan" -timeout 10000]
set scandata [::http::data $scanconnect]
::http::cleanup $scanconnect
if {[string match -nocase "*Open port not found.*" $scandata]} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Open port not found."; return}
regsub -all -- {\n} $scandata "" scandata
regsub -all {<a alt=.*?Открытые порты.*?<br><table><tr>} $scandata "" scandata
regsub -all {<a onclick=\".*?\" target=_blank href=\".*?\">} $scandata "" scandata
regsub -all {</a>|</table>} $scandata "" scandata
putlog $scandata

foreach line [split $scandata \n] {
regexp -- {<td width=\".*?\">(.*?):  </td><td><b>(.*?)</b> \((.*?)\)</td></tr>} $line - port1 port2 port3
set result "$port1 - $port2 ($port3)"
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$result"
The script works, but it is wrong.
I get:
<User> !s
<Bot> 80 - HTTP (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)
It should be:
<Bot> 80 - HTTP (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)
<Bot> 443 - SSL
<Bot> 8080 - Proxy (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)
<Bot> 53 - DNS
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Post by CrazyCat »

The html answer is:

Code: Select all

<a alt="rescan" href="" rel="nofollow" onclick="return rescan()"><img src="/img/rescan.jpg"></a>  Открытые порты:<br>
<table><tr><td width="40">80:  </td><td><b><a onclick="_i3 = new Image(); _i3.src = '/click.php?_HTTP-';" target=_blank href="">HTTP</a></b> (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)</td></tr><tr><td width="40">443:  </td><td><b><a onclick="_i3 = new Image(); _i3.src = '/click.php?_SSL-';" target=_blank href="">SSL</a></b></td></tr><tr><td width="40">8080:  </td><td><b><a onclick="_i3 = new Image(); _i3.src = '/click.php?_Proxy-';" target=_blank href="">Proxy</a></b> (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)</td></tr><tr><td width="40">53:  </td><td><b>DNS</b></td></tr></table>
So, no \n in it.

Try splitting on </tr> to get your lines, and remove </tr> from your regexp.

Post by Bart »


Code: Select all

bind pub - !s scan

package require http

proc scan {nick host hand chan text} {
set scanconnect [::http::geturl "$text&rem=scan" -timeout 10000]
set scandata [::http::data $scanconnect]
::http::cleanup $scanconnect
if {[string match -nocase "*Open port not found.*" $scandata]} { putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :Open port not found."; return}
regsub -all {<a alt=.*?Открытые порты.*?<br><table><tr>} $scandata "" scandata
regsub -all {<a onclick=\".*?\" target=_blank href=\".*?\">} $scandata "" scandata
regsub -all {</a>|</table>} $scandata "" scandata
putlog $scandata

foreach line [split $scandata </tr>] {
regexp -- {<td width=\".*?\">(.*?):  </td><td><b>(.*?)</b> \((.*?)\)</td>} $line - port1 port2 port3
set result "$port1 - $port2 ($port3)"
putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$result"
[16:21:28] <a alt="rescan" href="" rel="nofollow" onclick="return rescan()"><img src="/img/rescan.jpg">  Открытые порты:<br>
<table><tr><td width="40">80: </td><td><b>HTTP</b> (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)</td></tr><tr><td width="40">443: </td><td><b>SSL</b></td></tr><tr><td width="40">8080: </td><td><b>Proxy</b> (Title: This is a Tor Exit Router | Digital Society / Digitale Gesellschaft)</td></tr><tr><td width="40">53: </
[16:21:28] Tcl error [scan]: can't read "port1": no such variable
[16:21:28] [egglib]: Catched BGError: can't read "port1": no such variable
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Post by d3n »

Doesn't work for me...

[17:17:29] Tcl error [scan]: couldn't compile regular expression pattern: quantifier operand invalid
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