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Dalnet Bot Service 2.0

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Dalnet Bot Service 2.0

Post by m4s »

Hi all! :)

I am using this script. It is able to identify my bot to nickserv but when I do rehash in DCC the bot stops an I get this error message:

Tcl error in file 'configfilel':
[18:27] invalid timerID
while executing
"killtimer $optimer "
(file "scripts/nickserv.tcl" line 145)
invoked from within

Here is the script:
Can anyone have a look? :)


!!! I don't use this script on DALNET! I am using it on another network so the script is modified! !!!

Update: You can use this script on those networks where the identification to nickserv look like this:
/msg nickserv IDENTIFY password.
Last edited by m4s on Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by simo »

you could give this a try:

Code: Select all

bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server 

proc evnt:init_server {type} { 
  global botnick 
  putquick "MODE $botnick +RSi" 
  putquick "PRIVMSG :identify password" 

bind notc - "*This nick is owned by someone else*" autoident
bind notc - "*Password accepted for*" compautoident
proc autoident {nick uhost hand text dest} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG :identify password"
proc compautoident {nick uhost hand text dest} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG #yourchannel :\002Identification\002 has been successful.."

bind join - * mejoin
proc mejoin {nick uhost hand chan} {
  if {$chan == "#yourchannel"} {  
 if [isbotnick $nick] {putserv "PRIVMSG op $chan"}

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Post by CP1832 »

Hi m4s:

I've been using for a while now on dalnet and it's been flawlessly:

Code: Select all

# Keep nick v2.0 by Mezen <>
# This script allows to solve connection issue after receiving
# Invalid Nick notice from the network. It will make the bot release
# its nickname and identify to it.
# This script is made for Dalnet but can be adapted to any other
# network with small modifications
# to install it, just copy it to the folder /path/to/eggdrop/scripts
# then add this line at the end of the eggdrop.conf
# source scripts/keepnick.tcl
# Config #
# set here bot's password
set KP(botpass) "yourpass"

# set here nickserv's hostname
set KP(nickserv) ""

# Do not edit below this line #

# removing old binds
unbind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

# creating new binds

foreach bind [binds kp_invalid_server_proc] {lassign $bind type flags mask num proc; unbind $type $flags $mask $proc}
bind evnt - init-server kp_init_server_proc

foreach bind [binds kp_invalid_nick_proc] {lassign $bind type flags mask num proc; unbind $type $flags $mask $proc}
bind raw - 432 kp_invalid_nick_proc
bind raw - 433 kp_invalid_nick_proc

# saving bot's nick in a variable
set KP(botnick) $nick

proc kp_invalid_nick_proc { from keyword text } {
global nick altnick botnet-nick
set newnick $nick
set chars "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789";
set anick $altnick
while {[regexp -all {\?} $anick]>0} {
set char [string index $chars [expr int(rand()*[string length $chars])]]
if {[expr rand()]>0.5} {set char [string toupper $char]}
regsub {\?} $anick $char anick
putlog "Alternating Nick: $nick -> $anick"
set nick $anick
if {[string match -nocase ${botnet-nick} $newnick]} {
putlog "Jumping to next server..."

proc kp_init_server_proc {type} {
global nick KP
putquick "MODE $nick +ir-ws"
putquick "PRIVMSG $KP(nickserv) :identify $KP(botnick) $KP(botpass)" -next
putquick "PRIVMSG $KP(nickserv) :release $KP(botnick) $KP(botpass)" -next
putquick "PRIVMSG $KP(nickserv) :ghost $KP(botnick) $KP(botpass)" -next
set nick $KP(botnick)

set KP(version) " 2.0"
set KP(script) "KP -- Keep Nick -- "
putlog "\002Loading\002: $KP(script)$KP(version) by Mezen."
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Re: Dalnet Bot Service 2.0

Post by Arnold_X-P »

hi m4s

your code error is set optimer [timer $opcheck nickID]
The error was in the reading of time and to which I solve.

Try to try:

Code: Select all

# DALnet Bot Services v2.0
# By Get_A_Fix -
# update for Arnold_X-P network: DALnet  channel #tcls

# Features:
#  * Auto-Identify when the bot detects that NickServ
#    wants a password.
#  * Manual commands to get the bot to identify and to op #channel
#  * Auto checks to see if the bot has ops.  If the bot doesn't
#    the bot will request ops from ChanServ.
# Manual usage:
#  * Type ".nickserv" in DCC Chat [without inverted commas]
#  * Type "!identify" in channel [without inverted commas]
#  * Type "!opup" in channel [without inverted commas]
# Channels to check weather or not the bot has ops
# ie: set chancheck "#channel1 #channel2 #channel3"
set chancheck "#mychan"

# Command used to identify with nick services
set identcmd "identify"

# Set channel you want msg's from the bot to go to
set homechan "#mychan"

# Password for nick services
set identpass "mypass"

# Nickname for nick services bot
set nickserv "NickServ"

# Set this to what message Nickserv issues when it detects a registered nick
bind notc - "This nick**" identify_notc

# Nickname for channel services bot
set chanserv "ChanServ"

# How often do you want to check ops status (minutes)
# Default of 1hr checks
set opcheck 60


set nickver 2.0

proc say_succ { nick uh hand text dest } {
 global homechan nickserv
 putserv "PRIVMSG $homechan :\002Identified to NickServ successfully\002"
 putlog "Identified to $nickserv successfully"
 unbind notc - "*Password accepted*" say_succ

proc identify_notc { nick uh hand text dest } {
 global botnick nickserv identcmd identpass
 putlog "$nickserv requested identification..."
 if {[string match [string tolower $nick] [string tolower $nickserv]]} {
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv $identcmd $identpass"
  putlog "Identifying $nickserv as $botnick..."

bind dcc - nickserv identify_dcc
proc identify_dcc { hand idx args } {
 global botnick nickserv identcmd identpass
 putlog "Identifying to $nickserv as $botnick..."
 putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv $identcmd $identpass"
 bind notc - "*Password accepted*" say_succ

bind pub o|o !identify identify_pub
proc identify_pub { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
 global botnick nickserv identcmd identpass
 putlog "$nick requested in $chan to identify to $nickserv..."
 putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002Identifying to $nickserv (Requested by $nick)\002"
 putlog "Identifying to $nickserv as $botnick..."
 putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv $identcmd $identpass"
 bind notc - "*Password accepted*" say_succ

bind pub o|o !opup opup_pub
proc opup_pub { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
 global botnick nickserv chanserv identcmd identpass
 putlog "$nick requested in $chan to op up..."
 putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\002OP-Up for $chan (Requested by $nick)\002"
 putlog "Requesting ops for $chan..."
putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv $identcmd $identpass"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chanserv OP $chan $botnick"

bind notc - "*Jelszavad elfogadva*" identify_succ
proc identify_succ { nick uh hand text dest } {
 global botnick nickserv
 putlog "Identified to $nickserv as $botnick successfully!"

proc nickID {} {
  global botnick opcheck identcmd identpass nickopauth optimer nickserv
  if {$identpass == ""} {
    putlog "Services Error: No password defined."
    unset -nocomplain -- optimer
    return 0
  } else {
    putlog "Authorizing with Nickserv ..."
    putserv "PRIVMSG $nickserv $identcmd $identpass"
    set nickopauth true
    utimer 5 checkops
proc checkops {} {
  global botnick chancheck nickopauth opcheck optimer
  if {$nickopauth == ""} {
    putlog "Services Error: Did NOT auth with NickServ."
    return 0
  } else {
    if {$chancheck == ""} {
      putlog "Services Error: No channels defined!"
      return 0
    } else {
      set channels [llength $chancheck]
      putlog "Checking @ status on: $chancheck ..."
      for {set loop 0} {$loop < $channels} {incr loop} {
        if {[validchan [lindex $chancheck $loop]]} {
          if {![botisop [lindex $chancheck $loop]]} {
            utimer 5 "Op_Req [lindex $chancheck $loop]"
            putlog "Requesting @ from ChanServ on [lindex $chancheck $loop] ..."
        } else {putlog "Services Error: No channel record for [lindex $chancheck $loop]"}
      unset -nocomplain -- nickopauth
      timer $opcheck [list nickID]
proc Op_Req {channel} {
  global botnick chanserv
  if {![botisop $channel]} {puthelp "PRIVMSG $chanserv OP $channel $botnick"}

if {[info exists optimer]} {killtimer $optimer}
timer $opcheck [list nickID]

putlog "DALnet Bot Services v$nickver By Get_A_Fix - Loaded and Running"
putlog "Command will be: /NickServ $identcmd HIDDENPASS"
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Re: Dalnet Bot Service 2.0

Post by m4s »

hi m4s

your code error is set optimer [timer $opcheck nickID]
The error was in the reading of time and to which I solve.

Try to try:
Hi Arnold_X-P!

Thanks for your script it works! Great! :)
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

WOW, that script is so old, I haven't used that Hotmail email since the 90's
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

Thank the creator Get_A_Fix he is the real genius
I just corrected a small sector
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Post by m4s »


Guys, I have just found another thing.
I deoped my bot to see the how the oping procedure works.
I got the following error:

[19:55] <Mybot> [19:55] Requesting @ from ChanServ on #mychan ...
[19:55] <Mybot> [19:55] Tcl error in script for 'timer386455':
[19:55] <Mybot> [19:55] can't read "chanserv": no such variable

First I changed this line (115):
global botnick chancheck nickopauth opcheck optimer
to this:
global botnick chancheck nickopauth opcheck optimer chanserv

but the error still have.
Any Idea?

In the config section I use this: set chanserv "ChanServ".

Thanks! :)
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

What version of eggdrop does
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Post by m4s »

Arnold_X-P wrote:What version of eggdrop does
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

Version 1.8.1 is full of errors
Use eggdrop version 1.6.20 (download eggdrop 1.6.20)

And change #mychan There place the name of your channel edit that
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Post by thommey »

Arnold_X-P wrote:Version 1.8.1 is full of errors
Oh? Do you have any concrete errors you are experiencing in 1.8.1 that you haven't in 1.6.21?
I would be very interested to hear about them and fix them.
Eggdrop1.8.x is actively developed and we appreciate any input to find and fix bugs on
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

If I have one in specific
Give me a few minutes
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

my bot is Deborilla
[14:45] * Deborilla ( has joined #lapaz
[14:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Deborilla

In that bot I use the SpiKe^^ trivia and always worked fine on my eggdrop 1.6.20
When I add it in eggdrop 1.8.1 it only works for a few moments and then it drops

[14:45] <@Deborilla> 15,05 .0000. Idiomas©-«(Jejeje) ¿Cómo se dice "otorrinolaringólogo" en japonés ?
[14:45] <@Deborilla> 15,05 1er Pista: **** ****** ****** 05 Valor de la Pregunta :14 8000 puntos.
[14:45] * @Deborilla ( Quit (Quit: triv: fatal error)

I can not enter the party line because its fall is very fast and I can not see the error
The same happens with the tcl of fb.lagcheck.tcl I get time errors
[14:46] Tcl error in script for 'timer576475':
And the error is the same in both tcl in trivia and fb.lagcheck.tcl

Apparently has the same error as eggdrop 1.6.21 in reading the time to run some tcl
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

Both mentioned tcl work well in eggdrop 1.6.20
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