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WunderWeather : Support & Updates

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WunderWeather : Support & Updates

Post by SpiKe^^ »

Edited: Script updated on Saturday 28 Oct!! ADDED Throttle Users!

Code: Select all

## WunderWeather  version 5.01                  28/10/2017 ##
## Original Script by (                    ##
## Version 5.0+ updates by SpiKe^^ ##
##                                                         ##
## VERSION 5.01  -  28/10/2017                             ##
## - All processes and globals are now in a namespace      ##
## - Replaced weather forecast (removed by Kiely Allen)    ##
## - Replaced metric setting (removed by Kiely &/or David) ##
## - Added 3 new settings for removing colors and/or bolds ##
## - Added Throttle Users - Thanks to user & speechles     ##

# International Weather script for Eggdrop.
# Displays in both F/C and MPH/KPH
# Will return weather from
# Requires TCL8.0 or greater
# Has been tested on Eggdrop 1.8.0 and 1.6.21

# You must ".chanset #channel +weather" for each chan
# you wish to use this in.

# Usage: !w <input>
# Input can be <zip> <city, st> <city, country> <airport code> <pws>
# To use PWS: !w pws:yourwundergroundpws

# VERSION 4.0 - output string rewrite
# VERSION 4.2 - http::cleanup, agent string update
# VERSION 4.3 - Single tag change in mobile.wunderground source
#               (first in 4-ish years).
# VERSION 4.4 - fixed no windm var bug.
# VERSION 4.5 - Single tag change in mobile.wunderground source
#               for forecast.
# VERSION 4.6 - Made default scale configurable

# VERSION 4.6+ - Edits/Updates by Kiely Allen and David Moore
# Edited Feb 01, 2014 - Kiely Allen:
#  - Removed Forecast (may tidy up output later and add it again)
#  - Added Barometer/Pressure (Rising & Falling)
#  - Added Windchill & Fixed Output Tidyness
# Edited Feb 04, 2014 - David Moore:
#  - Color Changing Temperature & Aliases
#  - Don't Show Windchill If There Is None
# Edited Feb 09, 2014 - Kiely Allen/David Moore
#  - Added Wind Gust, Cleaned Up Code, Fixed Multiple Choices Bug
# Edited Feb 10, 2014 - David Moore
#  - Don't show windchill if $windcf/$windcc is <0.5F than $tempf
#    Wind would often be 'calm' and windchill would show 0.1-0.5F±
# Edited Feb 13, 2014 - Kiely Allen/David Moore
#  - Remove metric related config checks, all output includes
#    both imperial and metric.
#  - Don't show windchill if windchill is higher than $tempf,
#    windchills under 1F of $tempf are insignificant
# Edited Feb 14, 2014 - Kiely Allen
#  - Removed custom !ws as it didn't work as exoected,
#    (need to fix missing $windgm error)
# Edited Jun 12, 2014 - Kiely Allen
#  - Fixed $color extending to all text after $tempf with \003

# VERSION 4.7 - Edits/Updates made by SpiKe^^ - Oct 12, 2017
#  Fixed two display issues with "Wind: ...gusting to..."
#  - Added code to hide wind gusting string if have none.
#    ( hides this: gusting to 0.0MPH (0.0KPH) )
#  - Fixed a color-code issue in the display string used
#    when showing "Wind: ...gusting to..."


package require http
setudef flag weather

namespace eval wunder {
## - Begin Script Settings - Begin Script Settings - ##

# Use Metric as the Primary in channel output?? #
# 1 = Yes, use metric as primary output. (0=no) #
  variable metric 0

# Use Color Changing Temperatures?? (1=yes 0=no) #
  variable colortemp 1

# Use WundergroundWeather Logo Color?? (1=yes 0=no)#
  variable colorlogo 1

# Show Weather Item Names in Bold?? (1=yes 0=no) #
  variable boldnames 1

# amount user can issue before throttle
  variable throttle_max 2

# throttle time (seconds)
  variable throttle_time 30

} ;## - End Script Settings - End Script Settings - ##

bind pub - !w ::wunder::pub_w

bind time - ?0* ::wunder::throttleclean

namespace eval wunder {
  variable ver "5.01"

  proc pub_w {nk uh hn ch input} {
    if {![channel get $ch weather]} {  return 0  }
    set input [split [string trim $input]]
    if {![llength $input]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :You forgot the city or zip code"
      return 0
    if {[::wunder::throttle $uh $nk $ch]} {  return 0  }

    set agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1"
    set query ""
    append query [join $input "+"]
    set input [join $input]

    set http [::http::config -useragent $agent]    
    set http [::http::geturl $query]
    set html [::http::data $http]  ;  ::http::cleanup $http
    #set open [open source.html w] ;puts $open $html ;close $open

    regsub -all "\n" $html "" html

    regexp {City Not Found} $html - nf
    if {[info exists nf]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$input Not Found"
      return 0

  # // Checks if there are multiple choices for the city eg. "detroit" which has 6 entries     
    regexp {Place: Temperature} $html - mc
    if {[info exists mc]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :There are multiple choices for $input on Try adding state, country, province, etc"
      return 0

    regexp {Observed at<b>(.*)</b> </td} $html - loc
    if {![info exists loc]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Conditions not available for $input (try adding state, country, province, etc)"
      return 0

    regexp {Updated: <b>(.*?) on} $html - updated
    regsub -all "\<.*?\>" $updated "" updated

    regexp {Updated: <b>(.*?)Visibility</td} $html - data

    regexp {Temperature</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>°F.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - tempf tempc
    if {![info exists tempf]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Weather for $loc is currently not available"
      return 0

    regexp {Conditions</td><td><b>(.*?)</b></td>} $data - cond
    if {![info exists cond]} {  set cond "Unknown"  }

  # // Wind Gust in MPH and KMH
    regexp {Wind Gust</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b> mph.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - windgm windgk
  # // Wind Chill in MPH and KMH
    regexp {Windchill</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>°F.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - windcf windcc
  # // Pressure in inches and hPa
    regexp {Pressure</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b> in.*?<b>(.*?)</b>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - presi presh rifa
  # // Humidity Percentage
    regexp {Humidity</td><td><b>(.*?)</b>} $data - hum
  # // Dew Point
  #    regexp {Dew Point</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>°F.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - dewf dewc
  #\002Dew Point:\002 ${dewf}F (${dewc}C)#

    if {![info exists windgm]} {  set windgm "0.0"  }
    if {![info exists windgk]} {  set windgk "0.0"  }

  # // Wind Direction, Wind Speed.
    regexp {Wind</td><td><b>(.*?)</b>.*?<b>(.*?)</b> mph.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - windd windm windk
    if {![info exists windm]} {  set windm "0"  }
    if {$windm==0} {
      set windout "Calm"
    } else {
      if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  set windout "$windd @ ${windk}KPH (${windm}MPH)"
      } else {  set windout "$windd @ ${windm}MPH (${windk}KPH)"  }
      # hide wind gust if have none #
      if {$windgm > $windm} {
        if {$::wunder::metric==1} {
          append windout " gusting to ${windgk}KPH (${windgm}MPH)"
        } else {  append windout " gusting to ${windgm}MPH (${windgk}KPH)"  }

  # // Build current weather string.
    if {$::wunder::boldnames==0} {  set b ""  } else {  set b "\002"  }
    if {$::wunder::colorlogo==0} {  set logo ""  ;  set endl ""
    } else {  set logo "\00313"  ;  set endl "\003"  }
    set putthis ""

    append putthis "${b}Temperature:$b[::wunder::color $tempf $tempc]"
    if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  append putthis " (${tempf}F) - "
    } else {  append putthis " (${tempc}C) - "  }

    if {[info exists windcf] && ($tempf > $windcf) && (abs($tempf - $windcf) > 1.0)} {
      append putthis "${b}Windchill:$b[::wunder::color $windcf $windcc]"
      if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  append putthis " (${windcf}F) - "
      } else {  append putthis " (${windcc}C) - "  }

    append putthis "${b}Humidity:$b $hum - ${b}Wind:$b $windout - ${b}Pressure:$b "
    if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  append putthis "${presh}hPa (${presi}in) $rifa - "
    } else {  append putthis "${presi}in (${presh}hPa) $rifa - "  }

    append putthis "${b}Conditions:$b $cond - ${b}Updated:$b $updated"

    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :${logo}$loc:$endl $putthis"

  # // Build forecast string.
    set x  {	Forecast as(.*?)<br /><b>(.*?)</b><br />.*?<br />(.*?)<br /><br />}
    regexp $x $html - fdata next ncast

    if {[info exists fdata]} {
      regexp {<td align="left"><b>(.*?)</b>} $fdata - fday
      regexp { alt="" /><br />(.*?)<br />} $fdata - fcast
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :${logo}Forecast:$endl $b$fday:$b $fcast - $b$next:$b $ncast"

    } else {
      set x {<a name="forecast">.*?<td align="left"><b>(.*?)</b><br />(.*?)</td></tr>}
      set y {.*?<td align="left"><b>(.*?)</b><br />(.*?)</td></tr>}
      set map [list \t " " "° " "" "°" "" ":" ""]
      regexp $x$y [string map $map $html] - fday fcast next ncast

      if {[info exists ncast]} {
        set fcast [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $fcast] { }]
        set ncast [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $ncast] { }]
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :${logo}Forecast:$endl $b$fday:$b $fcast - $b$next:$b $ncast"

  # // End  proc ::wunder::pub_w  // #

  # // Primary Temperature Color Changing.
  # // You can change colors based on fahrenheit temperatures.
  # // IRC allows only 16 colors. See mIRC color chart.
  proc color {temp tempc} {
    set x "${temp}F"
    if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  set x "${tempc}C"  }
    if {$::wunder::colortemp==0} {  return " $x"  }
    if {$temp < 20} {  return "\00312 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 45} {  return "\00311 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 70} {  return "\00309 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 85} {  return "\00307 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 100} { return "\00304 $x\003"  }
    return "\00313 $x\003"

  # // Throttle Proc (slightly altered, super action missles) - Thanks to user & speechles
  # // See this post:
  proc throttle {id nk ch} {  set now [clock seconds]
    if {[info exists ::wunder::throttle($id)]&&[lindex $::wunder::throttle($id) 0]>$now} {
      lassign $::wunder::throttle($id) ut cnt
      if {$cnt == $::wunder::throttle_max} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$nk, you have been Throttled ([expr {$ut-$now}] secs)"
      set ::wunder::throttle($id) [list $ut [incr cnt]]
      if {$cnt > $::wunder::throttle_max} { set id 1 } { set id 0 }
    } else {
      set ::wunder::throttle($id) [list [expr {$now+$::wunder::throttle_time}] 1]
      set id 0
  # // sub - clean throttled users
  proc throttleclean {args} {  set now [clock seconds]
    foreach {id time} [array get ::wunder::throttle] {
      if {[lindex $time 0]<=$now} {unset ::wunder::throttle($id)}

# // End  namespace eval wunder  // #

putlog "\002W\002under\002W\002eather v$::wunder::ver Loaded"

Edited: Get the newer script version below!!
Last edited by SpiKe^^ on Mon Dec 04, 2017 3:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by creasy »

Thanks for the script!
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Re: WunderWeather ver 5.01

Post by willyw »

Nice ! Thanks.

I see the original (by Lily) version on the TCL archive ... I hope this one makes it there too. :wink:
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WunderWeather 5.01 Updated!!

Post by SpiKe^^ »

The above script has been updated today:)

Code: Select all

## - Added Throttle Users - Thanks to user & speechles     ##

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Post by shadrach »

Appreciate it. :)
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Post by creasy »

Btw, 1 small 'bug', if set to C forecast is still displayed in F.
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display forecast in metric

Post by SpiKe^^ »


I am fixing the forecast to display correctly when set to metric.

Got most of it working, but am having a few translation issues.

Please help by translating these lines to metric...
Snow accumulations less than one inch.

Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches.

Rainfall possibly over one inch.
Would it be correct to use cm or mm??

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WunderWeather version 5.03 (04Dec2017)

Post by SpiKe^^ »

NEW WunderWeather version 5.02 (03Dec2017)!!

EDITED 4Dec2017: Fixed the errors caused at v5.02 script load!! (Thanks Ezekiel)
and changed version to 5.03

Code: Select all

## WunderWeather  version 5.03                    04/12/2017 ##
## Original Script by (                      ##
## Version 5.0+ updates by SpiKe^^ ##
##                                                           ##
## -> NEW IN VERSION 5.03 <-                                 ##
## - Users can now set/save their default weather location.  ##
##     example:  !w set miami, fl                            ##
##     To use that saved weather location, just type:  !w    ##
##     Does Not use the Eggdrop user file (saves to a file)  ##
## - Added metric conversion of most forecast strings.       ##
## - Script now allows multiple public weather triggers.     ##
##                                                           ##
################## - Version 5.0+ History - ###################
## VERSION 5.01  -  28/10/2017                               ##
## - All processes and globals are now in a namespace        ##
## - Replaced weather forecast (removed by Kiely Allen)      ##
## - Replaced metric setting (removed by Kiely &/or David)   ##
## - Added 3 new settings for removing colors and/or bolds   ##
## - Added Throttle Users - Thanks to user & speechles       ##

# Lilys Simple Weather (
# International Weather script for Eggdrop.
# Displays in both F/C and MPH/KPH
# Will return weather from
# Requires TCL8.0 or greater
# Has been tested on Eggdrop 1.8.0 and 1.6.21

# You must ".chanset #channel +weather" for each chan
# you wish to use this in.

# Usage: !w <input>
# Input can be <zip> <city, st> <city, country> <airport code> <pws>
# To use PWS: !w pws:yourwundergroundpws

# VERSION 4.0 - output string rewrite
# VERSION 4.2 - http::cleanup, agent string update
# VERSION 4.3 - Single tag change in mobile.wunderground source
#               (first in 4-ish years).
# VERSION 4.4 - fixed no windm var bug.
# VERSION 4.5 - Single tag change in mobile.wunderground source
#               for forecast.
# VERSION 4.6 - Made default scale configurable

# VERSION 4.6+ - Edits/Updates by Kiely Allen and David Moore
# Edited Feb 01, 2014 - Kiely Allen:
#  - Removed Forecast (may tidy up output later and add it again)
#  - Added Barometer/Pressure (Rising & Falling)
#  - Added Windchill & Fixed Output Tidyness
# Edited Feb 04, 2014 - David Moore:
#  - Color Changing Temperature & Aliases
#  - Don't Show Windchill If There Is None
# Edited Feb 09, 2014 - Kiely Allen/David Moore
#  - Added Wind Gust, Cleaned Up Code, Fixed Multiple Choices Bug
# Edited Feb 10, 2014 - David Moore
#  - Don't show windchill if $windcf/$windcc is <0.5F than $tempf
#    Wind would often be 'calm' and windchill would show 0.1-0.5F±
# Edited Feb 13, 2014 - Kiely Allen/David Moore
#  - Remove metric related config checks, all output includes
#    both imperial and metric.
#  - Don't show windchill if windchill is higher than $tempf,
#    windchills under 1F of $tempf are insignificant
# Edited Feb 14, 2014 - Kiely Allen
#  - Removed custom !ws as it didn't work as exoected,
#    (need to fix missing $windgm error)
# Edited Jun 12, 2014 - Kiely Allen
#  - Fixed $color extending to all text after $tempf with \003

# VERSION 4.7 - Edits/Updates made by SpiKe^^ - Oct 12, 2017
#  Fixed two display issues with "Wind: ...gusting to..."
#  - Added code to hide wind gusting string if have none.
#    ( hides this: gusting to 0.0MPH (0.0KPH) )
#  - Fixed a color-code issue in the display string used
#    when showing "Wind: ...gusting to..."


package require http
setudef flag weather

namespace eval wunder {
  variable cmds
## -- Begin Script Settings -- Begin Script Settings -- ##

# Command Char(s) to use for public binds
# Examples:  "!" or "."
# Or a Space Separated List: "! . ?"
  variable cmdchars "! ."

# Set public Weather Command(s) #
  set cmds(wz) "w weather"

# Set route/filename for the users default weather locations #
  variable userfile "scripts/wunderweather.users"

# Use Metric as the Primary in channel output?? #
# 1 = Yes, use metric as primary output. (0=no) #
  variable metric 0

# Use Color Changing Temperatures?? (1=yes 0=no) #
  variable colortemp 1

# Use the WunderWeather Logo Color?? (1=yes 0=no)#
  variable colorlogo 1

# Show Weather Item Names in Bold?? (1=yes 0=no) #
  variable boldnames 1

# amount user can issue before throttle
  variable throttle_max 2

# throttle time (seconds)
  variable throttle_time 30

## --- End Script Settings --- End Script Settings --- ##

  variable ver "5.03"
  variable name "WunderWeather"

  proc pub_wz {nk uh hn ch tx} {  pub_w $nk $uh $hn $ch $tx wz  }

  proc pub_w {nk uh hn ch input cmd} {
    if {![channel get $ch weather]} {  return 0  }
    if {[::wunder::throttle $uh $nk $ch]} {  return 0  }

    set input [split [string trim $input]]
    lassign [split [string trim $uh ~] @] user host
    set id [string tolower "$nk,$user,$ch"]
    variable wusers
    if {[info exists wusers($id)]} {  set wusers(updated) 1
      set wusers($id) [lreplace $wusers($id) 0 0 [unixtime]]
      set udata $wusers($id)
    } else {  set udata ""  }

    if {![llength $input] && $udata eq ""} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :You must provide a city or zip code or set a default location"
      return 0

    set opt [string tolower [lindex $input 0]]  ;  set isset 0
    if {$opt in {set -set}} {  set isset 1
      set input [lrange $input 1 end]
      if {![llength $input]} {
        if {$udata eq ""} {
          puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :You must provide a city or zip code to set as default location"
        } else {  unset wusers($id)
          puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Removed all custom settings for $nk"
        return 0
    } elseif {![llength $input]} {  set input [lindex $udata 1]  }

    set agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1"
    set query ""
    append query [join $input "+"]
    set input [join $input]
    set http [::http::config -useragent $agent]    
    set http [::http::geturl $query]
    set html [::http::data $http]  ;  ::http::cleanup $http
    #set open [open source.html w] ;puts $open $html ;close $open

    regsub -all "\n" $html "" html

    regexp {City Not Found} $html - nf
    if {[info exists nf]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$input Not Found"
      return 0

  # // Checks if there are multiple choices for the city eg. "detroit" which has 6 entries     
    regexp {Place: Temperature} $html - mc
    if {[info exists mc]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :There are multiple choices for $input on Try adding state, country, province, etc"
      return 0

    regexp {Observed at<b>(.*)</b> </td} $html - loc
    if {![info exists loc]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Conditions not available for $input (try adding state, country, province, etc)"
      return 0

    if {$isset==1} {  set wusers(updated) 1
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Set default weather query string to: $input"
      set wusers($id) [list [unixtime] [split $input]]
      return 0

    regexp {Updated: <b>(.*?) on} $html - updated
    regsub -all "\<.*?\>" $updated "" updated

    regexp {Updated: <b>(.*?)Visibility</td} $html - data

    regexp {Temperature</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>°F.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - tempf tempc
    if {![info exists tempf]} {
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :Weather for $loc is currently not available"
      return 0
    regexp {Conditions</td><td><b>(.*?)</b></td>} $data - cond
    if {![info exists cond]} {  set cond "Unknown"  }

  # // Wind Gust in MPH and KMH
    regexp {Wind Gust</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b> mph.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - windgm windgk
  # // Wind Chill in MPH and KMH
    regexp {Windchill</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>°F.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - windcf windcc
  # // Pressure in inches and hPa
    regexp {Pressure</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b> in.*?<b>(.*?)</b>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - presi presh rifa
  # // Humidity Percentage
    regexp {Humidity</td><td><b>(.*?)</b>} $data - hum
  # // Dew Point
  #    regexp {Dew Point</td>.*?<b>(.*?)</b>°F.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - dewf dewc
  #\002Dew Point:\002 ${dewf}F (${dewc}C)#

    if {![info exists windgm]} {  set windgm "0.0"  }
    if {![info exists windgk]} {  set windgk "0.0"  }

  # // Wind Direction, Wind Speed.
    regexp {Wind</td><td><b>(.*?)</b>.*?<b>(.*?)</b> mph.*?<b>(.*?)</b>} $data - windd windm windk
    if {![info exists windm]} {  set windm "0"  }
    if {$windm==0} {
      set windout "Calm"
    } else {
      if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  set windout "$windd @ ${windk}KPH (${windm}MPH)"
      } else {  set windout "$windd @ ${windm}MPH (${windk}KPH)"  }
      # hide wind gust if have none #
      if {$windgm > $windm} {
        if {$::wunder::metric==1} {
          append windout " gusting to ${windgk}KPH (${windgm}MPH)"
        } else {  append windout " gusting to ${windgm}MPH (${windgk}KPH)"  }

  # // Build current weather string.
    if {$::wunder::boldnames==0} {  set b ""  } else {  set b "\002"  }
    if {$::wunder::colorlogo==0} {  set logo ""  ;  set endl ""
    } else {  set logo "\00313"  ;  set endl "\003"  }
    set putthis ""

    append putthis "${b}Temperature:$b[::wunder::color $tempf $tempc]"
    if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  append putthis " (${tempf}F) - "
    } else {  append putthis " (${tempc}C) - "  }

    if {[info exists windcf] && ($tempf > $windcf) && (abs($tempf - $windcf) > 1.0)} {
      append putthis "${b}Windchill:$b[::wunder::color $windcf $windcc]"
      if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  append putthis " (${windcf}F) - "
      } else {  append putthis " (${windcc}C) - "  }

    append putthis "${b}Humidity:$b $hum - ${b}Wind:$b $windout - ${b}Pressure:$b "
    if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  append putthis "${presh}hPa (${presi}in) $rifa - "
    } else {  append putthis "${presi}in (${presh}hPa) $rifa - "  }

    append putthis "${b}Conditions:$b $cond - ${b}Updated:$b $updated"

    puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :${logo}$loc:$endl $putthis"

  # // Build forecast string.
    set x  {	Forecast as(.*?)<br /><b>(.*?)</b><br />.*?<br />(.*?)<br /><br />}
    regexp $x $html - fdata next ncast

    if {[info exists fdata]} {
      regexp {<td align="left"><b>(.*?)</b>} $fdata - fday
      regexp { alt="" /><br />(.*?)<br />} $fdata - fcast
      set fcast [fix_fc [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $fcast] { }]]
      set ncast [fix_fc [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $ncast] { }]]
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :${logo}Forecast:$endl $b$fday:$b $fcast - $b$next:$b $ncast"
    } else {
      set x {<a name="forecast">.*?<td align="left"><b>(.*?)</b><br />(.*?)</td></tr>}
      set y {.*?<td align="left"><b>(.*?)</b><br />(.*?)</td></tr>}
      set map [list \t " " "° " "" "°" "" ":" ""]
      regexp $x$y [string map $map $html] - fday fcast next ncast
      if {[info exists ncast]} {
        set fcast [fix_fc [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $fcast] { }]]
        set ncast [fix_fc [regsub -all -- {\s{2,}} [string trim $ncast] { }]]
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :${logo}Forecast:$endl $b$fday:$b $fcast - $b$next:$b $ncast"

  # // End  proc ::wunder::pub_w  // #

  # // Fix forecast if default display is set to metric.
  proc fix_fc {fc} {
    if {$::wunder::metric!=1} {  return $fc  }
    set ret ""
    foreach item [split [string trim $fc "."] "."] {
      if {![string match {*[0-9]*} $item]} {
        append ret $item.  ;  continue
      if {[regexp {(\d{1,})F .*? (\d{1,})} $item - f1 f2]} {
        set c2 [f_to_c $f2]
        set map [list ${f1}F [f_to_c $f1]C ${f2}F ${c2}C $f2 $c2]
      } elseif {[regexp {(\d{1,})F} $item - f]} {
        set map [list ${f}F [f_to_c $f]C]
      } elseif {[regexp {(\d{1,}) to (\d{1,}) mph} $item - m1 m2]} {
        set map [list $m1 [m_to_k $m1] $m2 [m_to_k $m2] mph kph]
      } elseif {[regexp {Lows overnight in the upper (\d{1,})s$} $item - f]} {
        set f2 [string range $f 0 end-1]8
        set map [list "in the upper ${f}s" "around [f_to_c $f2]C"]
      } elseif {[regexp {Lows overnight in the low (\d{1,})s$} $item - f]} {
        set f2 [string range $f 0 end-1]2
        set map [list "in the low ${f}s" "around [f_to_c $f2]C"]
      } elseif {[regexp {Lows overnight in the mid (\d{1,})s$} $item - f]} {
        set f2 [string range $f 0 end-1]5
        set map [list "in the mid ${f}s" "around [f_to_c $f2]C"]
      } else {  append ret $item.  ;  continue  }
      append ret [string map $map $item.]
    return [string trim $ret]
  # // sub - convert mi to km
  proc m_to_k {m} {
    lassign [split [expr {$m / 0.62137}] "."] k d
    if {[string index $d 0]>=5} {  incr k  }
    return $k
  # // sub - convert f to c
  proc f_to_c {f} {
    lassign [split [expr {($f - 32) * .5556}] "."] c d
    if {[string index $d 0]>=5} {  incr c  }
    return $c

  # // Primary Temperature Color Changing.
  # // You can change colors based on fahrenheit temperatures.
  # // IRC allows only 16 colors. See mIRC color chart.
  proc color {temp tempc} {
    set x "${temp}F"
    if {$::wunder::metric==1} {  set x "${tempc}C"  }
    if {$::wunder::colortemp==0} {  return " $x"  }
    if {$temp < 20} {  return "\00312 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 45} {  return "\00311 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 70} {  return "\00309 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 85} {  return "\00307 $x\003"  }
    if {$temp < 100} { return "\00304 $x\003"  }
    return "\00313 $x\003"

  # // Throttle Proc (slightly altered, super action missles) - Thanks to user & speechles
  # // See this post:
  proc throttle {id nk ch} {  set now [clock seconds]
    if {[info exists ::wunder::throttle($id)]&&[lindex $::wunder::throttle($id) 0]>$now} {
      lassign $::wunder::throttle($id) ut cnt
      if {$cnt == $::wunder::throttle_max} {
        puthelp "PRIVMSG $ch :$nk, you have been Throttled ([expr {$ut-$now}] secs)"
      set ::wunder::throttle($id) [list $ut [incr cnt]]
      if {$cnt > $::wunder::throttle_max} { set id 1 } { set id 0 }
    } else {
      set ::wunder::throttle($id) [list [expr {$now+$::wunder::throttle_time}] 1]
      set id 0
  # // sub - clean throttled users
  proc throttleclean {} {  set now [clock seconds]
    foreach {id time} [array get ::wunder::throttle] {
      if {[lindex $time 0]<=$now} {unset ::wunder::throttle($id)}

  proc savewusers {} {  variable wusers
    if {![info exists wusers(updated)]} {  return  }
    unset wusers(updated)
    if {![array size wusers]} {
      file delete $::wunder::userfile
    set open [open $::wunder::userfile w]
    puts $open "array set wusers [list [array get wusers]]"
    close $open 

  proc wusersclean {} {  variable wusers
    if {![array size wusers]} {  return  }
    set old [expr {[unixtime] - (86400 * 45)}]   ;# 45 days #
    foreach {key val} [array get wusers] {
      if {$key eq "updated"} {  continue  }
      if {[lindex $val 0] <= $old} {
        unset wusers($key)
        set wusers(updated) 1

  proc bindtime {args} {  lassign $args mn hr
    if {$mn eq "02" && $hr in {00 12}} {  ::wunder::wusersclean  }
    if {[string match "*1" $mn]} {  ::wunder::throttleclean  }

  # // Script reset (unbind/rebind all triggers).
  proc w_reset {} {  variable cmds
    set ::wunder::cmdchars [split $::wunder::cmdchars]
    foreach x {tc w wz} {
      if {$x eq "tc"} {  set wproc "::wunder::throttleclean"
      } else {  set wproc "::wunder::pub_$x"  }
      foreach wbind [binds $wproc] {
        lassign $wbind t f n h p
        unbind $t $f $n $p
      if {$x in {tc w}} {  continue  }  ;# just remove v5.01 binds #
      set cmds($x) [split $cmds($x)]
      foreach cmd $cmds($x) {
        foreach pre $::wunder::cmdchars {
          bind pub - $pre$cmd $wproc
    bind time - * ::wunder::bindtime
    variable wusers
    if {![array exists wusers]} {
      array set wusers ""
      if {[file exists $::wunder::userfile]} {  source $::wunder::userfile  }

# // End  namespace eval wunder  // #

putlog "\002W\002under\002W\002eather v$::wunder::ver Loaded"

Or download this script at:
Last edited by SpiKe^^ on Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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something is wrong here

Post by Ezekiel »

Code: Select all

can't read "cmds(wp)": no such element in array
    while executing
"split $cmds($x)"
    (procedure "::wunder::w_reset" line 11)
    invoked from within
"::wunder::w_reset "
    (in namespace eval "::wunder" script line 351)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval wunder {
  variable cmds
## -- Begin Script Settings -- Begin Script Sett..."
    (file "scripts/wunderweather.tcl" line 82)
    invoked from within
"source scripts/wunderweather.tcl"
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Re: display forecast in metric

Post by creasy »

SpiKe^^ wrote:Would it be correct to use cm or mm??
Yes, mm would probably be the right choice.
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WunderWeather version 5.03 (04Dec2017)

Post by SpiKe^^ »

Fixed the errors in the script above!!

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Post by creasy »

Thanks for the update!
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Post by play4free2 »


I am using v5.03 on eggdrop1.8.2, the only issue I am having is when weather underground's website is down and someone uses the command for weather the bot lags a lot. It wont even DCC chat me or respond to any other commands. I had to kill the bots PID and unload the script for the bot to run while the website is down.

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Post by SpiKe^^ »

Yes, I noticed that today too.
If that page feed ever comes back up, I will try to address the issue.

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Re: WunderWeather : Support & Updates

Post by abah »

Where i find "package require http" .tcl ?
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