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Warn Action

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Post by ComputerTech »

Just thought i'd make the script "fancier"

Code: Select all

# xAction.tcl 
# Author    ComputerTech, caesar, Spike^^
# Version   0.1 (BETA)
# Released  12/03/2021
# GitHub
# Description:
#               Action punishment script.
#               Use .chanset #channel +xaction   to enable per channel
# History:
#               - 0.1: First release. 
# Start of configuration #
# Flags for usage and protection.
set warn(flag) "ofmn"

# Punishment's
# w  = warning
# k  = kick
# b  = ban
# kb = kickban
set warn(max) "w:w:k:kb"

# X time before timer warning total is reduced by one (in seconds).
set warn(time) "120"

# Warning Message.
set warn(wreason) "Warning! Avoid using /me please"

# Kick Reason.
set warn(kreason) "Usage of /me"

# Ban Time.
# m  = minutes
# h  = hours
# d  = days
set warn(btime) "60m"

# Ban hostmask Type.
# 0 *!user@host
# 1 *!*user@host
# 2 *!*@host
# 3 *!*user@*.host
# 4 *!*@*.host
# 5 nick!user@host
# 6 nick!*user@host
# 7 nick!*@host
# 8 nick!*user@*.host
# 9 nick!*@*.host
set warn(btype) "2"

#  End of configuration  #

bind CTCP - ACTION action:avoid

setudef flag xaction

proc action:avoid {nick host hand chan key text} {
   global warn
if {![channel get $chan xaction]} {return 0}
  if {[isbotnick $nick] || ![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
    if {[matchattr $hand $warn(flag) $chan]} {return 0}
       if {[isop $nick $chan]} {return 0}
     incr warn($host) +1
     set warn(host) [maskhost $nick![getchanhost $nick $chan] $warn(btype)]
            if {![info exists output1]} {
        switch -- [string tolower $warn(btime)] {
            d {set output1 [expr {$warn(btime) * 1440}]}
            h {set output1 [expr {$warn(btime) * 60}]}
            m {set output1 $warn(btime)}
      if {![info exists end5]} {
      set end5 [lindex [split $warn(max) :] end]
   switch -- [lindex $warn(max) [incr warn($host) 1]] {
    "w" {putkick $chan $nick $warn(wreason)
             set blah($host) "w"}
    "k" {putkick $chan $nick $warn(kreason)
             set blah($host) "k"}
    "b" {newchanban "$chan" "$warn(host)" "$::botnick" "$warn(kreason)" $output1 
             set blah($host) "b"}
    "kb" {newchanban "$chan" "$warn(host)" "$::botnick" "$warn(kreason)" $output1
           putkick $chan $nick $warn(kreason) 
             set blah($host) "kb"}
    if {[string match $blah($host) $end5]} {
    unset warn($host) ; unset blah($host)
      utimer $warn(time) [list action:reset $host]
proc action:reset {host} {
   global warn 
   if {[array names warn] != {}} {
      if {[lsearch -nocase [array names warn] $host] > -1} {
         if {$warn($host) > 1} {
            incr warn($host) -1
         } else {
            unset warn($host)
As version suggests, its in (BETA) and i haven't had time yet to test it personally :wink:

Anyway, any tests is appreciated or even suggestions gor that matter, although my above post's code also works, but this will hopefully be more easier to set punishments :P
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