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Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by PePiNo »

Any script similar?

Code: Select all

# Statistics.tcl (C) 2013 mifrith # type ".chanset <chan> +stat" on the partyline to ativate the script for a specific channel. # commands: !stat <nick> - shows information about you or a nick. (works only for other nicks when you are op on a channel) # !top10 <smiles|palavras|linhas|letras> - shows the top10 chatters, default option is words # !top20 <smiles|palavras|linhas|letras> - same as $top10 but with places 11-20
namespace eval statistics { # Storage file variable storage {scripts/dbase/statistics}
# Kill unused entries after x days variable killafter 30
# Command trigger variable trigger {!}
# smiley regex (only touch this, if you really know, what you are doing!) variable smileyregex {(:|8|;)(-|o)?(>|<|D|O|o|\)|\(|\]|\[|P|p|\||\\|/)}
bind PUB -|- !stat
bind PUB -|- !top10 [namespace current]::toplist 
bind PUB -|- !top20 [namespace current]::toplist 
bind PUBM -|- *
bind CTCP -|- ACTION
bind EVNT -|- save
bind TIME -|- {00 * * * *}
setudef flag stat
namespace export spew top10 toplist save load monitor }
proc statistics::ctcp {nickname hostname handle target keyword arguments} { if {[validchan $target]} { monitor $nickname $hostname $handle $target $arguments } return 0 }
proc statistics::monitor {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} { variable data variable smileyregex if {([isbotnick $nickname]) || (![channel get $channel stat])} { return 0 } set hostname [maskhost *!$hostname] regsub -all -- {\002|\003[\d]{0,2}(,[\d]{0,2})? |\006|\007|\017|\026|\037|\n|\t} $arguments {} arguments set added(palavras) [regexp -all -- {\S+} $arguments] set added(letras) [regexp -all -- {\S} $arguments] if {[string length $smileyregex] >= 1} { set added(smiles) [regexp -all -- $smileyregex $arguments] } else { set added(smiles) 0 } if {(![info exists data($channel,$hostname)])} { set data($channel,$hostname) "0 0 0 0 0 NULL" } regexp -- {^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)$} $data($channel,$hostname) -> lastseen linhas palavras letras smiles lastnick incr linhas 1 incr palavras $added(palavras) incr letras $added(letras) incr smiles $added(smiles) set data($channel,$hostname) "[unixtime] $linhas $palavras $letras $smiles $nickname" }
proc statistics::spew {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} { variable data if {(![channel get $channel stat])} { return 0 } if {([isop $nickname $channel]) && ([string length $arguments] >= 1)} { set target [lindex [clean $arguments] 0] } else { set target $nickname } if {![onchan $target $channel]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[Utilizador desconhecido \002$target\002\]" return 0 } set targethost [maskhost *![getchanhost $target $channel]]
if {[info exists data($channel,$targethost)]} { regexp -- {^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)$} $data($channel,$targethost) -> lastseen linhas palavras letras smiles lastnick set wpl [round [expr ($palavras / $linhas.)]] set spl [round [expr ($smiles / $linhas.)]] set lpw [round [expr ($letras / $palavras.)]] putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[\002$target\002 escreveu \002$linhas\002 linhas, \002$palavras\002 ($wpl por linha) palavras e \002$letras\002 ($lpw por palavra) letras, contem \002$smiles\002 ($spl por linha) smiles\]" } else { putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[Não há informações disponiveis para \002$target\002\]" } }
proc statistics::top {channel number {type ""}} { variable data set statistics {} switch $type { {linhas} {set index 1} {letras} {set index 3} {smiles} {set index 4} {default} {set index 2 ; set type "palavras"} } foreach {user stats} [array get data $channel,*] { set stats [clean $stats] lappend statistics "[lindex [clean $stats] 5] [lindex $stats $index]" } set statistics [lrange [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 [lsort -unique -index 0 [lsort -integer -increasing -index 1 $statistics]]] [expr $number - 10] [expr $number - 1]] if {$statistics == ""} { return "\[Top$number $type - Não há informações disponiveis para \002$channel\002\]" } set output "\[Top$number $type -" for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $statistics]} {incr i 1} { set item [lindex $statistics $i] append output "\x20[expr $i+$number-9]: \002[join [lindex [clean $item] 0] { }]\002 ([lindex $item 1])" } append output "\]" return $output }
proc statistics::toplist {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} { global lastbind if {(![channel get $channel stat])} { return 0 } set arguments [clean $arguments] set key [lindex $arguments 0] if {![regexp -- {^.*?([0-9]+)$} $lastbind -> number]} { return 0 } if {![regexp -nocase -- {^(palavras|letras|smiles|linhas|)$} $key]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[Opção desconhecida: \002$key\002, as opções disponiveis são \002letras\002, \002linhas\002, \002smiles\002 and \002palavras\002\]" return 0 } putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :[top $channel $number [string tolower $key]]" }
proc statistics::cleanupdb {args} { variable killafter variable data set killed 0 foreach {item} [array names data] { set lastseen [lindex [clean $data($item)] 0] set expire [expr 60 * 60 * 24 * $killafter] if {[expr [unixtime] - $lastseen] >= $expire} { incr killed unset data($item) } } return $killed }
proc statistics::load {} { variable data variable storage regexp -- {^(\S+/)?.*$} $storage -> directory if {[string length $directory] >= 1} { if {![file isdirectory $directory]} { file mkdir $directory } } if {![file exists $storage]} { return 0 } if {[array exists data]} { array unset data } set file [open $storage r] while {![eof $file]} { gets $file line if {[regexp -nocase -- {^channel:(\S+)\sid:(\S+)\svalue: (\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)$} $line -> channel hostname lastseen linhas palavras letras smiles lastnick]} { set data($channel,$hostname) "$lastseen $linhas $palavras $letras $smiles $lastnick" } } close $file }
proc statistics::save {args} { variable data variable storage set file [open $storage w] foreach chan_user [array names data] { regexp {^(\S+),(\S+)$} $chan_user -> channel user puts $file "channel:$channel id:$user value:$data($chan_user)" } close $file }
proc statistics::clean {i} { regsub -all -- \\\\ $i \\\\\\\\ i regsub -all -- \\\[ $i \\\\\[ i regsub -all -- \\\] $i \\\\\] i regsub -all -- \\\} $i \\\\\} i regsub -all -- \\\{ $i \\\\\{ i return $i }
proc statistics::round {num} { if {![string match "*.*" $num]} { return $num\.0 } if {![regexp -- {^(\d+?)\.(\d+)$} $num -> primary secondary]} { error "syntax error in expression '$num'" } set secondary [expr round([string index $secondary 0].[string range $secondary 1 end])] return [expr {($secondary == 10) ? ($primary+1.0) : "$primary.$secondary"}] }
putlog "Statistics by mifrith"
Last edited by PePiNo on Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by DasBrain »

Please format your code with

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Post by PePiNo »

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Post by DasBrain »

Well, the code is still not correctly formatted - there are linebreaks missing.

Not sure how this happened - but please fix that as well.
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Post by Gulio »

Pepino here is ur script formated

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Re: hi

Post by CrazyCat »

DasBrain was speaking of missing linebreaks, you didn't add the linebreaks.

Here is the formated script:

Code: Select all

# Statistics.tcl (C) 2013 mifrith
# type ".chanset <chan> +stat" on the partyline to ativate the script for a specific channel.
# commands: !stat <nick> - shows information about you or a nick. (works only for other nicks when you are op on a channel)
# !top10 <smiles|palavras|linhas|letras> - shows the top10 chatters, default option is words
# !top20 <smiles|palavras|linhas|letras> - same as $top10 but with places 11-20
namespace eval statistics {

# Storage file variable storage {scripts/dbase/statistics}
# Kill unused entries after x days variable killafter 30
# Command trigger variable trigger {!}
# smiley regex (only touch this, if you really know, what you are doing!)

variable smileyregex {(:|8|;)(-|o)?(>|<|D|O|o|\)|\(|\]|\[|P|p|\||\\|/)}
bind PUB -|- !stat
bind PUB -|- !top10 [namespace current]::toplist
bind PUB -|- !top20 [namespace current]::toplist
bind PUBM -|- *
bind CTCP -|- ACTION
bind EVNT -|- save
bind TIME -|- {00 * * * *}
setudef flag stat
namespace export spew top10 toplist save load monitor }
proc statistics::ctcp {nickname hostname handle target keyword arguments} {
	if {[validchan $target]} {
		monitor $nickname $hostname $handle $target $arguments
	return 0
proc statistics::monitor {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} {
	variable data
	variable smileyregex
	if {([isbotnick $nickname]) || (![channel get $channel stat])} { return 0 }
	set hostname [maskhost *!$hostname]
	regsub -all -- {\002|\003[\d]{0,2}(,[\d]{0,2})? |\006|\007|\017|\026|\037|\n|\t} $arguments {} arguments
	set added(palavras) [regexp -all -- {\S+} $arguments]
	set added(letras) [regexp -all -- {\S} $arguments]
	if {[string length $smileyregex] >= 1} {
		set added(smiles) [regexp -all -- $smileyregex $arguments]
	} else { 
		set added(smiles) 0 
	if {(![info exists data($channel,$hostname)])} {
		set data($channel,$hostname) "0 0 0 0 0 NULL"
	regexp -- {^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)$} $data($channel,$hostname) -> lastseen linhas palavras letras smiles lastnick
	incr linhas 1
	incr palavras $added(palavras)
	incr letras $added(letras)
	incr smiles $added(smiles)
	set data($channel,$hostname) "[unixtime] $linhas $palavras $letras $smiles $nickname"
proc statistics::spew {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} {
	variable data
	if {(![channel get $channel stat])} { return 0 }
	if {([isop $nickname $channel]) && ([string length $arguments] >= 1)} {
		set target [lindex [clean $arguments] 0]
	} else {
		set target $nickname
	if {![onchan $target $channel]} {
		putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[Utilizador desconhecido \002$target\002\]"
		return 0
	set targethost [maskhost *![getchanhost $target $channel]]
	if {[info exists data($channel,$targethost)]} {
		regexp -- {^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)$} $data($channel,$targethost) -> lastseen linhas palavras letras smiles lastnick
		set wpl [round [expr ($palavras / $linhas.)]]
		set spl [round [expr ($smiles / $linhas.)]]
		set lpw [round [expr ($letras / $palavras.)]]
		putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[\002$target\002 escreveu \002$linhas\002 linhas, \002$palavras\002 ($wpl por linha) palavras e \002$letras\002 ($lpw por palavra) letras, contem \002$smiles\002 ($spl por linha) smiles\]"
	} else {
		putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[Não há informações disponiveis para \002$target\002\]" 
proc statistics::top {channel number {type ""}} {
	variable data 
	set statistics {}
	switch $type {
		{linhas} {
			set index 1
		{letras} {
			set index 3
		{smiles} {
			set index 4
		{default} {
			set index 2
			set type "palavras"
	foreach {user stats} [array get data $channel,*] {
		set stats [clean $stats]
		lappend statistics "[lindex [clean $stats] 5] [lindex $stats $index]" 
	set statistics [lrange [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 [lsort -unique -index 0 [lsort -integer -increasing -index 1 $statistics]]] [expr $number - 10] [expr $number - 1]]
	if {$statistics == ""} {
		return "\[Top$number $type - Não há informações disponiveis para \002$channel\002\]"
	set output "\[Top$number $type -"
	for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $statistics]} {incr i 1} {
		set item [lindex $statistics $i]
		append output "\x20[expr $i+$number-9]: \002[join [lindex [clean $item] 0] { }]\002 ([lindex $item 1])"
	append output "\]"
	return $output 
proc statistics::toplist {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} {
	global lastbind
	if {(![channel get $channel stat])} { return 0 }
	set arguments [clean $arguments]
	set key [lindex $arguments 0]
	if {![regexp -- {^.*?([0-9]+)$} $lastbind -> number]} { return 0 }
	if {![regexp -nocase -- {^(palavras|letras|smiles|linhas|)$} $key]} {
		putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :\[Opção desconhecida: \002$key\002, as opções disponiveis são \002letras\002, \002linhas\002, \002smiles\002 and \002palavras\002\]"
		return 0
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :[top $channel $number [string tolower $key]]"
proc statistics::cleanupdb {args} {
	variable killafter
	variable data
	set killed 0
	foreach {item} [array names data] {
		set lastseen [lindex [clean $data($item)] 0]
		set expire [expr 60 * 60 * 24 * $killafter]
		if {[expr [unixtime] - $lastseen] >= $expire} {
			incr killed
			unset data($item)
	return $killed
proc statistics::load {} {
	variable data
	variable storage
	regexp -- {^(\S+/)?.*$} $storage -> directory
	if {[string length $directory] >= 1} {
		if {![file isdirectory $directory]} {
			file mkdir $directory
	if {![file exists $storage]} { return 0 }
	if {[array exists data]} {
		array unset data
	set file [open $storage r]
	while {![eof $file]} {
		gets $file line
		if {[regexp -nocase -- {^channel:(\S+)\sid:(\S+)\svalue: (\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s(\S+)$} $line -> channel hostname lastseen linhas palavras letras smiles lastnick]} {
			set data($channel,$hostname) "$lastseen $linhas $palavras $letras $smiles $lastnick"
	close $file
proc statistics::save {args} {
	variable data
	variable storage
	set file [open $storage w]
	foreach chan_user [array names data] {
		regexp {^(\S+),(\S+)$} $chan_user -> channel user
		puts $file "channel:$channel id:$user value:$data($chan_user)"
	close $file
proc statistics::clean {i} {
	regsub -all -- \\\\ $i \\\\\\\\ i
	regsub -all -- \\\[ $i \\\\\[ i
	regsub -all -- \\\] $i \\\\\] i
	regsub -all -- \\\} $i \\\\\} i
	regsub -all -- \\\{ $i \\\\\{ i
	return $i
proc statistics::round {num} {
	if {![string match "*.*" $num]} {
		return $num\.0
	if {![regexp -- {^(\d+?)\.(\d+)$} $num -> primary secondary]} {
		error "syntax error in expression '$num'"
	set secondary [expr round([string index $secondary 0].[string range $secondary 1 end])]
	return [expr {($secondary == 10) ? ($primary+1.0) : "$primary.$secondary"}]
putlog "Statistics by mifrith"
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Post by PePiNo »

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Post by ComputerTech »

To answer your first question PePiNo, the only script which i know is similar and that i would recommend is Here
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