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Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:12 am


Post by Goga »

Code: Select all

# Google news v0.3 by nrt (01Dec2015)
# Updated GoogleNews Country links and added some more lines for redirected link support (04Jan2018) karakedi

package require tdom
package require http
package require htmlparse
package require textutil::split
package require tls 1.6.4
package present Tcl 8.6

set ::oldnews [list ]

set googlelink {}

# Length of chars in a line.
set newsmax 412

# Links shortened to tinyurl. 1 = true , 0 = false
set tinyurl 1

# 1 = US_en (U.S.A), 2 = TR (Turkey) , 3 = FR (France), 4 = DE (Germany), 5 = UK_en (U.K) , 6 = RU (Russia)
# 7 = IT (Italy) , 8 = NL (Netherlands) , 9 = AU_en (Australia) , 10 = PT (Portugal) , 11 = AR (Arabian World) , 12 = AT_de (Austria)
# 13 = BE_fr (Belgium) , 14 = BR_pt (Brazil) , 15 = BG (Bulgaria) , 16 = CA_en (Canada) , 17 = NZ_en (New Zealand) , 18 = PL (Poland)
# 19 = RO (Romania) , 20 = CS (Czech Republic) , 21 = NO (Norway) , 22 = CH_fr (Switzerland) , 23 = SV (Sweden) , 24 = SR (Serbia)
# 25 = CN_zh (China) , 26 = JA (Japan) , 27 = GR (Greece) , 28 = LT (Lithuania) , 29 = IN_en (India) , 30 = HU (Hungary)
# 31 = AR (Argentina) , 32 = ID (Indonesia) , 33 = MY (Malaysia) , 34 = BN (Bangladesh) , 35 = MX (Mexico) , 36 = PK_en (Pakistan)
# news in this language/nation
set newslang 36

# This is for set a limit, do not post if that headline older than ** minutes
set headlinedelay 20

# .news on <- to enable on your #channel / .news off <- for turn this off!
setudef flag googlenews

bind pub mnf|oa ".news" news_control
bind evnt - init-server news_refresh

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > 0} {
	::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername 1]
} else {
	::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request 0 -require 1 -ssl2 0 -ssl3 0 -tls1 1]

proc langSel {} {
	switch -exact -- $::newslang {
		1 { set url {us&hl=en&gl=US} }
		2 { set url {tr_tr&hl=tr&gl=TR} }
		3 { set url {fr&hl=fr&gl=FR} }
		4 { set url {de&hl=de&gl=DE} }
		5 { set url {uk&hl=en-GB&gl=GB} }
		6 { set url {ru_ru&hl=ru&gl=RU} }
		7 { set url {it&hl=it&gl=IT} }
		8 { set url {nl_nl&hl=nl&gl=NL} }
		9 { set url {au&hl=en-AU&gl=AU} }
		10 { set url {pt-PT_pt&hl=pt-PT&gl=PT} }
		11 { set url {ar_me&hl=ar&gl=ME} }
		12 { set url {de_at&hl=de-AT&gl=AT} }
		13 { set url {fr_be&hl=fr&gl=BE} }
		14 { set url {pt-BR_br&hl=pt-BR&gl=BR} }
		15 { set url {bg_bg&hl=bg&gl=BG} }
		16 { set url {ca&hl=en-CA&gl=CA} }
		17 { set url {nz&hl=en-NZ&gl=NZ} }
		18 { set url {pl_pl&hl=pl&gl=PL} }
		19 { set url {ro_ro&hl=ro&gl=RO} }
		20 { set url {cs_cz&hl=cs&gl=CZ} }
		21 { set url {no_no&hl=no&gl=NO} }
		22 { set url {fr_ch&hl=fr-CH&gl=CH} }
		23 { set url {sv_se&hl=sv&gl=SE} }
		24 { set url {sr_rs&hl=sr&gl=RS} }
		25 { set url {cn&hl=zh-CN&gl=CN} }
		26 { set url {jp&hl=ja&gl=JP} }
		27 { set url {el_gr&hl=el&gl=GR} }
		28 { set url {lt_lt&hl=lt&gl=LT} }
		29 { set url {in&hl=en-IN&gl=IN} }
		30 { set url {hu_hu&hl=hu&gl=HU} }
		31 { set url {es_ar&hl=es-419&gl=AR} }
		32 { set url {id_id&hl=id&gl=ID} }
		33 { set url {en_my&hl=en-MY&gl=MY} }
		34 { set url {bn_bd&hl=bn&gl=BD} }
		35 { set url {es_mx&hl=es-419&gl=MX} }
		36 { set url {en_pk&hl=en&gl=PK} }
		default { set url {us&hl=en&gl=US} }
	return ${::googlelink}?ned=$url

proc news_refresh {type} {
	foreach chan [channels] newsbind [binds time] {
		if {([lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] "+googlenews"] != "-1")\
				&& ![string match "*Google:News*" $newsbind]} {
			bind time - "*" Google:News
			return 1

proc news_control {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	switch -nocase -- [lindex [split $text] 0] {
		"on" { if {[channel get $chan googlenews]} {
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News already running @ $chan"
			} {
				bind time - "*" Google:News
				channel set $chan +googlenews
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News now enabled @ $chan"
		"off" { if {![channel get $chan googlenews]} {
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News already disabled @ $chan"
			} {
				unbind time - "*" Google:News
				channel set $chan -googlenews
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News now stopped @ $chan"
		default { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Usage: $::lastbind <on/off>" }
	return 0

proc getit {url} {
	if {[catch {set token [http::geturl $url -binary 1 -timeout 15000]} error]} {
		putcmdlog "[string map [list \n " "] $error]"
		return 0
	} elseif {[http::status $token] eq "ok" && [http::ncode $token] == "200"} {
		set data [http::data $token]
		::http::cleanup $token
	} elseif {[string match *[http::ncode $token]* "307|303|302|301"]} {
		upvar #0 $token state
		foreach {names values} $state(meta) {
			if {[regexp -- {^Location$} $names]} {
				putlog "Redirecting to $values"
				::http::cleanup $token
				if {[catch {set tok [http::geturl $values -binary 1 -timeout 15000]} err]} {
					putcmdlog "[string map [list \n " "] $err]"
				} elseif {[http::status $tok] eq "ok" && [http::ncode $tok] == "200"} {
					set data [http::data $tok]
					::http::cleanup $tok
				} else {
					putcmdlog "[http::status $tok] - [http::code $tok]"
					::http::cleanup $tok
	} else {
		putcmdlog "[http::status $token] - [http::code $token]"
		::http::cleanup $token
	if {[info exists data]} {
		return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]

proc newsdom {} {
	set document [dom parse [getit [langSel]]]
	set root [$document documentElement]
	foreach id [$root selectNodes "/rss/channel/item"] {
		set description [[$id selectNodes "description"] text]
		set pubDate [[$id selectNodes "pubDate"] text]
		set newsurl [[$id selectNodes "link"] text]
		lappend news "[dom_trim $description] | [dom_trim $newsurl] | [clock scan [dom_trim $pubDate]]"
	$document delete
	set listnews [lindex [lsort -integer -decreasing -index end $news] 0]
	return [join [htmlparse::mapEscapes $listnews]]

proc news_print {where what} {
	regexp {^(.*?)(http(?:s|)://[^\s]+)(.*?)$} $what - res links _
	set output [textutil::split::splitn $what $::newsmax]
	if {[string match *${links}* $output]} {
		lmap newsout $output { puthelp "privmsg $where :$newsout" }
	} else {
		lmap newsout [textutil::split::splitn $what [string length $res]] { puthelp "privmsg $where :$newsout" }

proc dom_trim {str} {
	regsub -all -nocase {(?:<strong>|</strong>|<b>|</b>)} $str "\002" str
	regsub -all -- {<font color="#6f6f6f">(.*?)</font>} $str "(\00304\\1\003)" str
	set str [string map [list &lt\; \u003c &gt\; \u003e &nbsp\; \u0020 \" \u0027] $str]
	regsub -all -- "<.+?>" $str { } str
	regsub -all -- {\s+} $str "\u0020" str
	return [string trim $str]

proc news_tiny {link} {
	set tinyurl [getit[http::formatQuery url $link]]
	if {[info exists tinyurl] && [string length $tinyurl]} {
		return $tinyurl
	} else {
		return $link

proc Google:News {args} {
	foreach chan [channels] {
		if {[channel get $chan googlenews]} {
			set news [newsdom]
			set newsdesc [lindex [split $news |] 0]
			set newslink [lindex [split $news |] 1]
			set newstime [lindex [split $news |] end]
			scan $newsdesc {%[^(]} headline
			if {![string match *${newslink}* $::oldnews] && ($headline ni $::oldnews)\
					&& ([expr {([clock seconds] - ${newstime}) < (${::headlinedelay} * 60)}])} {
				if {$::tinyurl < "1" || ![string length $::tinyurl]} {
					news_print $chan "$newsdesc : $newslink ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
				} else {
					news_print $chan "$newsdesc : [news_tiny [string trim $newslink]] ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
				set ::oldnews $news
	return 0

putlog "ok..."

Getting this ERROR: =

Code: Select all

wrong # args: should be "tls::socket ?options? host port"
Tcl error [Google:News]: error "syntax error" at line 1 character 0
"0 <--Error-- "
I have experinced if I change the Nation 1 from to any else, It shows ERROR showed Above.
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Posts: 110
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Location: somewhere out there

Post by heartbroken »


Code: Select all

# Google news v0.3 by nrt (01Dec2015)
# Updated GoogleNews Country links and added some more lines for redirected link support (04Jan2018) karakedi

package require tdom
package require http
package require htmlparse
package require textutil::split
package require tls 1.6.4
package present Tcl 8.6

set ::oldnews [list ]

set googlelink {}

# Length of chars in a line.
set newsmax 412

# Links shortened to tinyurl. 1 = true , 0 = false
set tinyurl 1

# 1 = US_en (U.S.A), 2 = TR (Turkey) , 3 = FR (France), 4 = DE (Germany), 5 = UK_en (U.K) , 6 = RU (Russia)
# 7 = IT (Italy) , 8 = NL (Netherlands) , 9 = AU_en (Australia) , 10 = PT (Portugal) , 11 = AR (Arabian World) , 12 = AT_de (Austria)
# 13 = BE_fr (Belgium) , 14 = BR_pt (Brazil) , 15 = BG (Bulgaria) , 16 = CA_en (Canada) , 17 = NZ_en (New Zealand) , 18 = PL (Poland)
# 19 = RO (Romania) , 20 = CS (Czech Republic) , 21 = NO (Norway) , 22 = CH_fr (Switzerland) , 23 = SV (Sweden) , 24 = SR (Serbia)
# 25 = CN_zh (China) , 26 = JA (Japan) , 27 = GR (Greece) , 28 = LT (Lithuania) , 29 = IN_en (India) , 30 = HU (Hungary)
# 31 = AR (Argentina) , 32 = ID (Indonesia) , 33 = MY (Malaysia) , 34 = BN (Bangladesh) , 35 = MX (Mexico) , 36 = PK_en (Pakistan)
# news in this language/nation
set newslang 36

# This is for set a limit, do not post if that headline older than ** minutes
set headlinedelay 40

# How many latest news posts would like to see when you use .topnews ?
set TopNewsPosts 4

# .news on <- to enable on your #channel / .news off <- for turn this off!
setudef flag googlenews

bind pub mnf|oa ".news" news_control
bind evnt - init-server news_refresh
bind pub mnf|oa ".topnews" Google_TopNews

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > 0} {
	::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername 1]
} else {
	::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request 0 -require 1 -ssl2 0 -ssl3 0 -tls1 1]

proc Google_TopNews {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
	if {![channel get $chan googlenews]} { return 0 }
	set doc [dom parse [getit [langSel]]]
	set root [$doc documentElement]
	set i 0
	foreach id [$root selectNodes "/rss/channel/item"] {
		set desc [[$id selectNodes "description"] text]
		set Date [[$id selectNodes "pubDate"] text]
		set newsurl [[$id selectNodes "link"] text]
		set newstime [lsort -integer -decreasing -index end [clock scan $Date]]
		set news "[dom_trim $desc] [news_tiny [getRealLink [dom_trim $newsurl]]]\
			([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
		if {$i == $::TopNewsPosts} break
		news_print $chan "[htmlparse::mapEscapes $news]"
		incr i
	$doc delete

proc langSel {} {
	switch -exact -- $::newslang {
		1 { set url {us&hl=en&gl=US} }
		2 { set url {tr_tr&hl=tr&gl=TR} }
		3 { set url {fr&hl=fr&gl=FR} }
		4 { set url {de&hl=de&gl=DE} }
		5 { set url {uk&hl=en-GB&gl=GB} }
		6 { set url {ru_ru&hl=ru&gl=RU} }
		7 { set url {it&hl=it&gl=IT} }
		8 { set url {nl_nl&hl=nl&gl=NL} }
		9 { set url {au&hl=en-AU&gl=AU} }
		10 { set url {pt-PT_pt&hl=pt-PT&gl=PT} }
		11 { set url {ar_me&hl=ar&gl=ME} }
		12 { set url {de_at&hl=de-AT&gl=AT} }
		13 { set url {fr_be&hl=fr&gl=BE} }
		14 { set url {pt-BR_br&hl=pt-BR&gl=BR} }
		15 { set url {bg_bg&hl=bg&gl=BG} }
		16 { set url {ca&hl=en-CA&gl=CA} }
		17 { set url {nz&hl=en-NZ&gl=NZ} }
		18 { set url {pl_pl&hl=pl&gl=PL} }
		19 { set url {ro_ro&hl=ro&gl=RO} }
		20 { set url {cs_cz&hl=cs&gl=CZ} }
		21 { set url {no_no&hl=no&gl=NO} }
		22 { set url {fr_ch&hl=fr-CH&gl=CH} }
		23 { set url {sv_se&hl=sv&gl=SE} }
		24 { set url {sr_rs&hl=sr&gl=RS} }
		25 { set url {cn&hl=zh-CN&gl=CN} }
		26 { set url {jp&hl=ja&gl=JP} }
		27 { set url {el_gr&hl=el&gl=GR} }
		28 { set url {lt_lt&hl=lt&gl=LT} }
		29 { set url {in&hl=en-IN&gl=IN} }
		30 { set url {hu_hu&hl=hu&gl=HU} }
		31 { set url {es_ar&hl=es-419&gl=AR} }
		32 { set url {id_id&hl=id&gl=ID} }
		33 { set url {en_my&hl=en-MY&gl=MY} }
		34 { set url {bn_bd&hl=bn&gl=BD} }
		35 { set url {es_mx&hl=es-419&gl=MX} }
		36 { set url {en_pk&hl=en&gl=PK} }
		default { set url {us&hl=en&gl=US} }
	return ${::googlelink}?ned=$url

proc news_refresh type {
	foreach chan [channels] newsbind [binds time] {
		if {([lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] "+googlenews"] != "-1")\
				&& ![string match "*Google:News*" $newsbind]} {
			bind time - "*" Google:News
			return 1

proc news_control {nick uhost hand chan text} {
	switch -nocase -- [lindex [split $text] 0] {
		"on" { if {[channel get $chan googlenews]} {
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News already running @ $chan"
			} {
				bind time - "*" Google:News
				channel set $chan +googlenews
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News now enabled @ $chan"
		"off" { if {![channel get $chan googlenews]} {
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News already disabled @ $chan"
			} {
				unbind time - "*" Google:News
				channel set $chan -googlenews
				puthelp "privmsg $chan :News now stopped @ $chan"
		default { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Usage: $::lastbind <on/off>" }
	return 0

proc getit url {
	if {[catch {set token [http::geturl $url -binary 1 -timeout 15000]} error]} {
		putcmdlog "[string map [list \n " "] $error]"
		return 0
	} elseif {[string match *[http::ncode $token]* "307|303|302|301"]} {
		upvar #0 $token state
		if {[dict exists $state(meta) Location]} {
			set newurl [dict get $state(meta) Location]
			::http::cleanup $token
			if {[catch {set newtok [http::geturl $newurl -binary 1 -timeout 15000]} err]} {
				putcmdlog "[string map [list \n " "] $err]"
				return 0
			} elseif {[http::status $newtok] eq "ok" && [http::ncode $newtok] == "200"} {
				set data [http::data $newtok]
				::http::cleanup $newtok
			} else {
				putcmdlog "[http::status $newtok] - [http::code $newtok]"
				::http::cleanup $newtok
		::http::cleanup $token
	} elseif {[http::status $token] eq "ok" && [http::ncode $token] == "200"} {
		set data [http::data $token]
		::http::cleanup $token
	} else {
		putcmdlog "[http::status $token] - [http::code $token]"
		::http::cleanup $token
	if {[info exists data]} {
		return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]

proc newsdom {} {
	set document [dom parse [getit [langSel]]]
	set root [$document documentElement]
	foreach id [$root selectNodes "/rss/channel/item"] {
		set description [[$id selectNodes "description"] text]
		set pubDate [[$id selectNodes "pubDate"] text]
		set newsurl [[$id selectNodes "link"] text]
		lappend news "[dom_trim $description] | [dom_trim $newsurl] | [clock scan [dom_trim $pubDate]]"
	$document delete
	set listnews [lindex [lsort -integer -decreasing -index end $news] 0]
	return [join [htmlparse::mapEscapes $listnews]]

proc news_print {where what} {
	regexp {^(.*?)(http(?:s|)://[^\s]+)(.*?)$} $what - res links _
	set output [textutil::split::splitn $what $::newsmax]
	if {[string match *${links}* $output]} {
		lmap newsout $output { puthelp "privmsg $where :$newsout" }
	} else {
		lmap newsout [textutil::split::splitn $what [string length $res]] { puthelp "privmsg $where :$newsout" }

proc dom_trim str {
	regsub -all -nocase {(?:<strong>|</strong>|<b>|</b>)} $str \002 str
	regsub -all -- {<font color="#6f6f6f">(.*?)</font>} $str "(\00304\\1\003)" str
	set str [string map [list &lt\; \u003c &gt\; \u003e &nbsp\; \u0020 \" \u0027] $str]
	regsub -all -- "<.+?>" $str { } str
	regsub -all -- {\s+} $str \u0020 str
	set str [string map {"View Full coverage on Google News" ""} $str]
	return [string trim $str]

proc news_tiny link {
	set tinyurl [getit[http::formatQuery url $link]]
	if {[info exists tinyurl] && [string length $tinyurl]} {
		return $tinyurl
	} else {
		return $link

proc getRealLink RealURL {
	set TokLink [http::geturl [string trim $RealURL]]
	upvar #0 $TokLink state
	set RealLink [dict get $state(meta) Location]
	::http::cleanup $TokLink
	if {[info exists RealLink] && [string length $RealLink]} {
		return $RealLink
	} {
		return $RealURL

proc Google:News args {
	foreach chan [channels] {
		if {[channel get $chan googlenews]} {
			set news [newsdom]
			set newsdesc [lindex [split $news |] 0]
			set newslink [getRealLink [lindex [split $news |] end-1]]
			set newstime [string trim [lindex [split $news |] end]]
			#scan $newsdesc {%[^(]} headline
			if {(![string match *$newslink* $::oldnews] && [expr {([clock seconds] - $newstime) < ($::headlinedelay * 60)}]) || ![llength $::oldnews]} {
				if {$::tinyurl < "1" || ![string length $::tinyurl]} {
					news_print $chan "$newsdesc : $newslink ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
				} else {
					news_print $chan "$newsdesc : [news_tiny [string trim $newslink]] ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
				set ::oldnews "$newsdesc $newslink"
	return 0

putlog "ok..."
Life iS Just a dReaM oN tHE wAy to DeaTh
Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:12 am


Post by Goga »

heartbroken used your given TCL, But it didn't showed anything more then 1 hour or so.. and when I did,
it showed same error:

Code: Select all

[07:30:47] wrong # args: should be "tls::socket ?options? host port"
Tcl error [Google_TopNews]: error "syntax error" at line 1 character 0
"0 <--Error-- "
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Post by heartbroken »

This script running on my bot since yesterday morning and I've seen nothing!.. İ've tried with different language settings for hours then shared on here...
Error must be on your side!
I assume, you're using a txt editor which doesn't have Tcl support (Windows Notepad may be ?)

Syntax check:
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Post by BLaCkShaDoW »

Update the tls package to the latest version or at least 1.7.18
BLaCkShaDoW Production @ WwW.TclScripts.Net
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Post by heartbroken »

Code: Select all

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > 0} { 
    ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername 1] 
 } else { 
    ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request 0 -require 1 -ssl2 0 -ssl3 0 -tls1 1] 
These lines should works if his tls 1.7.x or not.

Code: Select all

package require tls 1.6.4
should be newer than 1.6.4 ofcourse!

His error says: syntax error:
Tcl error [Google_TopNews]: error "syntax error" at line 1 character 0
"0 <--Error-- "
so, somehow,somethings broken the code lines/syntax when he tries to copy/paste on his editor or while he tries to edit settings. and it throws that unvisible character err...

This points me that his txt editor doesn't support Tcl syntax probably...
or copy/paste failor..

or another possibility is; his bot is soo whinie and doesn't like to see bare 0 in that line! maybe his bot wants to see that 0 between quotes in there.. so;

Code: Select all

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > "0"} { 

Code: Select all

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > 0} { 

my bot, she doesn't care that much....
Life iS Just a dReaM oN tHE wAy to DeaTh
Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:12 am


Post by Goga »

Your were right about

Code: Select all

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > "0"} {
Now its working very fine.
Thanks Mr. heartbroken Sir :)
Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Sep 19, 2020 2:12 am


Post by Goga »

Dear Scripters.
When I restart my BOT, It shows NEWS only ONCE, but after that it starts to show this Error, Again I restart it shows NEWS, after that again shows this Error in DCC Chat.

Code: Select all

[07:54:00] wrong # args: should be "tls::socket ?options? host port"
Tcl error [Google:News]: error "syntax error" at line 1 character 0
"0 <--Error-- "
Actull line in tcl is.

Code: Select all

if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > "0" } {

I have tried with both -> 0 and -> "0"
With "0" it shows News Once. but with 0 It does nothing just ERROR.
Please help.
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Post by CrazyCat »

Imho, the trouble is that the https registration is made globally. If you have another script which uses https and unregister it after using it, this script won't work anymore.

Solution: register the https when needed (in getit and getRealLink proc).

Note that the tinyurl proc may not work as it's set to use http and not https
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Post by Goga »

Can anyone/CrazyCat tell me step by step what to do ?
Highly appriciable.
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Google NEWS

Post by Goga »

CrazyCat, Plesae help me in this Regard.
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Post by CrazyCat »

Really quick modification:

Code: Select all

# Google news v0.3 by nrt (01Dec2015)
# Updated GoogleNews Country links and added some more lines for redirected link support (04Jan2018) karakedi

package require tdom
package require http
package require htmlparse
package require textutil::split
package require tls 1.6.4
package present Tcl 8.6

set ::oldnews [list ]

set googlelink {}

# Length of chars in a line.
set newsmax 412

# Links shortened to tinyurl. 1 = true , 0 = false
set tinyurl 1

# 1 = US_en (U.S.A), 2 = TR (Turkey) , 3 = FR (France), 4 = DE (Germany), 5 = UK_en (U.K) , 6 = RU (Russia)
# 7 = IT (Italy) , 8 = NL (Netherlands) , 9 = AU_en (Australia) , 10 = PT (Portugal) , 11 = AR (Arabian World) , 12 = AT_de (Austria)
# 13 = BE_fr (Belgium) , 14 = BR_pt (Brazil) , 15 = BG (Bulgaria) , 16 = CA_en (Canada) , 17 = NZ_en (New Zealand) , 18 = PL (Poland)
# 19 = RO (Romania) , 20 = CS (Czech Republic) , 21 = NO (Norway) , 22 = CH_fr (Switzerland) , 23 = SV (Sweden) , 24 = SR (Serbia)
# 25 = CN_zh (China) , 26 = JA (Japan) , 27 = GR (Greece) , 28 = LT (Lithuania) , 29 = IN_en (India) , 30 = HU (Hungary)
# 31 = AR (Argentina) , 32 = ID (Indonesia) , 33 = MY (Malaysia) , 34 = BN (Bangladesh) , 35 = MX (Mexico) , 36 = PK_en (Pakistan)
# news in this language/nation
set newslang 36

# This is for set a limit, do not post if that headline older than ** minutes
set headlinedelay 40

# How many latest news posts would like to see when you use .topnews ?
set TopNewsPosts 4

# .news on <- to enable on your #channel / .news off <- for turn this off!
setudef flag googlenews

bind pub mnf|oa ".news" news_control
bind evnt - init-server news_refresh
bind pub mnf|oa ".topnews" Google_TopNews

proc httpsregister {} {
	if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > 0} {
	   ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername 1]
	} else {
	   ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request 0 -require 1 -ssl2 0 -ssl3 0 -tls1 1]

proc httpsunregister {} {
	::http::unregister https

proc Google_TopNews {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
   if {![channel get $chan googlenews]} { return 0 }
   set doc [dom parse [getit [langSel]]]
   set root [$doc documentElement]
   set i 0
   foreach id [$root selectNodes "/rss/channel/item"] {
      set desc [[$id selectNodes "description"] text]
      set Date [[$id selectNodes "pubDate"] text]
      set newsurl [[$id selectNodes "link"] text]
      set newstime [lsort -integer -decreasing -index end [clock scan $Date]]
      set news "[dom_trim $desc] [news_tiny [getRealLink [dom_trim $newsurl]]] ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
      if {$i == $::TopNewsPosts} break
      news_print $chan "[htmlparse::mapEscapes $news]"
      incr i
   $doc delete

proc langSel {} {
   switch -exact -- $::newslang {
      1 { set url {us&hl=en&gl=US} }
      2 { set url {tr_tr&hl=tr&gl=TR} }
      3 { set url {fr&hl=fr&gl=FR} }
      4 { set url {de&hl=de&gl=DE} }
      5 { set url {uk&hl=en-GB&gl=GB} }
      6 { set url {ru_ru&hl=ru&gl=RU} }
      7 { set url {it&hl=it&gl=IT} }
      8 { set url {nl_nl&hl=nl&gl=NL} }
      9 { set url {au&hl=en-AU&gl=AU} }
      10 { set url {pt-PT_pt&hl=pt-PT&gl=PT} }
      11 { set url {ar_me&hl=ar&gl=ME} }
      12 { set url {de_at&hl=de-AT&gl=AT} }
      13 { set url {fr_be&hl=fr&gl=BE} }
      14 { set url {pt-BR_br&hl=pt-BR&gl=BR} }
      15 { set url {bg_bg&hl=bg&gl=BG} }
      16 { set url {ca&hl=en-CA&gl=CA} }
      17 { set url {nz&hl=en-NZ&gl=NZ} }
      18 { set url {pl_pl&hl=pl&gl=PL} }
      19 { set url {ro_ro&hl=ro&gl=RO} }
      20 { set url {cs_cz&hl=cs&gl=CZ} }
      21 { set url {no_no&hl=no&gl=NO} }
      22 { set url {fr_ch&hl=fr-CH&gl=CH} }
      23 { set url {sv_se&hl=sv&gl=SE} }
      24 { set url {sr_rs&hl=sr&gl=RS} }
      25 { set url {cn&hl=zh-CN&gl=CN} }
      26 { set url {jp&hl=ja&gl=JP} }
      27 { set url {el_gr&hl=el&gl=GR} }
      28 { set url {lt_lt&hl=lt&gl=LT} }
      29 { set url {in&hl=en-IN&gl=IN} }
      30 { set url {hu_hu&hl=hu&gl=HU} }
      31 { set url {es_ar&hl=es-419&gl=AR} }
      32 { set url {id_id&hl=id&gl=ID} }
      33 { set url {en_my&hl=en-MY&gl=MY} }
      34 { set url {bn_bd&hl=bn&gl=BD} }
      35 { set url {es_mx&hl=es-419&gl=MX} }
      36 { set url {en_pk&hl=en&gl=PK} }
      default { set url {us&hl=en&gl=US} }
   return ${::googlelink}?ned=$url

proc news_refresh type {
   foreach chan [channels] newsbind [binds time] {
      if {([lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] "+googlenews"] != "-1") && ![string match "*Google:News*" $newsbind]} {
         bind time - "*" Google:News
         return 1

proc news_control {nick uhost hand chan text} {
   switch -nocase -- [lindex [split $text] 0] {
      "on" { if {[channel get $chan googlenews]} {
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :News already running @ $chan"
         } {
            bind time - "*" Google:News
            channel set $chan +googlenews
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :News now enabled @ $chan"
      "off" { if {![channel get $chan googlenews]} {
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :News already disabled @ $chan"
         } {
            unbind time - "*" Google:News
            channel set $chan -googlenews
            puthelp "privmsg $chan :News now stopped @ $chan"
      default { puthelp "privmsg $chan :Usage: $::lastbind <on/off>" }
   return 0

proc getit url {
   if {[catch {set token [http::geturl $url -binary 1 -timeout 15000]} error]} {
      putcmdlog "[string map [list \n " "] $error]"
      return 0
   } elseif {[string match *[http::ncode $token]* "307|303|302|301"]} {
      upvar #0 $token state
      if {[dict exists $state(meta) Location]} {
         set newurl [dict get $state(meta) Location]
         ::http::cleanup $token
         if {[catch {set newtok [http::geturl $newurl -binary 1 -timeout 15000]} err]} {
            putcmdlog "[string map [list \n " "] $err]"
            return 0
         } elseif {[http::status $newtok] eq "ok" && [http::ncode $newtok] == "200"} {
            set data [http::data $newtok]
            ::http::cleanup $newtok
         } else {
            putcmdlog "[http::status $newtok] - [http::code $newtok]"
            ::http::cleanup $newtok
      ::http::cleanup $token
   } elseif {[http::status $token] eq "ok" && [http::ncode $token] == "200"} {
      set data [http::data $token]
      ::http::cleanup $token
   } else {
      putcmdlog "[http::status $token] - [http::code $token]"
      ::http::cleanup $token
   if {[info exists data]} {
      return [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $data]

proc newsdom {} {
   set document [dom parse [getit [langSel]]]
   set root [$document documentElement]
   foreach id [$root selectNodes "/rss/channel/item"] {
      set description [[$id selectNodes "description"] text]
      set pubDate [[$id selectNodes "pubDate"] text]
      set newsurl [[$id selectNodes "link"] text]
      lappend news "[dom_trim $description] | [dom_trim $newsurl] | [clock scan [dom_trim $pubDate]]"
   $document delete
   set listnews [lindex [lsort -integer -decreasing -index end $news] 0]
   return [join [htmlparse::mapEscapes $listnews]]

proc news_print {where what} {
   regexp {^(.*?)(http(?:s|)://[^\s]+)(.*?)$} $what - res links _
   set output [textutil::split::splitn $what $::newsmax]
   if {[string match *${links}* $output]} {
      lmap newsout $output { puthelp "privmsg $where :$newsout" }
   } else {
      lmap newsout [textutil::split::splitn $what [string length $res]] { puthelp "privmsg $where :$newsout" }

proc dom_trim str {
   regsub -all -nocase {(?:<strong>|</strong>|<b>|</b>)} $str \002 str
   regsub -all -- {<font color="#6f6f6f">(.*?)</font>} $str "(\00304\\1\003)" str
   set str [string map [list &lt\; \u003c &gt\; \u003e &nbsp\; \u0020 \" \u0027] $str]
   regsub -all -- "<.+?>" $str { } str
   regsub -all -- {\s+} $str \u0020 str
   set str [string map {"View Full coverage on Google News" ""} $str]
   return [string trim $str]

proc news_tiny link {
   set tinyurl [getit[http::formatQuery url $link]]
   if {[info exists tinyurl] && [string length $tinyurl]} {
      return $tinyurl
   } else {
      return $link

proc getRealLink RealURL {
   set TokLink [http::geturl [string trim $RealURL]]
   upvar #0 $TokLink state
   set RealLink [dict get $state(meta) Location]
   ::http::cleanup $TokLink
   if {[info exists RealLink] && [string length $RealLink]} {
      return $RealLink
   } {
      return $RealURL

proc Google:News args {
   foreach chan [channels] {
      if {[channel get $chan googlenews]} {
         set news [newsdom]
         set newsdesc [lindex [split $news |] 0]
         set newslink [getRealLink [lindex [split $news |] end-1]]
         set newstime [string trim [lindex [split $news |] end]]
         #scan $newsdesc {%[^(]} headline
         if {(![string match *$newslink* $::oldnews] && [expr {([clock seconds] - $newstime) < ($::headlinedelay * 60)}]) || ![llength $::oldnews]} {
            if {$::tinyurl < "1" || ![string length $::tinyurl]} {
               news_print $chan "$newsdesc : $newslink ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
            } else {
               news_print $chan "$newsdesc : [news_tiny [string trim $newslink]] ([duration [expr {[clock seconds] - $newstime}]] ago.)"
            set ::oldnews "$newsdesc $newslink"
   return 0

putlog "ok..."
To do it clean, the script must be rewritten to have an unique proc to the the http queries
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Post by Goga »

I am really Sorry to say Crazycat, that your given COde is showing same ERROR.
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Revered One
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Post by CrazyCat »

Small try: edit the httpsregister procedure and add the package require tls in it:

Code: Select all

proc httpsregister {} {
   package require tls
   if {[package vcompare [package present tls] 1.7] > 0} {
      ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -autoservername 1]
   } else {
      ::http::register https 443 [list ::tls::socket -request 0 -require 1 -ssl2 0 -ssl3 0 -tls1 1]
Posts: 84
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Post by Goga »

You are GEM of person CrazyCat, Script is working efficiently.
And all thanks to you CrazyCat.
But I need to know/change, Is it posible that TCL shows the NEWS at once on all channels it is on?
Please make it possible to you CrazyCat
Thanking already.
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