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cloud ip remove ident ban

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cloud ip remove ident ban

Post by F|irT »

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## ircCloudBan v.0.1 ##

bind mode - "#% +b" ircCloudBan

proc ircCloudBan {nk uh hn ch md banmask} {
	if {![botisop $ch]} return
	if {![string match -nocase "*" $banmask]} return
	pushmode $ch -b $banmask ;  set ::irccloudban $banmask

bind kick - * ircCloudKick

proc ircCloudKick {nk uh hn ch target why} {
	if {![info exists ::irccloudban]} return

	if {[botisop $ch]} {
		set chhost [getchanhost $target $ch]

		if {[string match -nocase "*" $chhost]} {
			lassign [split $chhost "@"] user

			pushmode $ch +b "*!$user@*" 

	unset ::irccloudban
this is what i am using got from this site ... i need some help on it .

when i ban cloud ip then bots remove the ban . but did not set the ident ban .

[09:04] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:04] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b *!*
[09:09] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:09] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b *!*
[09:09] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:09] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b *!*

but in kick ban it works good
[09:11] * F|irT sets mode: +b *!*
[09:11] * Day-Night was kicked by F|irT (F|irT)
[09:11] * NoNSt0p sets mode: -b+b *!* *!uid246043@*

i want when any op ban the cloud ip it does not remove the ban .
of if it can be like remove ip and get ident like it's doing on kick ban .
not doing on simple ban.

hope u underatand.

My English is weak
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

I see that you took this code from the first page in irccloud banmask discussion but didn't read until last page to see the offered solution that seems to work for simo. Having trouble to understand what is needed to be changed? Here is the final code with all the changes in place:

Code: Select all

## ircCloudBan v.0.4 ##

set ircSkip {

bind mode - "#% +b" ircCloudBan
bind kick - * ircCloudKick

proc ircCloudBan {nk uh hn ch md banmask} {
	if {![botisop $ch]} return
	global ircSkip
	set match 0
	scan $banmask {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} n u h
	foreach host $ircSkip {
		if {![string match -nocase $host $h]} continue
		incr match
	if {$match} {
		pushmode $ch -b $banmask
		if {[regexp {[su]id\d+} $u]} {
			pushmode $ch +b "*!$u@*"
		} elseif {[regexp {id-(\d+).(.*?)} $h - x]} {
			foreach n [chanlist $ch] {
				if {[isbotnick $n]} continue
				if {[isop $n $ch] || [isvoice $n $ch] || [validuser [nick2hand $n]]} continue
				scan [getchanhost $n $ch] {%[^@]@%s} user host
				if {[regexp {\d+} $user y]} {     
					if {[string equal $x $y]} {
						pushmode $ch +b "*!$user@*"
		set ::irccloudban $banmask

proc ircCloudKick {nk uh hn ch target why} {
	if {![info exists ::irccloudban]} return
	if {![botisop $ch]} return
	set chhost [getchanhost $target $ch]
	global ircSkip
	set match 0
	if {[scan $chhost {%[^@]@%s} u h] != 2} return
	foreach host $ircSkip {
		if {![string match -nocase $host $h]} continue
		incr match
	if {$match} {
		if {[regexp {[su]id\d+} $u]} {
			pushmode $ch +b "*!$u@*"
	unset ::irccloudban
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Post by Stefano1990 »

ceasar hi, this is work only if i !kb nick same nick for the second time not at first time why ?

frist time

<@Stefano> !kb test-1
* test-1 was kicked by test (Requested (Stefano))
* test sets mode: +b *!*
* test sets mode: -b *!*

second time

<@Stefano> !kb test-1
* test-1 was kicked by test (Requested (Stefano))
* test sets mode: +b *!*
* test sets mode: -b+b *!* *!uid22341@*

Code: Select all

## ircCloudBan v.0.4 ## 

set ircSkip { 

bind mode - "#% +b" ircCloudBan 
bind kick - * ircCloudKick 

proc ircCloudBan {nk uh hn ch md banmask} { 
   if {![botisop $ch]} return 
   global ircSkip 
   set match 0 
   scan $banmask {%[^!]!%[^@]@%s} n u h 
   foreach host $ircSkip { 
      if {![string match -nocase $host $h]} continue 
      incr match 
   if {$match} { 
      pushmode $ch -b $banmask 
      if {[regexp {[su]id\d+} $u]} { 
         pushmode $ch +b "*!$u@*" 
      } elseif {[regexp {id-(\d+).(.*?)} $h - x]} { 
         foreach n [chanlist $ch] { 
            if {[isbotnick $n]} continue 
            if {[isop $n $ch] || [isvoice $n $ch] || [validuser [nick2hand $n]]} continue 
            scan [getchanhost $n $ch] {%[^@]@%s} user host 
            if {[regexp {\d+} $user y]} {      
               if {[string equal $x $y]} { 
                  pushmode $ch +b "*!$user@*" 
      set ::irccloudban $banmask 

proc ircCloudKick {nk uh hn ch target why} { 
   if {![info exists ::irccloudban]} return 
   if {![botisop $ch]} return 
   set chhost [getchanhost $target $ch] 
   global ircSkip 
   set match 0 
   if {[scan $chhost {%[^@]@%s} u h] != 2} return 
   foreach host $ircSkip { 
      if {![string match -nocase $host $h]} continue 
      incr match 
   if {$match} { 
      if {[regexp {[su]id\d+} $u]} { 
         pushmode $ch +b "*!$u@*" 
   unset ::irccloudban 

Use your common sense and try not to make me look too much like I know what I'm doing.
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

What's the exact user host of the test user? test-1! ?
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by mvp1 »

Hi Caesar,

I'm testing this code, but there seems to be a problem. The code works fine in case of Kick+Ban. However;

1) In case of only ban (no kick), it unbans the irccloud ban but DOES NOT set the ident(irccloud id) ban. Where it should be setting an irccloud id / ident ban.

<mvp1> !kb Test1
9:49:07 AM •Bot banned *!* (+b)
9:49:08 AM •Bot un-banned *!* (-b)

2) In case of only kick (no ban), it sets the ban (cloud id) ban. Where it should not be setting any ban at all.

← •Test1 ( was kicked by •mpv1: Testing please
9:31:11 AM •Bot banned *!uid283599@* (+b)

Any chance you can help edit so the (ip unban + ident ban) only runs in case of ban and kick+ban, but not in case of only kick?

Many thanks
Revered One
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Post by simo »

this is how i use it

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bind mode - "#% +b" ircCloudBan
bind kick - * ircCloudKick

proc ircCloudBan {nk uh hn ch md banmask} {
   if {![botisop $ch]} return
   	     if {[string match -nocase "*@*irccloud*" $banmask] } {  
                   set ::irccloudban $banmask
                   after [expr {1*1000*60}] [list unset ::irccloudban] 

proc ircCloudKick {nk uh hn ch target why} {
 if {![info exists ::irccloudban]} return
     if {![botisop $ch]} return
         set chost [getchanhost $target $ch]
   	    if {[string match -nocase "*@*irccloud*" $chost] } {  
        regsub -all -- ~ $chost "" chost
        set ident  [lindex [split $chost @] 0]
        set xbmaskx [string map {sid id uid id} $ident]
        set bmask  *!*[string tolower $xbmaskx ]@*
        pushmode $ch +b $bmask
        pushmode $ch -b $::irccloudban
       unset ::irccloudban

the only downside is if 2 or more irccloud users get banned at same time the var only stores 1 since its stored under 1 name

Code: Select all

 set ::irccloudban $banmask 

i tried using like :

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 set ::irccloudban($chan:$banmask) $banmask 

but i couldnt use that in the kick proc since kick proc doesnt use bans

other than that it should work fine
Revered One
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Post by simo »

in addition :
1) In case of only ban (no kick), it unbans the irccloud ban but DOES NOT set the ident(irccloud id) ban. Where it should be setting an irccloud id / ident ban.
this can only be done if unique id (UID) is in the set banmask but in many cases it isnt and in many cases irccloud users use the same server without uid in the server vhost like
*!* or *!*

and so on wich makes it impossible to determine wich ident ban to set thats why the kick proc is used to determine that on kick
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Post by simo »

this seems to do well for me on dalnet

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## ircCloudBan v.1.0 ##

bind mode - "#% +b" ircCloudBan
bind kick - * ircCloudKick

proc ircCloudBan {nk uh hn ch md banmask} {
  if {![botisop $ch]} return

  if {[string match -nocase "*@*irccloud*" $banmask] && ![regexp {[\`\^\-\_\\\|\}\{\[\]a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}!(\*)@.*irccloud\.com} $banmask] && ![regexp {[su]id\d+} $banmask] && ![regexp {id-(\d+).(.*?)} $banmask] && || ![regexp {(\*)!(\*)@.*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\.irccloud\.com} $banmask]} {

    set ::irccloudban $banmask
    after [expr {1*1000*60}] [list unset ::irccloudban]

  if {[regexp {[\`\^\-\_\\\|\}\{\[\]a-zA-Z0-9]{1,}!(\*)@.*irccloud\.com} $banmask] || [regexp {[su]id\d+} $banmask] || [regexp {id-(\d+).(.*?)} $banmask] || [regexp {(\*)!(\*)@.*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\.irccloud\.com} $banmask]} {

    set userList [chanlist $ch]

    foreach n $userList {

      if {![matchaddr $banmask $n![getchanhost $n $ch]]} { continue }
      if {[isop $n $ch] || [ishalfop $n $ch] || [matchattr [nick2hand $n] "fnmo|fnmo" $ch]} { continue }

      set chost [getchanhost $n $ch]
      regsub -all -- ~ $chost "" chost
      set ident  [lindex [split $chost @] 0]
      set xbmaskx [string map {sid id uid id} $ident]
      set bmask  *!*[string tolower $xbmaskx ]@*
      pushmode $ch +b $bmask
      pushmode $ch -b $banmask

proc ircCloudKick {nk uh hn ch target why} {
  set chost [getchanhost $target $ch]

  if {[info exists ::irccloudban] && [matchaddr $::irccloudban $target!$chost]} {
    if {![botisop $ch]} return

    regsub -all -- ~ $chost "" chost
    set ident  [lindex [split $chost @] 0]
    set xbmaskx [string map {sid id uid id} $ident]
    set bmask  *!*[string tolower $xbmaskx ]@*
    pushmode $ch +b $bmask
    pushmode $ch -b  $::irccloudban
    after cancel unset ::irccloudban
    unset ::irccloudban

putlog "irccloud.tcl Loaded."

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