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ı can't runnig Wordgame.tcl

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ı can't runnig Wordgame.tcl

Post by Mystical »

ı can't runnig this code !!!

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#Change the f|f if you want.

bind pub f|f !score the_score
bind pub f|f !word pub_word
bind time - "05 03 % % %" wo_refresh_time
bind msg m !wordswitch word_onoff
bind msg m !wordanswer answer_onoff

## VARIABLES, set these.

# This is the file that holds the wordlist, set it to whatever
set wlistfile /home/egg/kinks/scripts/wordlist.txt 

# This file keeps scores again call it whatever 
set wscorefile /home/egg/kinks/scripts/wscore

# This special user is added to the bots userlist and used to track
# where each chan is in the wordlist
set specuser specialwd

# Say the answer if no one gets it
# 0 is don't say it / 1 is say it
set ansonoff 0

## ----------------Leave the rest alone----------------------------------

# This variable tells whether the script is being run.  It will only allow
# the game to be played in one channel at a time, otherwise too many timers
# too much confusion.
# Occasionally, the script may become confused during desynchs and says its 
# running when it isn't. You must reset this variable to 0. Don't worry
# it doesnt happen often.  Obviously leave it set to 0 here
set winuse 0

# This variable is the place in the wordlist.  Its initialized to 0 don't
# mess with it.  I tried randomizing this, but found this worked better,
# but its not hard to randomize if you like that better.
set word_list_count 0

# On off switch for the annoying people
# 0 is off/ 1 is on
set glonoff 1

# Global channel variable, initialized to null, leave alone
set chan ""

# Initializes global wordlist to null, leave it alone
set words ""

# ----------CODE--------------------------------------------------------

# Procedure to turn on/off whether the answer is given if no one
# gets it.
proc answer_onoff {nick uhost handle args} {
  global ansonoff botnick
  set onoff [string tolower [ string trim [lindex [split $args] 0] "{}" ]]
  if {$onoff == "on"} { 
 	set ansonoff 1
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame will now tell you losers the answers ;-P"
  if {$onoff == "off"} { 
	set ansonoff 0
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame will no longer tell you losers the answers"
   putserv "NOTICE $nick :USAGE: /msg $botnick !wordanswer on\/off"

# Had to add an on off switch cause some pple started annoying me
proc word_onoff {nick uhost handle args} {
  global botnick glonoff
  set onoff [string tolower [ string trim [lindex [split $args] 0] "{}" ]]
  if {$onoff == "on"} { 
 	set glonoff 1
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame is turned on"
  if {$onoff == "off"} { 
	set glonoff 0
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame is turned off"
   putserv "NOTICE $nick :USAGE: /msg $botnick !wordswitch on\/off"

# This is the main proc, it spews the word and sets the timers to do the 
# rest.

proc pub_word {nick uhost handle channel args} {
   global wscorefile wlistfile words word_list_count answer winuse \
chan letone lettwo letters specuser glonoff
   if {$glonoff == 0} {
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :Sorry, wordgame is turned off, try again later"
   set chn [string tolower $channel]
   if {$word_list_count == 0} {
       if {![validuser $specuser]} {
          set channels [channels]
          adduser $specuser specuser!
          foreach chann $channels {
             setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chann 0
       set word_list_count [getuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn]
       set words ""	
       set fd [open $wlistfile r]
       while {![eof $fd]} {
          lappend words [gets $fd]
       close $fd
   if {($winuse == 1) && ([string compare $chn $chan] != 0)} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chn :Sorry, they're already playing in $chan, go join in. I'll tell em your coming, $nick." 
   return 0
   } elseif {($winuse == 1) && ([string compare $chn $chan] == 0)} { 
        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :HEY! One word at a time!"
     return 0
   } elseif {$winuse == 0} {
      set chan $chn
      set winuse 1
      set word_pair [lindex $words $word_list_count]
      set answer [lindex [split $word_pair :] 1]
      set word_split [split $word_pair :]
      set letters [lreplace $word_split 1 1]
      set let_split [split $letters {}]
      set letone [lindex $let_split 0]
      set slettwo $letone
      set slettwo [join [lappend slettwo [lindex $let_split 1]]]
      regsub { } $slettwo {} lettwo
      set i [llength $let_split]
      set smixed ""
      set tmixed ""
      for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
        set k [rand [llength $let_split]] 
        set smixed $tmixed
        set smixed [lappend smixed [lindex $let_split $k]]
        set let_split [lreplace $let_split $k $k]
        regsub { } $smixed {} tmixed
      set mixed $tmixed
      bind pub - $letters pub_gotit
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Unscramble ---> \0036 $mixed "
      incr word_list_count 
      if {$word_list_count >= [expr [llength $words] -1]} {
         set word_list_count "0"
      setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn $word_list_count
      utimer 60 noone_gotit 
      utimer 15 clue_1
      utimer 30 clue_2
      utimer 45 clue_3

# All the timers expired and no one got it. Spew to chan.

proc noone_gotit {} {
   global winuse chan letters ansonoff
   if {$ansonoff} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Nobody got\'s \0034$letters"
   } else { 
     putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Nobody got it...\0034losers!"
   unbind pub - $letters pub_gotit
   set winuse 0 
   set chan "" 

# List of things to say when a validuser wins

set winsay {
"must be a fluke"
"you rule!!"
"how's that VD comin along?"
"can I be your friend?"
"you're such a badass!"
"must have gotten all the easy ones!"
"but you still suck!"
"you must be on \0034fire!!"

# Somebody won, spew to chan and update score file. Scores are kept for both
# daily and cumulative.  Once anyone hits 500 all scores are reset.

proc pub_gotit {nick uhost handle channel args} {
   global wscorefile words letters answer  winuse chan winsay
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Woohoo $nick!! You got it...\0034$letters"
   unbind pub - $letters pub_gotit
   if {![validuser $handle]} {
     set winuse 0
     set chan ""
     return 0
   if {![file exists $wscorefile]} {
	set fd [open $wscorefile w]
	close $fd
   set fd [open $wscorefile r]
   set j 0
   while {![eof $fd]} {
     lappend score [gets $fd]
     set j [incr j] 
   set i [expr $j - 1]
   set score [lreplace $score $i $i]
   close $fd
   for {set k 0} {$k < $i} {incr k 3} {
     set scnick [lindex $score $k]
     if {$handle == $scnick} {
        set newd [expr [lindex $score [expr $k + 1]] + 1]
        set newf [expr [lindex $score [expr $k + 2]] + 1]
        set score [lreplace $score [expr $k + 1] [expr $k + 2] $newd $newf]
        set dscore [lindex $score [expr $k + 1]]
        set rand_say [lindex $winsay [rand [llength $winsay]]]
        putserv "PRIVMSG  $chan :$nick you've won $dscore times today, $rand_say"
        if {$newf == 500} {
          putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :OH MY GAWD!! $scnick just scored 500 since time began!"
          set score [lreplace $score 1 2 0 0]
          for {set k 1} {$k < $i} {incr k 2} {
            set score [lreplace $score $k $k 0]
	    incr k
            set score [lreplace $score $k $k 0]
          putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\001ACTION sprinkles bot dust and time begins again!"
        set winuse 0
        set chan ""
        set fd [open $wscorefile w]
        foreach line $score {
          puts $fd $line
        close $fd
        return 0
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick this is your first ever win!!!...Don't you feel pathetic!"
   set score [lappend score $handle]
   set score [lappend score 1]
   set score [lappend score 1]
   set fd [open $wscorefile w]
     foreach line $score {
       puts $fd $line
   close $fd
   set winuse 0
   set chan ""

proc the_score {nick uhost handle channel args} {
  global botnick wscorefile words answer winuse chan
  if {($winuse == 1) && ($chan == $channel)} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Sheesh! Can't you see we're playing here!!"
  return 0
  if {![file exists $wscorefile]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : No one has scored yet!"
  set fd [open $wscorefile r]
  set j 0
   while {![eof $fd]} {
     lappend score [gets $fd]
	 incr j
   set i [expr $j - 1]
   set score [lreplace $score $i $i]
   close $fd
   set looptest [llength $score]
   if {$looptest > 30} {
      set looptest 30
   for {set k 0} {$k < $looptest} {incr k 3} {
      set wosnick [lindex $score $k] 
      set dscore [lindex $score [expr $k + 1]]
      set fscore [format "%d" [lindex $score [expr $k + 2]]]
      lappend tempsortscore [format "%.20d %d %s" $fscore $dscore $wosnick]
   set tempsortscore [lsort -decreasing $tempsortscore]
   set k 0
   foreach i $tempsortscore {
     incr k
	 set newtempsortscore [string trimleft [lindex $i 0] 0]
     append sortscore [format "\0034 %s\.\003 %s\(%d\/%d\)  " $k [lindex $i 2] $newtempsortscore [lindex $i 1]]
   set slength [llength $sortscore]
   putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :The top 10 Scramble scorers are (Total/Daily):"
   putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$sortscore"

# Give clue word

proc clue_1 {} {
   global chan answer
   set clue $answer
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Clue --->\00312  $clue"

# Give first letter of the word

proc clue_2 {} {
   global chan letone
   set clue $letone
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :First letter --->\00312  $clue"

# Give the second letter

proc clue_3 {} {
   global chan lettwo
   set clue $lettwo 
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :First two letters --->\00312  $clue"

# Kill all remaining timers when someone wins.

proc kill_timers {} {
   global chan
   foreach j [utimers] {
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "noone_gotit"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "clue_1"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "clue_2"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "clue_3"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
   return 0

# Its 3:00 am, clear the daily scores.

proc wo_refresh_time {m h d mo y} {
  global wscorefile 
  set fd [open $wscorefile r]
  set j 0
  while {![eof $fd]} {
     lappend score [gets $fd]
     set j [incr j]
  set i [expr $j - 1]
  set score [lreplace $score $i $i]
  close $fd
  set score [lreplace $score 1 1 0]
  for {set k 1} {$k < $i} {incr k 3} {
     set score [lreplace $score $k $k 0]
  set fd [open $wscorefile w]
  foreach line $score {
      puts $fd $line
  close $fd
  return 1

putlog "Wordgame by murf loaded"
ı have added script.tcl the conf file.. ( source/script/scramble.tcl
ı have edited the scramble.tcl ( created wscore , wordlist files )
ı have rehashed the eggdrop ( ./eggdrop -m scramble.conf ) , ( eggdrop 1.6.17) and the perfect come in the irc channel
ı have maked !word command but it not get reply !!
can you help me please ...
ı can to go mad :D
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Post by ^DooM^ »

ı have added script.tcl the conf file.. ( source/script/scramble.tcl
that should be

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source scripts/scramble.tcl
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Post by Mystical »

oke ı have fixed but not ruuning again
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Post by ^DooM^ »

Did you actually turn the game on?

/msg yourbotsname !wordswitch

Make sure you have the flags +mf. Also noone but people added to your bot with the +f flag can play the game you may want to change the 'f|f' flags to '-|-' in the binds without the quotes''
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
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Post by YooHoo »

you gotta set the variables to your specific bot :? i see this tcl bitched about more & more, but it works fine ffs

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## VARIABLES, set these. 

# This is the file that holds the wordlist, set it to whatever 
set wlistfile /home/egg/kinks/scripts/wordlist.txt 

# This file keeps scores again call it whatever 
set wscorefile /home/egg/kinks/scripts/wscore 
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Post by Mystical »

^DooM^ wrote:Did you actually turn the game on?

/msg yourbotsname !wordswitch

Make sure you have the flags +mf. Also noone but people added to your bot with the +f flag can play the game you may want to change the 'f|f' flags to '-|-' in the binds without the quotes''
ok ı have maked flags to -|-' but not get relpy "/msg botname !wordswitch and !word
Last edited by Mystical on Tue Jul 26, 2005 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mystical »

YooHoo wrote:you gotta set the variables to your specific bot :? i see this tcl bitched about more & more, but it works fine ffs

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## VARIABLES, set these. 

# This is the file that holds the wordlist, set it to whatever 
set wlistfile /home/egg/kinks/scripts/wordlist.txt 

# This file keeps scores again call it whatever 
set wscorefile /home/egg/kinks/scripts/wscore 
oke ı have fixed it's but not running
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Post by ^DooM^ »

Are you sure you fixed it?

Are you running this on a windrop or eggdrop?
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
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Post by Mystical »

^DooM^ wrote:Are you sure you fixed it?

Are you running this on a windrop or eggdrop?
yes sure.. it's running on a eggdrop .

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#Change the f|f if you want.

bind pub -|- !score the_score
bind pub -|- !word pub_word
bind time - "05 03 % % %" wo_refresh_time
bind msg m !wordswitch word_onoff
bind msg m !wordanswer answer_onoff
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Post by Alchera »

Are you certain you have set the pathlist to wordlist.txt & wscore correctly? To recheck, from your bots ~scripts folder type >> pwd
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Mystical »

Alchera wrote:Are you certain you have set the pathlist to wordlist.txt & wscore correctly? To recheck, from your bots ~scripts folder type >> pwd
yes ı have again checked ... it is'nt problem...
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Post by Ian-Highlander »

Mystical wrote:
^DooM^ wrote:Did you actually turn the game on?

/msg yourbotsname !wordswitch

Make sure you have the flags +mf. Also noone but people added to your bot with the +f flag can play the game you may want to change the 'f|f' flags to '-|-' in the binds without the quotes''
ok ı have maked flags to -|-' but not get relpy "/msg botname !wordswitch and !word
Umm you do realise the command is actually:

/msg botnick !wordswitch on


You have to specify the on or off at the end, just a thought in case you'd missed it.
"Insanity Takes Its Toll, Please Have Exact Change"
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Post by Mystical »

Ian-Highlander wrote:
Mystical wrote:
^DooM^ wrote:Did you actually turn the game on?

/msg yourbotsname !wordswitch

Make sure you have the flags +mf. Also noone but people added to your bot with the +f flag can play the game you may want to change the 'f|f' flags to '-|-' in the binds without the quotes''
ok ı have maked flags to -|-' but not get relpy "/msg botname !wordswitch and !word
Umm you do realise the command is actually:

/msg botnick !wordswitch on


You have to specify the on or off at the end, just a thought in case you'd missed it.
oke ı have inspected .. ı have maked /msg scramble ! !wordswitch on
but not get reply ..
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Mystical wrote:.. ı have maked /msg scramble ! !wordswitch on
but not get reply ..
Incase that's not a typing mistake it's
/msg scramble !wordswitch on
as suggested by Ian-Highlander.
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Post by ^DooM^ »

hmmm odd that i missed the useful word 'on' in that lol. must of been another of my sleep deprived posts. :roll:
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
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