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bloody beginner - need help

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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bloody beginner - need help

Post by rotyn »


my name is Rudy, basicly dealing with online/browsergames. Naturally our Clan is using some IRC chans, hostet on servers of

For almost 2 days I was dealing with new stuff, never had experiences with eggdrop/TCL before. But for the last step I need some help.

I need to modify some part of a given script and I don't know what to do. It's about authentification with nickserver, on called authserv

The script looks like this:

Code: Select all

variable nickservpass "mzLP3Ss3"
variable nickservtext "This nick"
variable nickservmask "mask"
variable nickservaddr "authserv"

bind notc - "*$nickservtext*" moxtool_nickserv_identify
bind dcc P !identify moxtool_nickserv_identify_manually

proc moxtool_nickserv_identify_manually {handle idx arg} {
global nickservaddr nickservpass
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nickservaddr AUTH :identify $nickservpass"

proc moxtool_nickserv_identify {nick mask handle text {dest ""}} {
global nickservpass nickservmask nickservaddr
global botnick

if {$dest == ""} { set dest $botnick }

if {$dest == $botnick && [string tolower $mask] == [string tolower $nickservmask] && $nickservpass != ""} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nickservaddr :identify $nickservpass"
First question: How to modify the script so that as a result the bot is sending the following message for authetification:

/msg Authserv Auth <Nick> <Password>

Second question: How to add scripting so that after authentification the following command is send:

/msg chanserv invite #channelxy

Thx for ur help, guys....

Rudy (from Germany)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

There're plenty of identify scripts out there, I suggest De Kus' chanservneed.tcl.
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