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help with gather script

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Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:20 am

help with gather script

Post by totalnewb »

I'm also using this bot for a seperate game. If possible could someone change it so when it picks teams (and changes the topic of the channel) it does it in Team1: player player player player player Team2: Player player player player player... instead of team1 team2 team1 team2

Currently it only has a color for each team, i've tried multiple ways to make it do TEAM1:colorcode players and Team2:colorcode players but nothing i try works :/

As well i would love for when it messages the players it actually tells them what team they are on.

Code: Select all

# pickup.tcl v0.5
# Pickup script for gathering players for a game.
# .join                  : Adds you to the playerlist
# .leavee                : Removes you from the playerlist
# quit/part/rename/kick  : Removes you from the playerlist
# .list                  : Shows current playerlist (not working yet)
# .last                  : Shows details about last pickup (time ago, players)
# .top10                 : Shows the top 10 players
# -- Op Only: --
# .remove all            : Removes everybody (op only)
# .remove <player>       : Removes player (op only)
# .start                 : Starts pickup
# !stop                  : Stops pickup
# At the moment, only topic is used to display players.
# When 10th (or whatever's configured) player adds up, teams are randomly
#  generated and information is displayed. The IP address and password are
#  sent via PM to the signuppers.
# Todo : 
#     Variable number of servers, to set through PM
#     Integrate a !ban script
# -o- !ts and !patch support added
# -o- Added PHP scripts to display statistics (in graphs ;))
# -o- Added !need that will amsg in all channels with !need info (op only)
# -o- Added !ban, at the moment with hardcoded options (sorry!)
# -o- Added !unban, uses the nickname used for banning as argument
# -o- Improved PMing after pickupgame starts, all at once now instead of 1 at a time
# Version 0.4: Cruz @ 26-03-2007
# -o- Fixed bug with \ in nicknames
# -o- Added extra logfile that can be used to generate graphs etc
# Version 0.3: Cruz @ 27-12-2005
# -o- !top10 support
# -o- !lastgame changed to notices so no highlight spams
# Version 0.2: Cruz @ 25-08-2005
# -o- Shows players in topic, preventing constant highlights
# -o- More settings, all colors are changable through PM's
# -o- Shows more info in !lastgame
# -o- Support for 4 different servers maximum
# Version 0.1: Cruz @ 11-06-2004
# -o- Original version

# Website:
set pickuphelpsite ""

# File containing settings
set settingsfile "./scripts/.pickupsettings"
set topplayersfile "./scripts/.pickuptopplayers"
set pickuplogfile "./scripts/.pickuplogfile"

## Default values (after changing these ingame, they're stored in the settingsfile)
# Channel:
set defpickupchan "#test

# Colors:
set defpickupcolor1 "\017\00307"
set defpickupcolor2 "\017\002\00304"

# Team colors:
set defpickupcolorteam1 "\017\002\00310"
set defpickupcolorteam2 "\017\002\00304"

# Color of promote message
set defpickupproco ""

# Playerlimit:
set defpickuplimit 2

# IP & Pass:
set defpickupmessage "\00309Join the server!"

# Game:
set defpickupgame "Vs Mode"

# Default status:
set defpickupenabled 0

# Default servers:
set defpickupserver(1) "css Pug Room #1"
set defpickupserver(2) "css Pug Room #2"
set defpickupserver(3) "css Pug Room #3"
set defpickupserver(4) "css Pug Room #4"

# MotD (topic):
set defpickuppremotd "Pickup:"
set defpickupmotd "Add up!"

# Data about last game played:
set defpickuplastdata "No Info"

# Random info:
set defpickupts ""
set defpickuppatch ""


# Read settings:

# Making sure all files exists:
set fid [open $settingsfile a+]
close $fid
set fid [open $topplayersfile a+]
close $fid
set fid [open $pickuplogfile a+]
close $fid

# Read:
set fid [open $settingsfile r]

while {![eof $fid]} {
	set line [gets $fid]

	if {[regexp -nocase  {^(.*?) (.*)$} $line match_var option newvalue]} {

		if {[string compare $option "enabled"]==0} {
			set pickupenabled $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "playmessage"]==0} {
			set pickupmessage $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "gametype"]==0} {
			set pickupgame $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "playerlimit"]==0} {
			set pickuplimit $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "channel"]==0} {
			set pickupchan $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "color1"]==0} {
			set pickupcolor1 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "color2"]==0} {
			set pickupcolor2 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "teamcolor1"]==0} {
			set pickupcolorteam1 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "teamcolor2"]==0} {
			set pickupcolorteam2 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server1"]==0} {
			set pickupserver(1) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server2"]==0} {
			set pickupserver(2) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server3"]==0} {
			set pickupserver(3) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server4"]==0} {
			set pickupserver(4) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "motd"]==0} {
			set pickupmotd $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "premotd"]==0} {
			set pickuppremotd $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "proco"]==0} {
			set pickupproco $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "ts"]==0} {
			set pickuppts $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "patch"]==0} {
			set pickuppatch $newvalue


	# If no settings were found, revert to default settings
	if {![info exist pickupmessage]} {
		set pickupmessage $defpickupmessage
	if {![info exist pickupgame]} {
		set pickupgame $defpickupgame
	if {![info exist pickuplimit]} {
		set pickuplimit $defpickuplimit
	if {![info exist pickupenabled]} {
		set pickupenabled $defpickupenabled
	if {![info exist pickupchan]} {
		set pickupchan $defpickupchan
	if {![info exist pickupcolor1]} {
		set pickupcolor1 $defpickupcolor1
	if {![info exist pickupcolor2]} {
		set pickupcolor2 $defpickupcolor2
	if {![info exist pickupcolorteam1]} {
		set pickupcolorteam1 $defpickupcolorteam1
	if {![info exist pickupcolorteam2]} {
		set pickupcolorteam2 $defpickupcolorteam2
	if {![info exist pickupserver(1)]} {
		set pickupserver(1) $defpickupserver(1)
	if {![info exist pickupserver(2)]} {
		set pickupserver(2) $defpickupserver(2)
	if {![info exist pickupserver(3)]} {
		set pickupserver(3) $defpickupserver(3)
	if {![info exist pickupserver(4)]} {
		set pickupserver(4) $defpickupserver(4)
	if {![info exist pickupservercounter]} {
		set pickupservercounter 1
	if {![info exist pickupmotd]} {
		set pickupmotd $defpickupmotd
	if {![info exist pickuppremotd]} {
		set pickuppremotd $defpickuppremotd
	if {![info exist pickuplastdata]} {
		set pickuplastdata $defpickuplastdata
	if {![info exist pickupproco]} {
		set pickupproco $defpickupproco
	if {![info exist pickupts]} {
		set pickupts $defpickupts
	if {![info exist pickuppatch]} {
		set pickuppatch $defpickuppatch

close $fid

## Starting Code ##

bind pub - .help pickup_help
bind pub - .join pickup_add
bind pub - .leave pickup_remove
bind pub - .remove pickup_remove
bind pub - .list pickup_display
bind pub - .top10 pickup_parsetpf
bind pub o .resettop10 pickup_resettpf
bind pub - .cyclepickup pickup_cycle
bind pub - .last pickup_lastgame
bind pub - .promote pickup_promote
bind pub - .ts pickup_ts
bind pub - .patch pickup_patch
bind part - * pickup_part
bind kick - * pickup_kick
bind sign - * pickup_signoff
bind nick - * pickup_nick
bind pub - .need pickup_need
bind pub - .start pickup_start
bind pub - .stop pickup_stop
bind msgm - "set*" pickup_setoptions
bind pub - .ban pickup_ban
bind pub - .unban pickup_unban

proc pickup_ban { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupbantypes pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
        if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	# Check if it's an Op or owner:
	if {[matchattr $handle o]==1 || [isop $nick $pickupchan]} {

		if {[llength $arg] < 1} {
			putserv "NOTICE $nick :\2Syntax\2: !ban <nick> <reason>, where reason can be : noshow/leaving/nicklame/spotsteal"

		# Split arg into nick / reason
		if {![regexp -nocase  {^(.*?) (.*)$} $arg match_var vnick reason]} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}Invalid syntax. It's: !ban <nick> <reason>."

		# Syntax : !ban <nick> <reason>
		# Check if <nick> exists:
		if {![onchan $vnick $channel]} {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}$vnick not found in this channel."

		# Check for the bantime:
		if {[string match -nocase "$reason" "leaving"]} { 
			set bantime 60
			set message "Banned for ${bantime}m for leaving the server"

		if {[string match -nocase "$reason" "noshow"]} { 
			set bantime 360
			set message "Banned for ${bantime}m for not showing up on the server"

		if {[string match -nocase "$reason" "spotsteal"]} { 
			set bantime 360
			set message "Banned for ${bantime}m for stealing a spot on the server"

		if {[string match -nocase "$reason" "nicklame"]} { 
			set bantime 20
			set message "Banned for ${bantime}m for not having the proper nickname on the server"

		if {[info exists bantime]} {
			set uhost [getchanhost $vnick $channel]
			# We add the nickname to the ban message so we can later unban on the nickname!
			newchanban $channel [maskhost $uhost] $nick "$vnick = $message" $bantime
		} else {
			puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}Invalid ban reason. (leaving/noshow)"

proc pickup_unban { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupbantypes pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
        if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	# Check if it's an Op or owner:
	if {[matchattr $handle o]==1 || [isop $nick $pickupchan]} {

		if {[llength $arg] < 1} {
			putserv "NOTICE $nick :\2Syntax\2: !unban <nick>, where nick was used for banning (ban message is 'nick = ....')"

		# {*!*Heretic@* {Die spambot scum!} 1134839717 1134839417 1134839417 {[FtUC]Bob}}
                # Check all bans:
                foreach ban [banlist $channel] {
                        set banmsg [lindex $ban 1]
			set banhost [lindex $ban 0]
			if {[regexp -nocase  {^(.*?) = (.*)$} $banmsg match_var vnick reason]} {
				if {[string match -nocase "$arg" $vnick]} {
                                        killchanban $channel $banhost
                                        puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}$vnick is unbanned."

		puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}Can't find $arg in the active ban list."



proc pickup_need { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickuplasttime pickuplastdata pickupenabled pickuplastneed pickupoldserver

	if {$pickupenabled == 0} { return }

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	# Only do this once every 5 minutes
	if {[info exists pickuplastneed]} {
		set newtime [clock seconds]
		set timediff [expr $newtime - $pickuplastneed]

		if {$timediff < 300} {
			putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}Sorry, there is a limit of 1 need message every 5 minutes."

	# Check if this player was in the last pickup
	set allowed 0
    	if {[matchattr $handle o]==1 || [isop $nick $pickupchan]} {
		set allowed 1
	if {[string match $pickuplastdata "*${nick}*"]} {
		set allowed 1

	if {$allowed == 0} {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}Sorry, only Ops or people in the pickup can use !need."

	# If no game has been played yet, ignore:
	if {![info exists pickupoldserver]} {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}Can't remember any pickup's being played recently."

	# Check if number of needed players is given:
	set number 1
	regexp -nocase  {^([0-9]+)$} $arg match_var number
	# Send a message
	set allchans ""
	foreach onechannel [channels] {
		set allchans "$allchans,$onechannel"

	putserv "PRIVMSG $allchans :${pickupcolor1}:: $number player(s) needed for $channel pickup : $pickupoldserver ${pickupcolor1}::"
	set pickuplastneed [clock seconds]

proc pickup_cycle { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupchan

    if {[matchattr $handle o]==1 || [isop $nick $pickupchan]} {

	pickup_display $nick $uhost $handle $channel $arg


proc pickup_setoptions { nick uhost handle arg } {
 global pickupchan pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupenabled
 global pickuplimit pickupmessage pickupgame settingsfile pickupcolorteam1 pickupcolorteam2
 global pickupserver pickuppremotd pickupmotd pickupproco pickupts pickuppatch

    if {[matchattr $handle o]==1 || [isop $nick $pickupchan]} {

	if {[regexp -nocase  {^.*? (.*?) (.*)$} $arg match_var option newvalue]} {

		if {[string compare $option "enabled"]==0} {
			set pickupenabled $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "playmessage"]==0} {
			set pickupmessage $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "gametype"]==0} {
			set pickupgame $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "playerlimit"]==0} {
			set pickuplimit $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "color1"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupcolor1 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "color2"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupcolor2 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "promotecolor"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupproco $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "teamcolor1"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupcolorteam1 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "teamcolor2"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupcolorteam2 $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "channel"]==0} {
			set pickupchan [string tolower $newvalue]

		if {[string compare $option "server1"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupserver(1) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server2"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupserver(2) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server3"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupserver(3) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "server4"]==0} {
			if {$newvalue == 0} { set newvalue ""}
			set pickupserver(4) $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "motd"]==0} {
			set pickupmotd $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "premotd"]==0} {
			set pickuppremotd $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "ts"]==0} {
			set pickupts $newvalue

		if {[string compare $option "patch"]==0} {
			set pickuppatch $newvalue

		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor1}:::: Settings Changed ::::"

		# Save the new settings:

		set fid [open $settingsfile w]

		puts $fid "enabled $pickupenabled"
		puts $fid "playmessage $pickupmessage"
		puts $fid "gametype $pickupgame"
		puts $fid "playerlimit $pickuplimit"
		puts $fid "channel $pickupchan"
		puts $fid "color1 $pickupcolor1"
		puts $fid "color2 $pickupcolor2"
		puts $fid "teamcolor1 $pickupcolorteam1"
		puts $fid "teamcolor2 $pickupcolorteam2"
		puts $fid "server1 $pickupserver(1)"
		puts $fid "server2 $pickupserver(2)"
		puts $fid "server3 $pickupserver(3)"
		puts $fid "server4 $pickupserver(4)"
		puts $fid "premotd $pickuppremotd"
		puts $fid "motd $pickupmotd"
		puts $fid "proco $pickupproco"
		puts $fid "ts $pickupts"
		puts $fid "patch $pickuppatch"

		flush $fid
		close $fid

	} else {
		# No arguments, show settings
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor1}:::: Settings ::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: channel : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupchan ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: gametype : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupgame ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: playerlimit : ${pickupcolor1}$pickuplimit ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: playmessage :\017 $pickupmessage ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: color1 :\017 $pickupcolor1 This Color ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: color2 :\017 $pickupcolor2 This Color ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: teamcolor1 :\017 $pickupcolorteam1 This Color ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: teamcolor2 :\017 $pickupcolorteam2 This Color ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: promotecolor :\017 $pickupproco This Color ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: server1 : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupserver(1) ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: server2 : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupserver(2) ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: server3 : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupserver(3) ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: server4 : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupserver(4) ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: premotd : ${pickupcolor1}$pickuppremotd ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: motd : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupmotd ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: ts : ${pickupcolor1}$pickupts ${pickupcolor2}::::"
		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor2}:::: patch : ${pickupcolor1}$pickuppatch ${pickupcolor2}::::"

		putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :${pickupcolor1}:::: /Settings ::::"



proc pickup_ts { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickuphelpsite pickupts

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	putserv "PRIVMSG $pickupchan :${pickupcolor1}TeamSpeak :: ${pickupcolor2}${pickupts}${pickupcolor1}"

proc pickup_patch { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickuphelpsite pickuppatch

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	putserv "PRIVMSG $pickupchan :${pickupcolor1}Patches :: ${pickupcolor2}${pickuppatch}${pickupcolor1}"

proc pickup_help { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickuphelpsite

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}::Help for Pickup:"
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}::Sign up for a game with ${pickupcolor2}.join${pickupcolor1}, remove with \
${pickupcolor2}.leave${pickupcolor1}. The time since the last pickup \
is shown with ${pickupcolor2}.last${pickupcolor1}, View the top 10 players with ${pickupcolor2}.top10${pickupcolor1}" 

	if {[isop $nick $channel]} {
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}::Extra commands for Ops: ${pickupcolor2}.start + .stop${pickupcolor1}, and \
${pickupcolor2}.remove <name>${pickupcolor1}. You can also set options, for an overview PM me ${pickupcolor2}set${pickupcolor2}, \
${pickupcolor2}.need <amount of subs you need> to amsg the channels for a sub" 
	} else {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}::See ${pickuphelpsite} for more info!"


proc pickup_lastgame { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickuplasttime pickuplastdata pickupenabled

	if {$pickupenabled == 0} { return }

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	if {[info exists pickuplasttime]} {

		set hours 0
		set minutes 0
		set seconds 0

		set newtime [clock seconds]
		set timediff [expr $newtime - $pickuplasttime]

		set hours [expr $timediff / 3600]
		set timediff [expr $timediff - $hours * 3600]

		set minutes [expr $timediff / 60]
		set timediff [expr $timediff - $minutes * 60]

		set seconds $timediff

		putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}:: Last pickup was: $hours hours, $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds ago : $pickuplastdata "
	} else {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}:: Last pickup was when baby Jesus was born, around that time ::"

proc pickup_start { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupenabled pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickuplimit pickupgame

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	if {![isop $nick $channel]} {
		return 0

	set pickupenabled 1
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor2}Pickup Started :: ${pickupcolor1}${pickupgame} with ${pickuplimit} players"

	# Call setoptions to store status:
	pickup_setoptions $nick $uhost $handle "!pickupset bla bla"

proc pickup_stop { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupenabled pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan pickupplayerlist

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	if {![isop $nick $channel]} {
		return 0
	set pickupenabled 0
	if {[info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
		unset pickupplayerlist
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor2}Pickup Stopped!!"

	# Call setoptions to store status:
	pickup_setoptions $nick $uhost $handle "!pickupset bla bla"

proc pickup_promote { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupchan pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickuplimit pickupplayerlist pickupproco
	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	set nrofplayers 0

	if {[info exist pickupplayerlist]} {
		set nrofplayers [llength $pickupplayerlist]

	set missing [expr $pickuplimit - $nrofplayers]

	set legal 0

	if {[info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
		foreach player $pickupplayerlist {

			# Decode special characters first before comparing:
			set player [pickup_decode $player]

			if {[string compare $nick $player] == 0} {
				set legal 1
	if {[isop $nick $channel]} { set legal 1 }

	if { $legal == 1 } {
		puthelp "NOTICE $channel :$pickupproco $missing needed for pickup, !add up in $pickupchan"

proc pickup_add { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupplayerlist pickuplimit pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupenabled pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	if { $pickupenabled == 0 } {
#	putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}Pickup currently not running."

	#make sure it's not a double signup
	if {[info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
		foreach player $pickupplayerlist {

			# Decode special characters first before comparing:
			set player [pickup_decode $player]

			if {[string compare $nick $player] == 0} {
				puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}You're already signed up!"

	lappend pickupplayerlist [pickup_encode $nick]

	if {[llength $pickupplayerlist] >= $pickuplimit} {
		pickup_finish $nick $uhost $handle $channel $arg
		pickup_clear $nick $uhost $handle $channel $arg

	pickup_display $nick $uhost $handle $channel $arg

proc pickup_remove { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupplayerlist pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupenabled pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	if { $pickupenabled == 0 } {
	#	putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}Pickup currently not running."

	# Check if anybody at all signed up:
	if {![info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
	#	putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor2}Nobody signed up, that includes you!"

	# Ops can remove players:
	set removenick $nick

	if {$arg != "" && [isop $nick $channel]} {
		set removenick $arg

	set isremoved 0

	foreach player $pickupplayerlist {
		# Decode special characters first before comparing:
		set player [pickup_decode $player]

		if {[string compare $removenick $player] == 0} {
			# Matches with "removenick", not copying into new list
			set isremoved 1
		} else {
			# Other nick, copy to new list
			if {![info exists newlist]} {
				set newlist [pickup_encode $player]
			} else {
				lappend newlist [pickup_encode $player]

	# Copy new list to the pickupplayerlist
	if {[info exists newlist]} {
		set pickupplayerlist $newlist
	} else {
		unset pickupplayerlist

	# If Op said "!remove all", remove all.
	if {[string compare $arg "all"]==0 && [isop $nick $channel]} {
		unset pickupplayerlist
	} else {
		if {$isremoved == 0} {
#			putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}You weren't on the list, stupid!"

	pickup_display $nick $uhost $handle $channel $arg


proc pickup_display { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupplayerlist pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupenabled pickupchan pickupgame pickuplimit pickupmotd
 global pickuppremotd

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	if { $pickupenabled == 0 } {
		putserv "NOTICE $nick :${pickupcolor1}Pickup currently not running."

	set nrofplayers 0

	if {[info exist pickupplayerlist]} {
		set nrofplayers [llength $pickupplayerlist]

	set pickup_topic 1
	if {$pickup_topic == 1} {
		# Show players in topic:
		set playerlist ""

		set count 0
		if {[info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
			foreach player $pickupplayerlist {
				# Decode special characters first before comparing:
				set player [pickup_decode $player]
				set playerlist "$playerlist${pickupcolor2}$player${pickupcolor1}/"
				incr count

		for {} {$count < $pickuplimit} {incr count} {
			set playerlist "$playerlist${pickupcolor2}?${pickupcolor1}/"

		set playerlist [string trim $playerlist /]
		set server [pickup_getserver]
		putserv "TOPIC $channel :$pickuppremotd Players: $playerlist Server: $server $pickupmotd"

proc pickup_getserver { } {
 global pickupserver pickupservercounter

	if {[info exists pickupserver($pickupservercounter)]} {
		return $pickupserver($pickupservercounter)
	} else {
		return "invalid server"

proc pickup_nextserver { } {
 global pickupserver pickupservercounter

	set next $pickupservercounter
	incr next

	if {[info exists pickupserver($next)]} {
		set pickupservercounter $next
	} else {
		set pickupservercounter 1

	# Continue until we find a valid server:
	if {$pickupservercounter != 1 && $pickupserver($pickupservercounter) == ""} { pickup_nextserver }

proc pickup_finish { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupplayerlist pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupcolorteam1 pickupcolorteam2 pickupmessage pickupchan
 global pickuplasttime pickuplastdata pickuplogfile pickupgame pickupoldserver

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}::Pug Now started!!::"

	if {![info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
		putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :${pickupcolor1}Playerlist is empty"

	# Shuffle the teams randomly:
	set team1 ""
	set team2 ""

	# Compose the channel message with the correct teams:
	set teamlisting ""
	set i 0
	foreach player $pickupplayerlist {
		# Decode special characters first before comparing:
		set player [pickup_decode $player]
		if { $i == 0 } {	
			set teamlisting "$teamlisting${pickupcolor1}:: ${pickupcolorteam1}$player"
			set i 1
		} else {
			set teamlisting "$teamlisting${pickupcolor1}:: ${pickupcolorteam2}$player"
			set i 0

	set teamlisting "$teamlisting\017${pickupcolor1}:: "

	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$teamlisting[pickup_getserver]"
	set pickuplastdata $teamlisting[pickup_getserver]
	set pickupoldserver [pickup_getserver]

	# Send a PM to every player
	set playerlist ""

	foreach player $pickupplayerlist {
		# Decode special characters first before comparing:
		set player [pickup_decode $player]
		# Add player to top10 as well:
		pickup_addtotpf $player

		set playerlist "${playerlist},${player}"

	puthelp "PRIVMSG $playerlist :$pickupmessage $pickupoldserver"

	set pickuplasttime [clock seconds]

	# Also add entry to logfile:
	# Format:
	# date;gametype;name1,name2,etc

        set fid [open $pickuplogfile a+]
	set time [clock seconds]
	set line "$time;${pickupgame};"

	foreach player $pickupplayerlist {
		# Decode special characters first before comparing:
		set player [pickup_decode $player]
		set line "${line}${player},"

        puts $fid $line 
        close $fid


proc pickup_clear { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global pickupplayerlist pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	unset pickupplayerlist

	pickup_display $nick $uhost $handle $channel $arg

proc pickup_part { nick host handle channel arg } {
 global pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	# When someone leaves the channel, remove him from list
	pickup_remove $nick $host $handle $channel ""

proc pickup_kick { nick host handle channel kicked arg } {
 global pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	# When someone leaves the channel, remove him from list
	pickup_remove $kicked $host $handle $channel ""

proc pickup_signoff { nick host handle channel arg } {
 global pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	# When someone leaves the channel, remove him from list
	pickup_remove $nick $host $handle $channel $arg

proc pickup_nick { nick host handle chan newnick } {
 global pickupplayerlist pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $chan]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	set newlist ""

	#When someone changes his/her nick, adjust it in the playerlist
	if {[info exists pickupplayerlist]} {
		foreach player $pickupplayerlist {
			# Decode special characters first before comparing:
			set player [pickup_decode $player]

			if {[string compare $nick $player] == 0} {
				lappend newlist $newnick

			} else {
				lappend newlist $player
		set pickupplayerlist $newlist

proc pickup_addtotpf { player } {
 global topplayersfile

	set fid [open $topplayersfile r]

	# Store all lines in $data instead of looping through reading the file:
	set data [read -nonewline $fid]
	close $fid

	# Now we split the data into lines.
	set lines [split $data "\n"]

	set found 0

	# Rebuild the player file:
	set fid [open $topplayersfile w]

	# And check all lines to see if they match the nickname:
	for { set index 0 } { $index<[llength $lines] } { incr index } {
		# Only check player info:
		if {[regexp {^P (.*?) ([0-9]+)$} [lindex $lines $index] match_var nick count]} {
			if {[string equal $nick $player]} {
				incr count
				puts $fid "P $nick $count"
				set found 1
			} else {
				puts $fid "P $nick $count"
		} else {
			# No match, just copy/paste the non-player info
			puts $fid [lindex $lines $index]


	# If not in the file yet, add it:
	if {$found == 0} {
		puts $fid "P $player 1"

	close $fid

proc pickup_increase_counter {} {
 global topplayersfile

	set fid [open $topplayersfile r]

	# Store all lines in $data instead of looping through reading the file:
	set data [read -nonewline $fid]
	close $fid

	# Now we split the data into lines.
	set lines [split $data "\n"]

	set found 0

	# Rebuild the player file:
	set fid [open $topplayersfile w]

	# And check all lines to see if they match the nickname:
	for { set index 0 } { $index<[llength $lines] } { incr index } {
		# Only check player info:
		if {[regexp {^C ([0-9]+)$} [lindex $lines $index] match_var counter]} {
			incr counter
			puts $fid "C $counter"
			set found 1
		} else {
			# No match, just copy/paste the other info
			puts $fid [lindex $lines $index]

	# If not in the file yet, add it:
	if {$found == 0} {
		puts $fid "C 1"

	close $fid

proc pickup_resettpf { nick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global topplayersfile pickupchan

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}
	set fid [open $topplayersfile w]
	close $fid

proc pickup_parsetpf { orinick uhost handle channel arg } {
 global topplayersfile pickupchan pickupcolor1 pickupcolor2 pickupenabled

	if { $pickupenabled == 0 } { return }

	# check if we're on a channel which we are installed on:
	if {[lsearch -exact $pickupchan [string tolower $channel]] == "-1"} {return 0}

	set fid [open $topplayersfile r]

	# Store all lines in $data instead of looping through reading the file:
	set data [read -nonewline $fid]
	close $fid

	# Now we split the data into lines.
	set lines [split $data "\n"]

	set string "${pickupcolor1}Alltime Top10:${pickupcolor2}"

	set pu_counter 0
	set player_counter [expr [llength $lines] - 1]
	set this_player 0

	# And check all lines to see if they match the nickname:
	# for 1 to 10 (places):
	for { set x 1 } { $x < 11 } { incr x } {
		set maxnick "Nobody"
		set maxcount 0
		set maxindex -1
		# Check all (remaining) players for max:
		for { set index 0 } { $index<[llength $lines] } { incr index } {
			if {[regexp {^P (.*?) ([0-9]+)$} [lindex $lines $index] match_var nick count]} {
				if {$count > $maxcount} {
					set maxnick $nick
					set maxcount $count
					set maxindex $index
				if {$nick == $orinick} {
					set this_player $count
			if {[regexp {^C ([0-9]+)$} [lindex $lines $index] match_var counter]} {
				set pu_counter $counter

		# Remove the top player, to prevent 10x the same player:
		if {$maxindex > -1} { set lines [lreplace $lines $maxindex $maxindex] }

		set string "$string $maxnick ($maxcount)"
		if {$x < 10} { set string "$string," }

	puthelp "NOTICE $orinick : $string"
	puthelp "NOTICE $orinick : ${pickupcolor1}You played $this_player games. ${pickupcolor2}A total of $player_counter players played $pu_counter pickups."


proc pickup_encode { dohText } {
    regsub -all -nocase {\[} $dohText "\\\[" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\]} $dohText "\\\]" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\}} $dohText "\\\}" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\{} $dohText "\\\{" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\\} $dohText "\\\\" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {"} $dohText "\\\"" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {'} $dohText "\\'" dohText
    return $dohText

proc pickup_decode { dohText } {
    regsub -all -nocase {\\\[} $dohText "\[" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\\\]} $dohText "\]" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\\\}} $dohText "\}" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\\\{} $dohText "\{" dohText
#    regsub -all -nocase {\\\\} $dohText "\\" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\"} $dohText "\"" dohText
    regsub -all -nocase {\'} $dohText "'" dohText
    return $dohText

putlog "Pickup v0.5 by Cruz - LOADED!"
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Posts: 26
Joined: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:18 am
Location: Tennessee

You could try Game-Pool

Post by starr »

Game-Pool is a pickup game script that messages players with teams login address and password, don't know it if has all your looking for but it does have some of those things you mentioned.
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:20 am

Post by totalnewb »

Yeah i seen that one, only it doesn't handle parts/quits/renames at all. Otherwise that would be perfect too (a promote option would be nice as well)

So if anyone is willing to edit it up to add handling of parts/quits i would be greatful.
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