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ı can't runnig Wordgame.tcl

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Post by awaC »

:) bu soruyu soran galiba bi türk kardeşim.. bende türkce yanıt vereyim.

Code: Select all

kısmını kendine göre değişiyiyorsun.. diğerinide aynı şekilde.
Sonrasında yukarıda verilmiş wordswitch on komutunuda yaptıktan sonra
f|f ları değiştirip -|- yapiorsun.. sorun direk olarak ortadan kalkar tabi tcl nide rehaslamıyı unutma.. kolay gelsin :)
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Post by demond »

awaC wrote::) bu soruyu soran galiba bi türk kardeşim.. bende türkce yanıt vereyim.

Code: Select all

kısmını kendine göre değişiyiyorsun.. diğerinide aynı şekilde.
Sonrasında yukarıda verilmiş wordswitch on komutunuda yaptıktan sonra
f|f ları değiştirip -|- yapiorsun.. sorun direk olarak ortadan kalkar tabi tcl nide rehaslamıyı unutma.. kolay gelsin :)
this is international forum, therefore you are required to post in English

or at least start a dedicated thread in your language, like our german friends did
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Post by Mystical »

awaC wrote::) bu soruyu soran galiba bi türk kardeşim.. bende türkce yanıt vereyim.

Code: Select all

kısmını kendine göre değişiyiyorsun.. diğerinide aynı şekilde.
Sonrasında yukarıda verilmiş wordswitch on komutunuda yaptıktan sonra
f|f ları değiştirip -|- yapiorsun.. sorun direk olarak ortadan kalkar tabi tcl nide rehaslamıyı unutma.. kolay gelsin :)
I know awaC I have maked already ... but not running .. this eggdrop come in irc server but not get reply commands ..
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Post by Stone »

hello ...

can you help me please ... with this error :roll: :roll:

Code: Select all

Tcl error [the_score]: expected integer but got ""

thank you :wink:
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Post by CosmicD »

I have that too after someone got 500 points, and for the damn of it you cannot modify the score file so people can get over 500 points, that error always comes back unless you delete the wscore file and let it make a new one
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Post by Alchera »

CosmicD wrote:I have that too after someone got 500 points, and for the damn of it you cannot modify the score file so people can get over 500 points, that error always comes back unless you delete the wscore file and let it make a new one
Contact the script author.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Ian-Highlander »

There is a newer version of Wordgame.tcl by the original author, (this is murf's work not mine) which should work perfectly and does on several bots I run it on. Replace the version you have with this one. Hope this helps.

Code: Select all

##################  Written by Murf 10/10/97 ##################
##                                                           ##
## Requires wordlist.txt and wscore file                     ##
## I have included a wordlist file, but if you want to write ##
## your own, the format is                                   ## 
## <word to scramble>:<clue>                                 ##
##                                                           ##
##                                                           ##
##                                                           ##
##  The only  commands are:                                  ##
##                                                           ##
##  !word       -- starts the game                           ##
##  !score      -- spews the top ten scorers                 ##
##  !wordswitch -- turns it on or off                        ##
##  !wordanswer -- turn the answer on or off                 ##
##           Check              ##
##           Contact with questions        ##


# Scores are kept globally
# Scores are only kept for those in the bot's user list.
# The special user used to track various things, is added
#   by the script.


# Mar 26 2002   --  Fixed adding new channel 
# Dec 18 2000   --  Fixed the score again. It was totally broken, not listing
#                   anything close to the top 10 scorers
#               --  fixed problem with possible duplicate entries in the score
#                   file is users change case of their nicks
# July 9 2000   --  Added switch to say/not say the answer if no one gets it.
#				--  Got rid of all the 'putchan's
# July 2 2000 	-- 	Fixed bug in the_score that didn't account for 
# 					less than 10 people in the score list.
#				--	Fixed bug in the_score that failed to check for 
#					non-existent score file.


#Change the f|f if you want.

bind pub f|f !score the_score
bind pub f|f !word pub_word
bind time - "05 03 % % %" wo_refresh_time
bind msg m !wordswitch word_onoff
bind msg m !wordanswer answer_onoff

## VARIABLES, set these.

# This is the file that holds the wordlist, set it to whatever
set wlistfile /usr/local/egg/kinks/scripts/wordlist.txt

# This file keeps scores again call it whatever 
set wscorefile /usr/local/egg/kinks/scripts/wscore

# This special user is added to the bots userlist and used to track
# where each chan is in the wordlist
set specuser specialwd

# Say the answer if no one gets it
# 0 is don't say it / 1 is say it
set ansonoff 1

## ----------------Leave the rest alone----------------------------------

# This variable tells whether the script is being run.  It will only allow
# the game to be played in one channel at a time, otherwise too many timers
# too much confusion.
# Occasionally, the script may become confused during desynchs and says its 
# running when it isn't. You must reset this variable to 0. Don't worry
# it doesnt happen often.  Obviously leave it set to 0 here
set winuse 0

# This variable is the place in the wordlist.  Its initialized to 0 don't
# mess with it.  I tried randomizing this, but found this worked better,
# but its not hard to randomize if you like that better.
set word_list_count 0

# On off switch for the annoying people
# 0 is off/ 1 is on
set glonoff 1

# Global channel variable, initialized to null, leave alone
set chan ""

# Initializes global wordlist to null, leave it alone
set words ""

# ----------CODE--------------------------------------------------------

# Procedure to turn on/off whether the answer is given if no one
# gets it.
proc answer_onoff {nick uhost handle args} {
  global ansonoff botnick
  set onoff [string tolower [ string trim [lindex [split $args] 0] "{}" ]]
  if {$onoff == "on"} { 
 	set ansonoff 1
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame will now tell you losers the answers ;-P"
  if {$onoff == "off"} { 
	set ansonoff 0
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame will no longer tell you losers the answers"
   putserv "NOTICE $nick :USAGE: /msg $botnick !wordanswer on\/off"

# Had to add an on off switch cause some pple started annoying me
proc word_onoff {nick uhost handle args} {
  global botnick glonoff
  set onoff [string tolower [ string trim [lindex [split $args] 0] "{}" ]]
  if {$onoff == "on"} { 
 	set glonoff 1
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame is turned on"
  if {$onoff == "off"} { 
	set glonoff 0
	putserv "NOTICE $nick :Wordgame is turned off"
   putserv "NOTICE $nick :USAGE: /msg $botnick !wordswitch on\/off"

# This is the main proc, it spews the word and sets the timers to do the 
# rest.

proc pub_word {nick uhost handle channel args} {
   global wscorefile wlistfile words word_list_count answer winuse \
chan letone lettwo letters specuser glonoff
   if {$glonoff == 0} {
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :Sorry, wordgame is turned off, try again later"
   set chn [string tolower $channel]
   if {$word_list_count == 0} {
       if {![validuser $specuser]} {
          set channels [channels]
          adduser $specuser specuser!
          foreach chann $channels {
             setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chann 0
       set word_list_count [getuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn]
       if {$word_list_count == ""} {
          setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn 0
          set $word_list_count 0
       set words ""	
       set fd [open $wlistfile r]
       while {![eof $fd]} {
          lappend words [gets $fd]
       close $fd
   if {($winuse == 1) && ([string compare $chn $chan] != 0)} {
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chn :Sorry, they're already playing in $chan, go join in. I'll tell em your coming, $nick." 
   return 0
   } elseif {($winuse == 1) && ([string compare $chn $chan] == 0)} { 
        putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :HEY! One word at a time!"
     return 0
   } elseif {$winuse == 0} {
      set chan $chn
      set winuse 1
      set word_pair [lindex $words $word_list_count]
      set answer [lindex [split $word_pair :] 1]
      set word_split [split $word_pair :]
      set letters [lreplace $word_split 1 1]
      set let_split [split $letters {}]
      set letone [lindex $let_split 0]
      set slettwo $letone
      set slettwo [join [lappend slettwo [lindex $let_split 1]]]
      regsub { } $slettwo {} lettwo
      set i [llength $let_split]
      set smixed ""
      set tmixed ""
      for {set j 0} {$j < $i} {incr j} {
        set k [rand [llength $let_split]] 
        set smixed $tmixed
        set smixed [lappend smixed [lindex $let_split $k]]
        set let_split [lreplace $let_split $k $k]
        regsub { } $smixed {} tmixed
      set mixed $tmixed
      bind pub - $letters pub_gotit
      putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Unscramble ---> \0036 $mixed "
      incr word_list_count 
      if {$word_list_count >= [expr [llength $words] -1]} {
         set word_list_count "0"
      setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn $word_list_count
      utimer 60 noone_gotit 
      utimer 15 clue_1
      utimer 30 clue_2
      utimer 45 clue_3

# All the timers expired and no one got it. Spew to chan.

proc noone_gotit {} {
   global winuse chan letters ansonoff
   if {$ansonoff} {
     putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Nobody got\'s \0034$letters"
   } else { 
     putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Nobody got it...\0034losers!"
   unbind pub - $letters pub_gotit
   set winuse 0 
   set chan "" 

# List of things to say when a validuser wins

set winsay {
"must be a fluke"
"you rule!!"
"how's that VD comin along?"
"can I be your friend?"
"you're such a badass!"
"must have gotten all the easy ones!"
"but you still suck!"
"you must be on \0034fire!!"

# Somebody won, spew to chan and update score file. Scores are kept for both
# daily and cumulative.  Once anyone hits 500 all scores are reset.

proc pub_gotit {nick uhost handle channel args} {
   global wscorefile words letters answer  winuse chan winsay
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Woohoo $nick!! You got it...\0034$letters"
   unbind pub - $letters pub_gotit
   if {![validuser $handle]} {
     set winuse 0
     set chan ""
     return 0
   if {![file exists $wscorefile]} {
	set fd [open $wscorefile w]
	close $fd
   set fd [open $wscorefile r]
   set j 0
   while {![eof $fd]} {
     lappend score [gets $fd]
     set j [incr j] 
   set i [expr $j - 1]
   set score [lreplace $score $i $i]
   close $fd
   for {set k 0} {$k < $i} {incr k 3} {
     set scnick [lindex $score $k]
     if {[string tolower $handle] == [string tolower $scnick]} {
        set newd [expr [lindex $score [expr $k + 1]] + 1]
        set newf [expr [lindex $score [expr $k + 2]] + 1]
        set score [lreplace $score [expr $k + 1] [expr $k + 2] $newd $newf]
        set dscore [lindex $score [expr $k + 1]]
        set rand_say [lindex $winsay [rand [llength $winsay]]]
        putserv "PRIVMSG  $chan :$nick you've won $dscore times today, $rand_say"
        if {$newf == 500} {
          putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :OH MY GAWD!! $scnick just scored 500 since time began!"
          set score [lreplace $score 1 2 0 0]
          for {set k 1} {$k < $i} {incr k 2} {
            set score [lreplace $score $k $k 0]
	    incr k
            set score [lreplace $score $k $k 0]
          putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\001ACTION sprinkles bot dust and time begins again!"
        set winuse 0
        set chan ""
        set fd [open $wscorefile w]
        foreach line $score {
          puts $fd $line
        close $fd
        return 0
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick this is your first ever win!!!...Don't you feel pathetic!"
   set score [lappend score $handle]
   set score [lappend score 1]
   set score [lappend score 1]
   set fd [open $wscorefile w]
     foreach line $score {
       puts $fd $line
   close $fd
   set winuse 0
   set chan ""

proc the_score {nick uhost handle channel args} {
  global botnick wscorefile words answer winuse chan
  if {($winuse == 1) && ($chan == $channel)} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Sheesh! Can't you see we're playing here!!"
  return 0
  if {![file exists $wscorefile]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan : No one has scored yet!"
  set fd [open $wscorefile r]
  set j 0
   while {![eof $fd]} {
     lappend score [gets $fd]
	 incr j
   set i [expr $j - 1]
   set score [lreplace $score $i $i]
   close $fd
   set looptest [llength $score]
   for {set k 0} {$k < $looptest} {incr k 3} {
      set wosnick [lindex $score $k] 
      set dscore [lindex $score [expr $k + 1]]
      set fscore [format "%d" [lindex $score [expr $k + 2]]]
      lappend tempsortscore [format "%.20d %d %s" $fscore $dscore $wosnick]
   set tempsortscore [lsort -decreasing $tempsortscore]
   for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
      set tiscore [lindex $tempsortscore $i]
	  set newtempsortscore [string trimleft [lindex $tiscore 0] 0]
      append sortscore [format "\0034 %s\.\003 %s\(%d\/%d\)  " [expr {$i + 1}] [lindex $tiscore 2] $newtempsortscore [lindex $tiscore 1]]

   set slength [llength $sortscore]
   putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :The top 10 Scramble scorers are (Total/Daily):"
   putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$sortscore"

# Give clue word

proc clue_1 {} {
   global chan answer
   set clue $answer
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Clue --->\00312  $clue"

# Give first letter of the word

proc clue_2 {} {
   global chan letone
   set clue $letone
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :First letter --->\00312  $clue"

# Give the second letter

proc clue_3 {} {
   global chan lettwo
   set clue $lettwo 
   putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :First two letters --->\00312  $clue"

# Kill all remaining timers when someone wins.

proc kill_timers {} {
   global chan
   foreach j [utimers] {
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "noone_gotit"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "clue_1"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "clue_2"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
     if {[lindex $j 1] == "clue_3"} {
        killutimer [lindex $j 2]
   return 0

# Its 3:00 am, clear the daily scores.

proc wo_refresh_time {m h d mo y} {
  global wscorefile 
  set fd [open $wscorefile r]
  set j 0
  while {![eof $fd]} {
     lappend score [gets $fd]
     set j [incr j]
  set i [expr $j - 1]
  set score [lreplace $score $i $i]
  close $fd
  set score [lreplace $score 1 1 0]
  for {set k 1} {$k < $i} {incr k 3} {
     set score [lreplace $score $k $k 0]
  set fd [open $wscorefile w]
  foreach line $score {
      puts $fd $line
  close $fd
  return 1

putlog "Wordgame by murf loaded"
"Insanity Takes Its Toll, Please Have Exact Change"
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Post by pwnt »

This is a cool script, and it works with my eggdrop with that last code, but the !score is not working too, I'm getting same msg, anyone can help so we can see the scores?

[22:15] Tcl error [the_score]: expected integer but got ""
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Post by echo »

Well I tried the vs Ian-Highlander posted and get this:

Code: Select all

Tcl error [pub_word]: invalid command name "chan"

New to eggdrop and TCL but there it is. Not sure if anyone else had this issue.
There are 10 types of people that undersand binary; Those that do and those that don't.
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