Guidelines - Read Before Posting.

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Guidelines - Read Before Posting.

Post by Linux »

Dear Friends,
  • Remember and keep in mind the following Instructions:
  • Be sure about what you're going to do here, Seeking for Help then post such topics in Scripting Help and if you've a Request then ask in Script Requests.
  • Contact the Script Author before asking any kind of Script Modifications as per your desire.
  • Use Search funtion for forum search and see properly whether your Question might be asked before, Once discussed don't Repeat the same.
  • This is an Eggdrop/TCL related forum, Neither ask for mIRC Scripts Nor post a new topic for any (mIRC) assistance.
  • Looking for TCL Scripts or wish to have same Script (TCL) as you have in mIRC then try your luck at TCL Archive page.
  • Do not create new topics for the same problem when there is already one exist.
  • Posts with Poor Subjects or Broke the rules maybe deleted on the spot or delivered to Junk Yard and it will completly erased after 7 days.
  • Don't insult or humilate other members of the board, be nice and respect each others.

  • One IMPORTANT thing or i say Humble Request i.e. whenever you create a new topic be specific on the Subject, Example: If there's any error in sentinel.tcl and his author is slennox then subject would be like "Error/Bug in sentinel.tcl by slennox" this is not compulsory but using this way is much convenient for everyone specially the author who wrote the script and will informed (itself by viewing the subject) that his script has something to be fixed, it helps others aswell who are facing the same problem.
Cooperate and Be-Cooperated, Thankyou.

I'm an idiot, At least this one [bug] took about 5 minutes to find...
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Post by Sir_Fz »

This is important as well:
demond wrote:Folks, before asking for help with Tcl errors in your or other people's scripts, please make sure you've done the following:
  • have your .tcl and .set commands enabled, meaning that you need to open your config and comment out (or remove) the following lines:
    unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
    unbind dcc n set *dcc:set

    then save config and restart the bot
  • have full backtrace of the error; that means upon receiving Tcl error (you must be logged in), immediately type .set errorInfo and save the output
  • if the bot replies with `What? You need .help', you need to enable command .set (see above)
  • when posting code, use code tag, not quote; the code should be indented nicely, making it easier to read and understand, for example use:

    Code: Select all

    foreach foo $bar {
       if {$foo == "moo"} {
          #do something
    and not:

    Code: Select all

    foreach foo $bar {
    if {$foo == "moo"} {
    #do something
  • when testing a script, try to run that script only, get rid temporarily of all others, commenting them out in the config (don't forget to restart); it helps in narrowing the possible causes for problems, since there are no other scripts to possibly interfere with the script you are testing