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bad channel script

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bad channel script

Post by honeybee »

with small fixation suggested by demond and ban type change i m still encountering this error when i type .set errorInfo

Code: Select all

#Honey# set errorInfo
Currently: can't read "host": no such variable
Currently:     while executing
Currently: "unset bcqueue($host) bcnicks($nick)"
Secondly this doesnt check the chanlist periodically to see if somone is still on bad channel can this be added?

here is the script:

Code: Select all

#badchan 1.0 by Bass of Undernet's #eggdrop (
#This is a basic 'badchan' script to auto-ban ppl who are on other chans deemed 'bad'
#People are scanned on-join.
#Public commands:
#!gbclist			--lists the contents of the Global BadChan list
#!bclist			--lists the contents of the BadChan list for the current channel
#!gabc <mask> <reason>	--adds an item to the Global BadChan list
#!grbc <mask>		--removes an item from the Global BadChan list
#!abc <mask> <reason>	--adds an item to the BadChan list for the current channel
#!rbc <mask>		--removes an item from the BadChan list for the current channel
#eg:  !abc *sex* No sex chans!
#Users need n|- to change the global settings.
#Users need o|o to change the channel settings.
#The script keeps a copy of the list in a file so that it can be reloaded
#   the next time the bot is restarted.

if {[info exists bchan]} {unset bchan}

#minutes to wait before rescanning (so a join-part flood won't hurt) 
set bchan(rescan) 3 	

#same as other flood-prot setting.
set bc_flood 3:10

#'ignored' channels.  no scanning is done.
set bchan(exempt) "#xphiles #floods #ad&d"

#protected masks:
set bchan(protect-hosts) {


if {[info exists bcqueue]} {unset bcqueue}
set bchan(chans) ""
proc bmaskhost {uhost} {
  set uhost [lindex [split $uhost !] [expr [llength [split $uhost !]] -1]]
  set temp [string range [lindex [split $uhost @] 0] [expr [string length [lindex [split $uhost @] 0]] - 8] e]
  return "*!*$temp@[lindex [split [maskhost *!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]] @] 1]"

proc bchan_read {} {
  global bchan
  set fd [open scripts/badchan.conf r]
  while {![eof $fd]} {
    set inp [gets $fd]
    if {[string trim $inp " "] == ""} {continue}
    set ban [lrange $inp 1 e]
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $inp 0]]
    if {[lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan] == -1} {lappend bchan(chans) $chan}
    lappend bchan($chan) $ban
  close $fd
  putlog "badchan.conf loaded."
putlog "Bass's badchan.tcl 1.0 loaded"
if {[file exists scripts/badchan.conf]} {bchan_read} {putlog "badchan.conf not found!"}

proc bc_flood_init {} {
  global bc_flood bc_flood_num bc_flood_time bc_flood_array
  if {![string match *:* $bc_flood]} {putlog bchan: var bc_flood not set correctly. ; return 1}
  set bc_flood_num [lindex [split $bc_flood :] 0]
  set bc_flood_time [lindex [split $bc_flood :] 1]
  set i [expr $bc_flood_num - 1]
  while {$i >= 0} {
    set bc_flood_array($i) 0
    incr i -1
} ; bc_flood_init

proc bc_flood {nick uhost} {
  global bc_flood_num bc_flood_time bc_flood_array
  if {$bc_flood_num == 0} {return 0}
  set i [expr $bc_flood_num - 1]
  while {$i >= 1} {
    set bc_flood_array($i) $bc_flood_array([expr $i - 1])
    incr i -1
  set bc_flood_array(0) [unixtime]
  if {[expr [unixtime] - $bc_flood_array([expr $bc_flood_num - 1])] <= $bc_flood_time} {
    putlog "bchan: Flood detected from $nick."
    #newignore [join [maskhost *!*[string trimleft $uhost ~]]] bchan flood 2
    return  1
  } {return 0}

bind join -|- * bchan_join

proc bchan_join {nick uhost hand chan} {
 global bchan bcqueue bcnicks botnick
 if {[matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] bmnof|mnof $chan]} {return 0}
 set host [string tolower [lindex [split $uhost @] 1]]
 set chan [string tolower $chan]
 set nick [string tolower $nick]
 if {[lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan] == -1 && ([lsearch $bchan(chans) global] == -1 || [lsearch $bchan(exempt) $chan] > -1)} {return 0}
 if {[string tolower $botnick] == [string tolower $nick]} {return 0}
 if {![botisop $chan]} {return 0}
 if {$bchan(protect-hosts) != ""} {
  foreach i $bchan(protect-hosts) {
   if {[string match [string tolower $i] $host]} {return 0}
 if {[info exists bcqueue($host)]} {return 0}
 set bcqueue($host) 1 
 if {[bc_flood $nick $uhost]} {return 0}
 set bcnicks($nick) $chan
 putserv "whois $nick" 
 set i 0 
 set temp ""
 while {$i < [string length $nick]} {
   if {[string index $nick $i] == "\\"} {append temp "\\\\"} elseif {
   [string index $nick $i] == "\["} {append temp "\\\["} elseif {
   [string index $nick $i] == "\]"} {append temp "\\\]"} elseif {
   [string index $nick $i] == "\{"} {append temp "\\\{"} elseif {
   [string index $nick $i] == "\}"} {append temp "\\\}"} {
   append temp [string index $nick $i]}
   incr i
 } ; set nick $temp
 timer $bchan(rescan) [list catch {unset bcqueue($host) bcnicks($nick)}]

bind raw - 319 bc_whois
proc bc_whois {from key args} {
  global bchan bcqueue bcnicks
#  putlog "319: $args"
  set args [join $args]
  set nick [string tolower [lindex $args 1]]
  if {[info exists bcnicks($nick)]} {set chan $bcnicks($nick)} {return 0}
  set chans [string tolower [lrange $args 2 e]]
  if {[lsearch $bchan(exempt) $chan] == -1 && $bchan(global) != ""} {set bans $bchan(global)} {set bans ""}
  if {[lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan] > -1} {set bans "$bans $bchan($chan)"}
  foreach tok $chans {
    set tok [string trimleft $tok ":@+"]
    foreach ban $bans {
      if {[string match [lindex $ban 0] $tok]} {
        putlog "badchan:  match! $nick k/b'd from $chan because [lrange $ban 1 e]"
        putlog "args: $args, ban: $ban"
        if {[onchan $nick $chan]} {newchanban $chan [bmaskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]] badchan "[lrange $ban 1 e]" 10}
        puthelp "privmsg $nick :You're found to be on a Prohibited channel $ban Please Part it and *REJOIN* #Karachi
	return 0
  return 0
bind pub n|- !gbclist bc_glist
proc bc_glist {1 2 3 4 5} {bc_list $1 $2 $3 global $5}
bind pub o|o !bclist bc_list
proc bc_list {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global bchan
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  if {[lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan] == -1} {puthelp "notice $nick :No badchans are registered for $chan." ; return 1}
  set i 1
  puthelp "notice $nick :BadChans for $chan..."
  foreach ban $bchan($chan) {
    puthelp "notice $nick :$i) $ban"
    incr i
bind pub n|- !gabc bc_gadd
proc bc_gadd {1 2 3 4 5} {bc_add $1 $2 $3 global $5}
bind pub o|o !abc bc_add
proc bc_add {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global bchan
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  if {![string match *\\\** [lindex $args 0]]} {puthelp "notice $nick :syntax is: !abc <chanmask> \[reason\]" ; return 1}
  set args [string trimright "[string tolower [lindex $args 0]] [lrange $args 1 e]" " "]
  if {[lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan]} {lappend bchan(chans) $chan}
  lappend bchan($chan) $args
  puthelp "notice $nick :[lindex $args 0] was added to $chan's badchan list."
  return 1
bind pub n|- !grbc bc_grem
proc bc_grem {1 2 3 4 5} {bc_rem $1 $2 $3 global $5}
bind pub o|o !rbc bc_rem
proc bc_rem {nick uhost hand chan args} {
  global bchan
  set chan [string tolower $chan]
  set args [string tolower [lindex [join $args] 0]]
  if {[lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan] == -1} {puthelp "notice $nick :No badchans are registered for $chan." ; return 1}
  if {![string match *\\\** $args]} {puthelp "notice $nick :syntax is: !rbc <chanmask>" ; return 1}
  set i 0
  set temp ""
  foreach ban $bchan($chan) {
    if {[string compare $args [lindex $ban 0]] == 0} {incr i} {lappend temp $ban}
  if {$i > 0} {
    if {$temp != ""} {set bchan($chan) $temp} {
      unset bchan($chan)
      set temp [lsearch $bchan(chans) $chan]
      if {$temp == -1} {putlog "bchan: I'm confused." ; return 1}
      set bchan(chans) [lreplace $bchan(chans) $temp $temp]
    puthelp "notice $nick :$args was removed from $chan's badchan list."
  } {puthelp "notice $nick :$args was not found in $chan's badchan list."}
  return 1
proc bchan_save {} {
  global bchan
  set fd [open scripts/badchan.conf w]
  foreach chan $bchan(chans) {
    foreach ban $bchan($chan) {
      puts $fd "$chan $ban"
  close $fd
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Post by Alchera »

This script is no longer supported. Search the Tcl Archives for a more recent one.

Ban Channel v3.0.3 by MC_8 would be more appropriate and one I use myself without problems.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

Arnold_X-P, you replied without giving any info or context to your post. All you've done is basically flooded the same code, but you didn't use the code tags.
There's even a Code Button in the reply box. Please use this as it make use of syntax arrangement (which can in turn be useful to find missing braces/brackets).

Code: Select all

the code text looks like this
much easier to read
We explore.. and you call us criminals. We seek after knowledge.. and you call us criminals. We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias.. and you call us criminals.
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