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ctcp no version reply help

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Post by CrazyCat »

Underdstood. A closing bracket you probably add in the ctcp proc messed up the script.

Good version:

Code: Select all

proc ctcp {from key text} {
   global cversion
   if {[string match *!*@* $from]} { return 0 }
   if {![regexp -nocase { CONNECT: Client connecting on port (\d+) \(class (\S+)\): ([^!]+)!([^@]+)@(\S+) \(([0-9a-f.:]+)\) \[(.*)\]} $text -> port class nick ident host ip realname]} { return 0 }
   if {[lsearch -regexp $nick] ne -1} { return }
   set text [split $text]
   set cversion([string tolower $nick]) 10
   putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001VERSION\001"
   # Timer to add
   utimer 15 [list no:version:reply nick host]
  return 0
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Post by PeLL »

ok it's fine, I've tried it and now it works fine.

Code: Select all

bind raw - notice check:version
bind ctcr - VERSION version:reply

proc check:version {from key text} {
   global cversion
   if {[string match *!*@* $from]} { return 0 } {
   if {![regexp -nocase { CONNECT: Client connecting on port (\d+) \(class (\S+)\): ([^!]+)!([^@]+)@(\S+) \(([0-9a-f.:]+)\) \[(.*)\]} $text -> port class nick ident host ip realname]} { return 0 }
   if {[lsearch -regexp $nick] ne -1} { return }
   set text [split $text]
   set cversion([string tolower $nick]) 1
   putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001VERSION\001"
   # Timer to add
utimer 5 [list no:version:reply $nick]

proc version:reply {nick uhost hand dest kw arg} {
 global cversion
 if {[info exists cversion([string tolower $nick])]} {
  unset cversion([string tolower $nick])

proc no:version:reply {nick} {
   global cversion
   if {[info exists cversion([string tolower $nick])]} {
   unset cversion([string tolower $nick])
      putserv "gline $nick 5m :ta ta"
I have to say that with eggdrop in clone attack it does create a lot of lag , but ... I have mounted it in sbnc and now it has no lag .

Thank you very much CrazyCat , I have touched your code but I think it works .
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