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Help with youtube-title script

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Help with youtube-title script

Post by XtremeSeb »

I have this script but doesnt show anything when i paste a youtube url. No title, no error, nothing. What could be the problem?

Code: Select all

# Maximum time to wait for youtube to respond
set youtube(timeout)            "30000"
# Youtube oembed location to use as source for title queries. It is best to use
# nearest youtube location to you.  For example
set youtube(oembed_location)    ""
# Use tinyurl service to create short version of youtube URL. Values can be
# 0 for off and 1 for on.
set youtube(tiny_url)           0
# Response Format
# %botnick%         Nickname of bot
# %post_nickname%   Nickname of person who posted youtube link
# %title%           Title of youtube link
# %youtube_url%     URL of youtube link
# %tinyurl%         Tiny URL for youtube link. tiny_url needs to be set above.
# Example:
#   set youtube(response_format) "\"%title%\" ( %tinyurl% )"
set youtube(response_format) "Youtube Title: \"%title%\""
# Bind syntax, alter as suits your needs
bind pubm - * public_youtube
# Pattern used to patch youtube links in channel public text
set youtube(pattern) {http://.*youtube.*/watch\?(.*)v=([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)}
# This is just used to avoid recursive loops and can be ignored.
set youtube(maximum_redirects)  2
# The maximum number of characters from a youtube title to print
set youtube(maximum_title_length) 256

package require http

set gTheScriptVersion "0.5"

proc note {msg} {
	putlog "% $msg"


proc make_tinyurl {url} {
	if {[info exists url] && [string length $url]} {
		if {[regexp {http://tinyurl\.com/\w+} $url]} {
			set http [::http::geturl $url -timeout 9000]
			upvar #0 $http state ; array set meta $state(meta)
			::http::cleanup $http ; return $meta(Location)
		} else {
			set http [::http::geturl "" \
				-query [::http::formatQuery "url" $url] -timeout 9000]
			set data [split [::http::data $http] \n] ; ::http::cleanup $http
			for {set index [llength $data]} {$index >= 0} {incr index -1} {
				if {[regexp {href="http://tinyurl\.com/\w+"} [lindex $data $index] url]} {
					return [string map { {href=} "" \" "" } $url]
	error "failed to get tiny url."


proc flat_json_decoder {info_array_name json_blob} {
	upvar 1 $info_array_name info_array
	# 0 looking for key, 1 inside key, 2 looking for value, 3 inside value
	set kvmode 0
	set cl 0
	set i 1
	set length [string length $json_blob]
	while { $i < $length } {
		set c [string index $json_blob $i]
		if { [string equal $c "\""] && [string equal $cl "\\"] == 0 } {
			if { $kvmode == 0 } {
				set kvmode 1
				set start [expr $i + 1]
			} elseif { $kvmode == 1 } {
				set kvmode 2
				set name [string range $json_blob $start [expr $i - 1]]
			} elseif { $kvmode == 2 } {
				set kvmode 3
				set start [expr $i + 1]
			} elseif { $kvmode == 3 } {
				set kvmode 0
				set info_array($name) [string range $json_blob $start [expr $i - 1]]
		set cl $c
		incr i 1

proc filter_title {blob} {
	# Try and convert escaped unicode
	set blob [subst -nocommands -novariables $blob]
	set blob [string trim $blob]
	set blob

proc extract_title {json_blob} {
	global youtube
	array set info_array {}
	flat_json_decoder info_array $json_blob
	if { [info exists info_array(title)] } {
		set title [filter_title $info_array(title)]
	} else {
		error "Failed to find title.  JSON decoding failure?"
	if { [string length $title] > $youtube(maximum_title_length) - 1 } {
		set title [string range $title 0 $youtube(maximum_title_length)]"..."
	} elseif { [string length $title] == 0 } {
		set title "No usable title."
	return $title


proc fetch_title {youtube_uri {recursion_count 0}} {
	global youtube
	if { $recursion_count > $youtube(maximum_redirects) } {
		error "maximum recursion met."
	set query [http::formatQuery url $youtube_uri]
	set response [http::geturl "$youtube(oembed_location)?$query" -timeout $youtube(timeout)]
	upvar #0 $response state
	foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
		if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
			return [fetch_title $value [incr recursion_count]]
	if [expr [http::ncode $response] == 401] {
		error "Location contained restricted embed data."
	} else {
		set response_body [http::data $response]
		http::cleanup $response
		return [extract_title $response_body]

proc public_youtube {nick userhost handle channel args} {
	global youtube botnick
	if {[regexp -nocase -- $youtube(pattern) $args match fluff video_id]} {
		note "Fetching title for $match."
		if {[catch {set title [fetch_title $match]} error]} {
			note "Failed to fetch title: $error"
		} else {
			set tinyurl $match
			if { $youtube(tiny_url) == 1 && \
					[catch {set tinyurl [make_tinyurl $match]}]} {
				note "Failed to make tiny url for $match."
			set tokens [list %botnick% $botnick %post_nickname% \
				$nick %title% "$title" %youtube_url% \
				"$match" %tinyurl% "$tinyurl"]
			set result [string map $tokens $youtube(response_format)]
			putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$result"
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »

That's mostly cos the regexp is failing to match the link with the given pattern (the one you set at youtube(pattern)) most likely cos of the secured SSL connection, meaning having https rather than http, so try with replacing that with:

Code: Select all

set youtube(pattern) (?:\/watch\?v=|youtu\.be\/)([\d\w-]{11})
The best regexp I could find is this JavaScript version that seems to match multiple possible URL's, but I'm not a regexp genius (or too tiered at elast) to adjust it in TCL.
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