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Skillsgame.tcl Fishing

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Skillsgame.tcl Fishing

Post by aut »

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proc fixfreeze {type} {setall tired no}

# Commands:                                               #
#                                                         #
# !go <skill>                                             #
# Now seperated to prevent major lag. Go is one proc.     #
#                                                         #
# !lamp <skill>                                           #
# Now given randomly instead of hourly (Random Event.)    #
#                                                         #
# !store <item>                                           #
# Use that cash you got!                                  #
#                                                         #

## Variables ##

## Internal Variables ##
set id 0; # Used for lists

# Fish
# (Thank goodness for RuneHq.)
set fish {shrimp sardines herring anchovies trout pike salmon tuna lobsters bass swordfish monkfish sharks }
set fishlevels {1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 46 50 62 76}
set fishexp {10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100 120 110}

## Convinence functions ##
proc notice {nick msg} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :$msg" }
proc msgchan {chan msg} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$msg" }
proc msgnick {nick msg} { putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :$msg" }
proc getstat {hand stat} { return [getuser $hand XTRA $stat] }
proc setstat {hand stat setting} { return [setuser $hand XTRA $stat $setting] }

## Bindings ##
bind pub - !go "pub:go 0"
bind pub - .go "pub:go 0"
bind pub - @go "pub:go 1"
bind pub - !help "help 0"
bind pub - .help "help 0"
bind pub - @help "help 1"
bind pub - !commands "help 0"
bind pub - .commands "help 0"
bind pub - @commands "help 1"
bind pub - !rank "pub:rank 0"
bind pub - .rank "pub:rank 0"
bind pub - @rank "pub:rank 1"
bind pub - !bank "pub:bank 0"
bind pub - .bank "pub:bank 0"
bind pub - @bank "pub:bank 1"
bind pub - !stats "pub:stats 0"
bind pub - .stats "pub:stats 0"
bind pub - @stats "pub:stats 1"

## Functions ##
proc pub:go {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    ########################################  ABOUT  ######################################
    ## So, basically skills are just manipulations of a lot of varibles and user stats.  ##
    ## Once more skills start to fill in here, I'll move them out to individual procs.   ##
    if {[checkreg $nick $chan] == 0} { return 0 };             # If he's not registered, stop.
    set command [lindex $text 0];                              # Set the skill to train
    #if {[lindex $text 0] == ".go" || [lindex $text 0] == "!go"} {set outloud 0} else {set outloud 1}
    if {$command == "fish"} {
        go_fish $outloud $nick $user $hand $chan $text
    if {$command == "cook"} {
        go_cook $outloud $nick $user $hand $chan $text
    if {$command == "sell"} {
        go_sell $outloud $nick $user $hand $chan $text

proc help {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    global botnick
    notice $nick "$nick in $chan uses !help"
    if {$outloud == 0} {
        notice $nick "Welcome to the skills game! To get started, '/msg $botnick !reg', this will register you into the sytem. Afterwards, you may use '.go <action>' in any channel with $botnick in it to play. Go ahead, try using '.go fish' in a channel."
        notice $nick "Current actions availible are: fish, cook, sell. Other commands include: !rank, !bank, !stats, !help"
    } else {
        msgchan $chan "Welcome to the skills game! To get started, '/msg $botnick !reg', this will register you into the sytem. Afterwards, you may use '.go <action>' in any channel with $botnick in it to play. Go ahead, try using '.go fish' in a channel."
        msgchan $chan "Current actions availible are: fish, cook, sell. Other commands include: !rank, !bank, !stats, !help"

proc levelup { exp level hand nick skill } {
    set newlevel [getlevel $exp];                              # Get the level based on exp
    if {$newlevel > $level} {
        if {$skill == "fishing"} {
            setstat $hand lvlfishing $newlevel;                    # Set the fishing level to the new one
            notice $nick "Congratulations, you are now fishing level $newlevel!"
            notice $nick "[hand2nick $hand] is now fishing level $newlevel (previous $level.)"
        } elseif {$skill == "cooking"} {
            setstat $hand lvlcooking $newlevel;                    # Set the cooking level to the new one
            notice $nick "Congratulations, you are now cooking level $newlevel!"
            notice $nick "[hand2nick $hand] is now cooking level $newlevel (previous $level.)"

# Thanks to Thommey! :)
proc getlevel { exp } { set a 0; set b 1; while {$a <= $exp} { set a [expr {$a + int($b + 300 * pow(2,$b/7.0)) / 4.0}]; incr b }; expr {$b-1} }

proc getfish { level } {
    global fish fishlevels id;                                 # Grab the fish/levels list
    set max [llength $fish];                                   # Used for the while loop
    incr max -1
    while {$max > -1} {
        # notice $nick "Current position in array: $max"
        set testlevel [lindex $fishlevels $max];               # Get the current level to test
        #msgchan "#ThorsHammer" $testlevel
        if {$level >= $testlevel} {
            set id $max;                                       # Used for exp rates
            # notice $nick "Fish returned: [lindex $fish $max]"
            return [lindex $fish $max];                        # Returns the highest fish you can catch
            set max 0;                                         # Probably not needed because of return...
        } else {incr max -1};                                  # Keep the loop going

proc fishplace { fish2check } {
    global fish fishlevels id;                                 # Grab the fish/levels list
    set max [llength $fish];                                   # Used for the while loop
    incr max -1
    while {$max > -1} {
        # notice $nick "Current position in array: $max"
        set testfish [lindex $fish $max];                     # Get the current level to test
        #msgchan "#ThorsHammer" $testlevel
        if {$fish2check == $testfish} {
            set id $max;                                     
            # notice $nick "Fish returned: [lindex $fish $max]"
            return $max;                                       # Returns the highest fish you can catch
            set max 0;                                         # Probably not needed because of return...
        } else {incr max -1};                                  # Keep the loop going
    return 0

proc sotired { nick hand } {
    setstat $hand tired "yes"
    set howlong [expr {round(rand()*5)+2}]
    notice $nick "You look tired, good sir. Have a rest for at least $howlong minutes."
    timer $howlong "notice $nick {You can now use a skill again, good sir!}"
    timer $howlong "setstat $hand tired no"

proc checkreg { nick chan } {
    # If the person hasn't yet said hello to the bot, tell them to. Ugly code. :(
    global botnick
    if {[nick2hand $nick $chan] == "*"} {
        notice $nick "You are not registered yet. Please '/msg $botnick !reg' to login, and use !help in-channel to start."
        return 0
    } else { return 1 }

proc userexists {hand} {
    # Return 1 if the user has registered.
    if {[getstat $hand expfishing] == ""} {return 0} else {return 1}

proc newprofile { hand } {
    global fish
    setstat $hand lvlfishing 1
    setstat $hand expfishing 0
    setstat $hand lvlcooking 1
    setstat $hand expcooking 0
    setstat $hand money 0
    setstat $hand tired "no"
    setstat $hand diamonds 0
    set x 0; while {$x <= [llength $fish]} {
        # Create a section for each fish availible
        setstat $hand [lindex $fish $x] 0
        incr x +1

proc wipeall {} {
    set users [userlist]
    notice $nick "Wiping the profiles down... :("
    foreach u $users {
        newprofile $u
    notice $nick "Done! :)"

proc setall {a b} {
    set users [userlist]
    foreach u $users {
        setstat $u $a $b
    notice $nick "Done! :)"

proc go_fish {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    global id fishexp ::lastbind;
    if {[getuser $hand XTRA tired] == "yes"} { return 0 }; # If tired; stop.
    set level [getstat $hand lvlfishing];                  # Get fishing level
    set exp [getstat $hand expfishing];                    # Get fishing exp
    if {$exp == ""} {
        newprofile $hand;                                  # Create user's profile
        set level 1; set exp 0;                            # Fix varibles to prevent error
    set fish2get  [getfish $level];                        # Sets the fish to catch
    set ammount   [rand 30];                               # Set ammount of fish to catch
    set exprate   [lindex $fishexp $id];                   # Set the experience rate
    set expearned [expr {$ammount * $exprate}];            # Set ammount of exp earned this catch
    set fish      [getstat $hand $fish2get];               # Set ammount of fish
    incr exp      $expearned;                              # Set new exp ammount
    incr fish     $ammount;                                # Set new fish ammount
    setstat $hand expfishing $exp;                         # Save changes to exp
    setstat $hand $fish2get $fish;                         # Save changes to fish
    if {$outloud == 0} {
        notice $nick "You went out and caught $ammount $fish2get. You now have $fish $fish2get and have gained $expearned exp."
    } elseif {$outloud == 1} {
        msgchan $chan "$nick went out and caught $ammount $fish2get. He now has $fish $fish2get and has gained $expearned exp."
    notice $nick "$nick caught $ammount $fish2get (totalling $fish) in $chan."
    #if {$chan == "#ThorsHammer"} {specialevent 1 $nick};   # Diamonds! :)
    levelup $exp $level $hand $nick fishing;               # Check if user got a new level
    sotired $nick $hand;                                   # Make user tired

proc go_cook {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    global id fishexp ::lastbind;
    set level [getstat $hand lvlcooking];                  # Get cooking level
    set exp [getstat $hand expcooking];                    # Get cooking exp
    if {$exp == ""} {
        newprofile $hand;                                  # Create user's profile
        set level 1; set exp 0;                            # Fix varibles to prevent error
    set ammount [getstat $hand [lindex $text 1]];          # Get ammount of fish to fry!
    if {$ammount < 1} {
        notice $nick "You don't have any of that!"
        return 0
    set fish      [lindex $text 1];                        # What fish are we catching?
    set exprate   [expr {[lindex $fishexp $id]*1.2}];      # Faster exp then fishing
    set expearned [expr {round($ammount * $exprate)}];     # Gotta round
    incr exp      $expearned;                              # Save changes to exp
    setstat $hand expcooking $exp
    setstat $hand $fish 0
    if {$outloud == 0} {
        notice $nick "You cooked all $ammount of your $fish, netting you $expearned xp."
    } elseif {$outloud == 1} {
        msgchan $chan "$nick cooked all $ammount of his $fish, netting him $expearned xp."
    notice $nick "$nick cooked $ammount $fish, earning $expearned xp in $chan."
    levelup $exp $level $hand $nick cooking

proc go_sell {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    global fishlevels ::lastbind
    set money [getstat $hand money]
    set profiletest [getstat $hand expcooking]
    if {$profiletest == ""} {
        newprofile $hand;                                  # Create user's profile
        set level 1; set exp 0;                            # Fix varibles to prevent error
    set ammount [getstat $hand [lindex $text 1]];          # Get ammount of fish to fry!
    if {$ammount < 1} {
        notice $nick "You don't have any of that!"
        return 0
    set fish      [lindex $text 1]
    set moneyrate [lindex $fishlevels [fishplace [lindex $text 1]]]
    set earned    [expr {$ammount*$moneyrate}]
    incr money    $earned
    if {$outloud == 0} {
        notice $nick "You sold all $ammount of your raw $fish, earning you \$$earned!"
    } elseif {$outloud == 1} {
        msgchan $chan "$nick sold all $ammount of his raw $fish, earning him \$$earned!"
    setstat $hand $fish 0
    setstat $hand "money" $money

proc scorelist {} {
    # Returns money values in order from greatest to smallest
    set users [userlist]
    set overallmoney {}
    foreach u $users {
        lappend overallmoney [getstat $u money] 
    return [lsort -decreasing -integer $overallmoney];

proc whohas {score} {
    set users [userlist]
    foreach u $users {
        if {[getstat $u money] == $score} {return $u}
    return ""; # If no one has that score

proc rankmoney {nick} {
    set scores [scorelist]
    set compare [getstat [nick2hand $nick] money]
    set rank 1
    foreach u $scores {
        if {$u == $compare} {return $rank} else {set rank [expr {$rank + 1}]}
    return "ERROR: INVALID"

proc updatescores {repeat} {
    global highscores
    set highscores [scorelist]
    if {$repeat} {timer 30 "updatescores"}

proc pub:rank {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    global highscores
    if {[lindex $text 0] == ".rank" || [lindex $text 0] == "!rank"} {set outloud 0} else {set outloud 1}
    set cash [getstat $hand money]
    set name [lindex $text 0]
    if {$name == ""} then {set name $nick}
    notice $nick "Here 1. Name: $name"
    if {[string is integer $name]} {
        notice $nick "Here 2."
        updatescores 0
        set player [lindex $highscores [expr {$name - 1}]]
        if {$player == ""} {
            notice $nick "Nobody is rank $name at the moment.."
        } else {
            notice $nick "Rank $name goes to [whohas $player], with \$$player."
    } else {
        notice $nick "Here 3."
        if {![string is integer [getstat [nick2hand $name] lvlfishing]]} {notice $nick "$name hasn't registered yet.."; return 0}
        set rnk [rankmoney $name]
        notice $nick "Here 4. Rank: $rnk"
        if {$outloud == 0} {notice $nick "$name ([nick2hand $name]) is rank $rnk with \$[getstat [nick2hand $name] money]."} else {
            msgchan $chan "$name ([nick2hand $player]) is rank $rnk with \$[getstat [nick2hand $name] money]."

proc pub:bank {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    set get {money shrimp sardines herring anchovies trout pike salmon tuna lobsters bass swordfish monkfish sharks diamonds}
    set alt {dollars shrimp sardines herring anchovies trout pike salmon tuna lobsters bass swordfish monkfish sharks diamonds}
    set l ""
    set listplace 0
    #if {[lindex $text 0] == ".bank" || [lindex $text 0] == "!bank"} {set outloud 0} else {set outloud 1}
    set player [lindex $text 0]
    if {$player == ""} then {set player $hand}
    if {[userexists [nick2hand $player]] == 0} then {notice $nick "User $player doesn't exist.. Perhaps you should try a different nick?"; return 0}
    foreach u $get {
        set ammount [getstat [nick2hand $player] $u]
        if {$ammount > 0} {
            if {$l == ""} {
                append l "$ammount [lindex $alt $listplace]"
            } else {
                append l ", $ammount [lindex $alt $listplace]"
        incr listplace 1
    if {$l == ""} {
        if {$outloud == 0} {
           notice $nick "$player currently doesn't have anything of value." 
        } else {
            msgchan $chan "$player currently doesn't have anything of value."
    } else {
        if {$outloud == 0} {
           notice $nick "$player currently has: $l" 
        } else {
            msgchan $chan "$player currently has: $l"

proc pub:stats {outloud nick user hand chan text} {
    if {[lindex $text 0] == ""} {
        if {$outloud == 0} {
            notice $nick "$nick ($hand) stats: Fishing level [getstat $hand lvlfishing] ([getstat $hand expfishing] XP), Cooking level [getstat $hand lvlcooking] ([getstat $hand expcooking] XP), \$[getstat $hand money]."
        } else {
            msgchan $chan "$nick ($hand) stats: Fishing level [getstat $hand lvlfishing] ([getstat $hand expfishing] XP), Cooking level [getstat $hand lvlcooking] ([getstat $hand expcooking] XP), \$[getstat $hand money]."
    } else {
        set player [lindex $text 0]
        if {[userexists [nick2hand $player]] == 0} {notice $nick "$player hasn't played or registered yet.."; return 0}
        if {$outloud == 0} {
            notice $nick "$player ([nick2hand $player]) stats: Fishing level [getstat [nick2hand $player] lvlfishing] ([getstat [nick2hand $player] expfishing] XP), Cooking level [getstat [nick2hand $player] lvlcooking] ([getstat [nick2hand $player] expcooking] XP), \$[getstat [nick2hand $player] money]."
        } else {
            msgchan $chan "$player ([nick2hand $player]) stats: Fishing level [getstat [nick2hand $player] lvlfishing] ([getstat [nick2hand $player] expfishing] XP), Cooking level [getstat [nick2hand $player] lvlcooking] ([getstat [nick2hand $player] expcooking] XP), \$[getstat [nick2hand $player] money]."

proc specialevent {type nick} {
    # List of special events:
    # 1) Chance of finding a diamond
    if {$type == 1} {
        set chance [expr {round(rand()*50)}]
        if {$chance == 1} {
            set diamonds [getstat [nick2hand $nick] diamonds]
            incr diamonds 1
            setstat [nick2hand $nick] "diamonds" $diamonds
            notice $nick "(Special) $nick found a diamond!"
            notice $nick "While you were working, you found something in the sand... it's a diamond! You decide to store it in your bank to show it off."

set highscores [scorelist]
updatescores 0
if {[timers] == ""} {updatescores 1}

hi cant somone fix this tcl
i got error msg when check rank :: Tcl error [pub:rank 1]: expected integer but got ""

Moderation: thanks to use the [ code ] tag to enclose scripts
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Re: Skillsgame.tcl Fishing

Post by CrazyCat »

When the error occures, type .set errorInfo in partylyne to have more info about the error.
And tell us which command you used to check the rank (the exact command you typed)
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