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Heads up:Exploit in Qstat4eggdrop.tcl and possible others!!

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Heads up:Exploit in Qstat4eggdrop.tcl and possible others!!

Post by Peter »

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# exploit.tcl - string check prog. by Peter Postma <>
# This function checks the whole string for false chars.
# We need to do this when we're passing arguments from IRC to the TCL
# exec command. Without checking which characters in the string are,
# we create a huge security hole which can be easily exploited.
# I'll explain this later.
# I found this hole in some of my own code. I audited all my code and also
# the well known Qstat script, there are now alot versions available of
# Qstat4eggdrop and all which I've seen are exploitable.
# Exploit: redirect the output with the '>' char to a file which can be
# called whatever you want. It's possible to create and overwrite files.
# Like Qstat4eggdrop's "!hl" command can be exploited with:
#      !hl >test : it will create the file "test" with the output from !hl
# This is how it looks like in IRC:
#   10:41 <Me> !hl localhost
#   10:41 <Bot> Some server (localhost) 0/16 de_dust 10ms cstrike
#   10:41 <Me> !hl >server.qstat
#   10:41 <Me> !hl localhost
#   (no response)
#   10:42 <Me> !hl localhost
#   (still nothing offcourse)
# The bot's config file got screwed up, cause of my 'corrupt' command.
# Now that anyone is able to overwrite your config file, they also can
# overwrite your documents, public html files or anything else.
# The redirection in the other direction "<" (read), seems to be safe, also
# the pipe "|" character, but it always better to NOT allow these characters
# to prevent possible errors/bugs or maybe exploits.
# Solution: Use the string_check function below. This function checks the
# whole string for false characters, the chars which will be
# checked are:  >  <  |
# The function returns a 1 when no false chars are found and a 0 when a false
# character is found. Use the function like this:
#   if {![string_check $text]} { return 0 }
# Tip: Be very carefull when calling the TCL exec command and passing
# arguments to it directly from IRC. Without checking the argument will
# create a easily exploited security hole. I've found this multiple times
# in my scripts. A good idea is to use the function below which checks if
# the string contains bad characters.
# The check could be better, suggestions are always welcome.
# That's it!  (i am sorry for my poor english)

proc string_check {text} {
  for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $text]} {incr i} {
     if {[string index $text $i] == ">" || [string index $text $i] == "<" ||
         [string index $text $i] == "|"} { return 0 }
  return 1
I hope this explains it all....
A non-exploitable version for the qstat script can be downloaded here:

Post by Peter »

Someone on IRC suggested me to use regex stuff for checking input.
So I did.... I've made another function to get rid of the bug.
Here it is:

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proc check_string {text} {
  regsub -all ">" $text "" text 
  regsub -all "<" $text "" text 
  regsub -all "|" $text "" text
  regsub -all "&" $text "" text

  return $text
It simply replaces the chars: > < | and & with nothing, so it deletes the chars from the string.


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set checked [check_string $string]
Comments on this function?

Post by the-viruz »

Tcl error [pub:qstat_hlp]: syntax error in expression "$arg == "" ![string_check $arg]"


i have downloaded this version

Post by Peter »

Try downloading it again.
I just fixed the script..
It was a !@#$ typo..

$arg == "" ![string_check $arg] should be $arg == "" || ![string_check $arg]

The script is also not tested, but it should work. ;)

Optimized code

Post by Mapherick »

Stripping off invalid characters is not very user friendly, since the scripts will return unexpected results without notification. Therefore i wrote a small, fast function that can be used to check for invalid characters and trigger messages to the user involved:

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proc mk_inptcheck {txt} {
  foreach char {">" "<" "|" "&"} {
    if [string match "*$char*" $txt] {return 1}
  return 0
I have applied this patch to the following scripts:
- bserv1.0.tcl
- hlquery.tcl
- internic-lookup.tcl
- shoutcast.tcl

Am currently testing and awaiting reply from authors.

EXAMPLE: (shoutcast.tcl)

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# Written by Minox @ #SPooKY / iRCnet                            #
#                                                                #
# Please report bugs:                 #
#                                                                #
# If you want to change that script, please send a copy to me... #
#                                                                #
# Read the README or get busted :P                               #
#                                                                #

# EDITED: 8/16/2002 by Mapherick^ApL
#    Fixed exec vulnerability as pointed out by Peter Postma here:
#    User input can cause eggdrop runtime files to be overwritten 
#    and/or corrupted because of an unchecked variable used with 
#    the 'exec' command.
#    Added procedure mk_inptcheck and a routine in 'shoutcast' to
#    call mk_inptcheck and give a proper reply to the user. Execution
#    speed should be optimal.
#    Also fixed the repetitive copyright message because that was way
#    irritating ;)
#    Questions/Suggestions should go to <mapherick at>

# Here you can define the prefix (trigger). E.g !audiosearch
set cmdpre "!shoutcast"
# Define the location of the binary
set searchshoutcast "~/eggdrop/scripts/searchshoutcast"
# Set exec vulnerability checking on/off (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)
set use_mk_inptcheck 1

bind pub -|- [set cmdpre] shoutcast

proc shoutcast { nick uhost hand chan args} { global cmdpre searchshoutcast
  set args [lindex $args 0]
  if {([mk_inptcheck [lindex $args 0]] || [mk_inptcheck [lindex $args 1]] || [mk_inptcheck [lindex $args 2]]) && $use_mk_inptcheck} {
    puthelp "notice $nick :  TERMINATED: Your input contains illegal characters."
    puthelp "notice $nick :  Unable to process '|', '<', '>' and '&'."
    puthelp "notice $nick :  Please modify your searchterms and try again."
  set msg [split [exec -- $searchshoutcast [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] ] "\n"]
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :Shoutcast Server Search - Copyright by Minox @ #SPooKY / iRCnet"
  putserv "PRIVMSG $nick : " 
  foreach line $msg {putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :$line"}

proc mk_inptcheck {txt} {
  foreach char {">" "<" "|" "&"} {
    if [string match "*$char*" $txt] {return 1}
  return 0
Comments and suggestions are always welcome.


Post by Mapherick »

I found another script vulnerable to this while browsing google, thanks to Avi Norowitz. Bible.tcl. I walked through the bible_brs.tcl i found on bseen/ and i think that's the one. It looks like the script is (still) vulerable but i cannot test it from my current location. I'll patch it if it is.

Usenet Article: (07/09/2002) ...

Post by Peter »

Thanks for your input check function, Maverick. It's pretty much better then my solution.

Btw, the bible.tcl file was removed on 11 July. Check the frontpage ;-)

Post by Mapherick »

Peter wrote:Btw, the bible.tcl file was removed on 11 July. Check the frontpage ;-)
Oof! Guess i need a new pair of lenses :oops: