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"Tip of the day"

Issues often discussed about Tcl scripting. Check before posting a scripting question.
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Post by Alchera »

NoZparker wrote: it is worth looking in the help file in your mirc script
:?: mIRC help? Nothing to do with eggdrop, TCL or any language that makes any sense.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I guess he meant that the same way you look into the mirc help files, you should look in the eggdrop help files. :P
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self defence

Post by NoZparker »

the meaning was ... eg

How do I get the bot to set differant types of bans


pushmode <channel> <mode> [arg]

the [arg] can be found in mirc as in nick!ident@host or any combination thereof
It's times like this I wished I had listened to What my dad used to say. Can't say what it was I never listened.
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Post by Alchera »

NoZparker wrote:the [arg] can be found in mirc as in nick!ident@host or any combination thereof
Ok but, not an analogy I would have used myself as not all use mIRC or Windows. Some of us Windows users prefer XChat (which uses TCL). :D

Mask Types ... by Hobbit is an excellent resource. :)
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Post by Sir_Fz »

If you want to search for an element in a list you can user lsearch. for example, suppose you have the following list:

Code: Select all

set mylist [list "element1" "others" "yet another"]
Now $mylist returns:
element1 others {yet another}
If you want to find 'others' in this list, try:

Code: Select all

lsearch -exact $mylist others
This will return 'other's position in the list, which is 1 (the 2nd element). you can also search for 'yet another' using the same method (yes, this is a single element in $mylist and not 2 elements)

You can also search using wildcards by using the -glob switch. example:

Code: Select all

lsearch -glob $mylist yet*
which will return 2 since it'll match the third element which is 'yet another'

NOTE: There are several other switches that can be used for lsearch, you might want to check them out at the link to lsearch (above).
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Post by Linux »

ERROR: invalid command name "}"

You have probably commented out a line that ends with an open curly brace.

ERROR: missing close-brace

Your braces aren't balanced. Again, one likely, though perhaps non-obvious, reason is improperly commented lines.


Sometimes people find that TCL behaves differently than they expect. for example, you have an if statement that tests a certain condition, but you want to try testing a different condition. You comment out the old condition and type a new if statement. This code will cause an error that there is a missing close-brace:

Code: Select all

    if { $newflag } {
    # if { $oldflag } {
        puts hello
Here, you have to balance the braces, for example:

Code: Select all

    if { $newflag } {
    # if { $oldflag } {
        puts hello
    # }
Another interesting point about comments in TCL is that the line continuation mechanism still applies, so:

Code: Select all

    # This is a comment line that ends with a backslash \
      and this line is still part of the comment
(NOTE: once upon a time someone help me with this error, so... same i do copy/paste from my Logs.)

I'm an idiot, At least this one [bug] took about 5 minutes to find...
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Post by Sir_Fz »

You can use the tclsh (or tclsh<version>) shell command to test your procs or to try testing some tcl-commands (not eggdrop tcl-commands though). For example, you want to learn more about regexp, so you need to do some tests to see things clearer.
:~$ tclsh8.4
% regexp -all a thisaaa
% regexp a thisaaa
for example.
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Post by demond »

a neat one (courtesy of user) for inlining a proc to [bind] when you don't need the arguments:

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bind time - * {putlog "hi goober";#}
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Post by sKy »

Many timers/utimers/afters will cause a high cpu usage. An really easy 'trick' to reduce it:

Code: Select all

if { ! [info exists ::allready_started_minute_loop] } {
	set ::allready_started_minute_loop 1

proc call:every:minute { } {
  name_of_your_proc ?variables?
  timer 1 [list call:every:minute]
If you don`t use to many procs which you call often then you won`t need this really. I hope it`s useful here anyway.

BTW: nice theard ;)
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Post by demond »

I fail to see how your code reduces CPU usage - care to explain the 'trick'?; besides, using repetitively [timer] given that you have [bind time] is pointless
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Post by sKy »

ok, that was a really bad example, many bind times don`t cause a high cpu usage fast and for 1 minute that isn`t a problem.

a extreme example:

Code: Select all

proc myqueue:clearqueue { } {
 # some code here
 after 200 myqueue:clearqueue
proc my:second:queue:clearqueue { } {
 # some code here
 after 200 my:second:queue:clearqueue
something like that will cause a cpu usage about ~5% after 24 hour or nearly ~10% after 2 dayes botuptime!

If you have many endless loops with short repeating times you can save some cpu usage.


In my opinion still usefull is moretools.tcl by MC_8
and alltools.tcl which comes with the eggdrop.

I might add some 2 nice procs:

Code: Select all

proc lremove { list what } {
	while { [set pos [lsearch -exact $list $what]] != -1 } {
		set list [lreplace $list $pos $pos]
	return $list
# example:
# set list "aa bb cc"
# set list [lremove $list "bb"] will set list to "aa cc"

Code: Select all

# Sendftp v1.01 (12/6/97) by Ernst <> ; # Ernst's eggdrop page: (defunct)
# modified by soroh: only removed pingcheck portion, and changed the proc name ; in case users already had sendftp.tcl loaded, as well as aligned the code.
proc pisg_sendftp { localfile server user pass remotefile } {
	if { ! [file exist $localfile] } {
		putlog "pisg_sendftp: File $localfile does not exist."
		return 0
	set noftp [catch { set ftpprog [exec which ftd] } ]
	if { $noftp } {
		if { [file executable /usr/bin/ftp] } {
			set ftpprog /usr/bin/ftp
			set noftp 0
		if { [file executable /bin/ftp] } {
			set ftpprog /bin/ftp
			set noftp 0
  	if { $noftp } {
		putlog "pisg_sendftp: You don't seem to have the 'ftp' tool"
		return 0
	set pipe [open "|$ftpprog -n $server" w]
	puts $pipe "user $user $pass"
	puts $pipe "bin"
	puts $pipe "put $localfile $remotefile"
	puts $pipe "quit"
	close $pipe
#	putlog "pisg_sendftp: file send without error"
	return 1
# this is a part of psig.tcl which can be found in script archive.
# i changed just the return code, 1 if file send sucess, otherwise 0
If you have other nice "tcl-webtools" let me know ;).
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Post by demond »

I can't imagine a situation with eggdrop where you'd want to run a proc 5 times a second ([after 200]); typical eggdrop use doesn't require such frequency, and you really shouldn't use eggdrop for millisecond precision control - eggdrop is merely an IRC bot, not a real-time OS (I still fail to grasp your rationale... where did you get those numbers?)
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Post by demond »

appending one list's elements to another:

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eval lappend thislist $thatlist
However, beware of double substitution!

From Tcl's wiki:
This is a short note to describe a deep "gotcha" with TCL and the standard way to handle it. Up front, TCL seems pretty straight-forward and easy to use. However, trying out some complex things will expose you to the gotcha, which is referred to as "quoting hell", "unexpected evaluation", or "just what is a TCL list?". These problems, which many very smart people have had, are indications that programmer's mental model of the TCL evaluator is incorrect. The point of this note is to sketch out the basic model, the gotcha, and the right way to think (and program) around it.

THE BASIC MODEL (courtesy of John O.)

Almost all problems can be explained with three simple rules:
  • Exactly one level of substitution and/or evaluation occurs in each pass through the Tcl interpreter, no more and no less.
  • Each character is scanned exactly once in each pass through the interpreter.
  • Any well-formed list is also a well-formed command; if evaluated, each element of the list will become exactly one word of the command with no further substitutions.
For example, consider the following four one-line scripts:

Code: Select all

set a $b
eval {set a $b}
eval "set a $b"
eval [list set a $b]
In the first script the set command passes through the interpreter once. It is chopped into three words, "set", "a", and the value of variable "b". No further substitutions are performed on the value of b: spaces inside b are not treated as word breaks in the "set" command, dollar-signs in the value of b don't cause variable substitution, etc.

In the second script the "set" command passes through the interpreter twice: once while parsing the "eval" command and again when "eval" passes its argument back to the Tcl interpreter for evaluation. However, the braces around the set command prevent the dollar-sign from inducing variable substitution: the argument to eval is "set a $b". So, when this command is evaluated it produces exactly the same effect as the first script.

In the third script double quotes are used instead of braces, so variable substitution occurs in the argument to eval, and this could cause unwanted effects when eval evaluates its argument. For example, if b contains the string "x y z" then the argument to eval will be "set a x y z"; when this is evaluated as a Tcl script it results in a "set" command with five words, which causes an error. The problem occurs because $b is first substituted and then re-evaluated. This double-evaluation can sometimes be used to produce interesting effects. For example, if the value of $b were "$c", then the script would set variable a to the value of variable c (i.e. indirection).

The fourth script is safe again. While parsing the "eval" command, command substitution occurs, which causes the result of the "list" command to be the second word of the "eval" command. The result of the list command will be a proper Tcl list with three elements: "set", "a", and the contents of variable b (all as one element). For example, if $b is "x y z" then the result of the "list" command will be "set a {x y z}". This is passed to "eval" as its argument, and when eval re-evaluates it the "set" command will be well-formed: by rule #3 above each element of the list becomes exactly one word of the command. Thus the fourth script produces the same effect as the first and second ones.

THE GOTCHA (observations by Brent Welch)

The basic theme to the problem is that you have an arbitrary string and want to protect it from evaluation while passing it around through scripts and perhaps in and out of C code you write. The short answer is that you must use the list command to protect the string if it originates in a TCL script, or you must use the Tcl_Merge library procedure if the string originiates in your C code. Also, avoid double quotes and use list instead so you can keep a grip on things.
What does this mean to eggdrop? Many scripts use [timer] and [utimer], which pass their argument to the Tcl interpreter for evaluation (albeit delayed), just like [eval] does. So if you are careless enough to write something like this:

Code: Select all

utimer 10 "putkick $chan $nick $reason"
and someone with the nick [die] triggers it, your bot will die before even getting to kick the offender (example courtesy of spock); so, always use
  • to protect from double substitution:

    Code: Select all

    utimer 10 [list putkick $chan $nick $reason]
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getting out of hand

Post by NoZparker »

Whilst most of these tips are damn good info and some i have used myself, they appear to be getting out of hand. and becoming so technical they are hard to follow. Can ya keep it short and sweet and an email address for more info if needed.
Now there's a tip for ya!
It's times like this I wished I had listened to What my dad used to say. Can't say what it was I never listened.
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Post by demond »

well maybe there should be a forum dedicated to this topic
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